Thoughts on web mail

  • I am not sure if is possible but even if is, this is still bad idea as i say before. Collect money if you want coins and if you want them to update the game because no one will work for free.

    @slavi ya i know but dogis are one of most expensive items.

    I know they are, that is the reason they sell it in the cash shop. Dogis are the most profitable items here, giving them away means less money for the developers and the server.

  • Web depo is OK, just wasabii failed with it.
    I had many accounts to get web depo items, it was obvious to make a lot of accounts if wasabii give free stuff for each one.
    It should be still in game but items should be given more smart.
    Everything should be binded so no one can trade/sell items from 1lvl characters.
    Hell no for free wagu wagu, silver/brown boxes, upgrade stones and other items which can make someone rich even if they are in 1lvl characters.

    Let web depo be, but smart.

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