English Translation Errors

  • Hi there ! I made an English Translation Errors to let the Translators fix them :) , let's start by this :
    13619821_1219013908143703_373472357251626442_n.jpg?oh=e8d97b6150481fe892b2a0b76cbd52ca&oe=57F6D49EThe Word "Challange" has to be fixed to "Challenge"

    13612201_1219029008142193_7879158221106104346_n.jpg?oh=ed0d859aadd33130c57fff7585257e44&oe=57F148AE&__gda__=1475610831_c880e640af89b8e40e26ac30823b3054 "An" must be changed to "A"

    13619867_1219039514807809_8140166362905994169_n.jpg?oh=6cfa287c764a9190e3028938bc21e0f0&oe=58363695&__gda__=1479910597_980d37a5c1b5e979782ffdf09e62a435 Every name have to start with a Capital letter so the translators have to fix "jiji" to "Jiji"
    That are all the faults I found , I'll add more screenshots when I find new ones.

    Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection you can catch excellence :thumbup::thumbup:


    11_small.png Fighter - RednakZ

  • I've seen some of them too.Good work but you should put it in bug support section because it's more like bug.

    Thanks ^^ But the problem is that when I'll post it in Bug Support Section , none will pay attention to it so making a whole thread about it would be better. :)

    Perfection is not attainable, but if you chase perfection you can catch excellence :thumbup::thumbup:


    11_small.png Fighter - RednakZ

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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