all channels busy

  • all channels are busy that means they are full or almost full so you keep trying until you can enter a channel or until someone exit the game or get disconnected so you can enter, what I do when I get that is I keep trying every channel until one them let me enter so do this or just wait for a channel to get some free slot so you can enter.

  • When you look at the website it says "Players online: 0". Probably the developer team is working on the server right now. So it's not your fault ;-)

    Those stats aren't accurate, as it always says that. Lordhugo, you're not doing something wrong, either the server is full or the channels are down for maintenance. :)

  • I still can't understand why they do this type of question? if they see that the channel they say OFFLINE is because this OFFLINE, there is no reason to have this type of questions....

    its not offline it is busy, the channel goes from normal when its not populated to busy when it is almost full and to full when there is no available slots so people can enter the channel.
    offline as you said just means the channel is offline for various reasons.

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