Idea for temporary passive distribution.

  • Hey folks, just had an idea for admins to do while Daneos is working on the game and to help people get passives without over working the admins.

    What if every Friday (Or day of choice) an admin/moderator/gm would post a thread that would allow the first 10/20 comments under that thread to get their characters passive skills, just until an event is coming or Daneos can set up the quests to give them, that way its first come first serve and the community can stop begging in every chat they can for the skills and the people giving out passive skills won't have to get spammed 100 times a day.

    The thread could also have requirements listed of information needed for people to write down so that you don't get constant one word posts like "PASSIVES!"

    Just a thought.

  • I'm with Errede on that one! Always remember, it's a dev server! They don't need to hand out passives at all if they don't have time, there is more important stuff than passives..

    I know they don't, but they hand it out to some people and deny many which probably seems unfair to others and then its non stop beggars on every chat channel, I was just suggesting a possible way to put an end to that.

  • That's true that it happens but most of the people don't listen, want to cut in line and steal others passives so they can steal it hence why they always cancel the events a lot and do it later. Besides, it takes a lot of time to do that so they do it when they have some time on their hands or when they're feeling generous xD

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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