How do I download it on a Mac ? , i installed the torrent and everything but the game won't open.. Please someone help me
Please help me ! Mac download
I have the same problem as a mac user, i'm currently using Crossover, an app which helps Windows applications run on Mac. I installed the Setup but the launcher won't open. When i click on it, it just does nothing for a few seconds and closes.
Please Help!
I'm Really Enticed Into Playing The Pre-Beta! -
seems like no one cares about us mac users ..
Game cant play on mac
Game cant play on mac
well thats gay...
Yes you can play on a Mac I am a Mac user
Yes you can play on a Mac I am a Mac user
please help me ?! please , i got it downloaded and everything , now i got this erro at the login screen at says the "Authenitcation failure , youve failed to connect to the authenitcation sever"
Yeah I can help. If need be I can post a tutorial on how to do it for Mac users, but it's going to take some time for it to be finished but it will be nice, easy. Detailed and simple.
Yeah I can help. If need be I can post a tutorial on how to do it for Mac users, but it's going to take some time for it to be finished but it will be nice, easy. Detailed and simple.
i really dont wanna wait but i guess ive been waiting all day so if you could do that it will mean alot to me and all thoses havin a mac and the same plroblem
Yeah I'll start working on it now, if you wanna figure it out by yourself for now until I'm done you have to use something called boot camp it's on all macs just type it in the search bar
Yeah I'll start working on it now, if you wanna figure it out by yourself for now until I'm done you have to use something called boot camp it's on all macs just type it in the search bar
this is what i get bruh ,, and okay ill try to figure it out until ur done but thanks so much it means alot man ,
this is what i get bruh ,, and okay ill try to figure it out until ur done but thanks so much it means alot man ,
are you using mac Operating system or are you boot camping it
I am on my Mac computer using boot camp. Which allows me to run Windows on my computer. So I have Mac and Windows 10 on my computer. I can switch between which one I wanna use. I use the Mac half for work and the Windows part for games and such. Boot camp allows you to use all of that. It gives you drivers and all.
are you using mac Operating system or are you boot camping it
i have no idea what boot camp is so no i am not using boot camp , i used this thing that i downloaded called wine bottle that let me open the dbo exe file and then i get that error^^ please help
I am on my Mac computer using boot camp. Which allows me to run Windows on my computer. So I have Mac and Windows 10 on my computer. I can switch between which one I wanna use. I use the Mac half for work and the Windows part for games and such. Boot camp allows you to use all of that. It gives you drivers and all.
do u have to pay ? to use boot camp or to get it or windows ?
Yeah wine bottler only works for certain games to me boot camp is the best option.
Yeah wine bottler only works for certain games to me boot camp is the best option.
how do i use this bootcamp? do i have to pay for windows or ? is it just a downloadin process
It depend, do you already have Windows on another computer? Or do u have a friend that will let u borrow Windows or a Windows installation cd?
Actually, I'm Using Crossover Which Is Like A Windows Application Emulator.
Here Is What Happens When I Open The Application.
I'm Really Eager To Fix This Issue.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It depend, do you already have Windows on another computer? Or do u have a friend that will let u borrow Windows or a Windows installation cd?
yeah i got another laptop that is windows, (sorry if im bothering with all my questions .. just really wanna play ..)
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