Some questions about the game from an old player back in the game

  • Hi!!

    I have some doubts about the game. I came back to it recently after years of not playing and I'm a little lost.

    1) Where is Dende? I need to finish a quest that I saw that I already completed and get some things and I don't know where to deliver it.

    2) How do I access Papaya Island? I got a level 70 pack and I want to go there.

    3) Is there any way to acquire the "Super Saiyan" skill? A way to buy her or something. I don't have much time to play and I wanted to take the opportunity to use the transformations.

    How do I get Dragon Ball Boxes?

    4) How do I locate field bosses easily? And how do I get the blessings? I don't understand how this mechanic works.

    Thanks a lot :))))

  • Hi, Thanks!

    So, about question 1, I have a quest about that i completed and i dont know where i have to go to get the rewards... its a quest from dende about mob bosses.

    About question 3, where can I buy the dragon ball box???? I dont know where to find the box.

    And what is LFG?

  • For your first question that quest is dragon boss world you should check the icon when this one is 100% gonna spawn and people usually make the quest on moon hill and the most full channel. About dragon ball box is on wagu machine/ world boss quest (your question 1)/ are tradeables so you can buy it from players on Action House/Trade chat/PrivateShops.

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