(Tutorial) DBO - Graphics Enhance/DBO - Better UI


    It's simple, just extract the zip content into your game root folder.

    1 - To remove the graphics enhance patch, just remove d3d9.dll file.

    2 - Make a file's backup pack/gui0.pak and pack/gui.pak in case you want to return back to normal.

    3 - These graphic enhancement use shaders a little to heavy, if your PC don't support it just remove the file listed above.

    Made by Snaity

    Download: Mega.co.nz

    UI Patch and Graphics Patch example


    Just the UI Patch


  • good that i wont be needing this when my monitor got gaming mode that makes all type of games i play look better without doing changes to the game files ^^ but yeah for those who really want's this i would say its kinda recommended kinda not too cause of your eyes safety

    even for me who use game mode on monitor i use it when i play fortnite and sometimes overwatch but recommend ya to take care of ya eyes ^^

    also ofc its depends on how much you game but yeah if you game 24-7 prepare for future if not then enjoy that graphic :V even tho the current graphic ingame is good enough for me to enjoy from this game :V

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