Does the game have rights?

  • I dont really know if the game DBOG has the legal rights to be open,I am just wondering this bc any Company related with the old DBO such as bandai could sue this game and we would lose the game forever so does anybody know an answer for this,bc i dont want to lose the game again

  • Using the names that are in the game, using the "Dragon Ball" title, instantly make this a legal matter. Any lawyer worth his weight would push that, while donations may be used to keep the server active, it is still being used as a form of personal gain, and no money is being sent to the legal owners of the copyrights used within the product. So *IF* Bandai, or Toei, or Bird Studios saw this project, and noticed the donations, and decided to... they have more than enough legal ground to shut the thing down.

    That being said! ESF (Earth's Special Forces), the HL1 mod, is still up and running. They use the character likenesses, and names, along with attack names and audio clips ripped right from the series. However, they removed their donation option *BECAUSE* of the legal grounds it gives right holders to stand on, and removes their right to claim "Fair Use".

    Source: ex ESF beta tester, any number of the developers will vouch for me.

  • They are programing their own server side program. The game have 2 sides... one is the client. The client is the program that you install in you PC and conect with the server side. Client belong to NTL and is free distribution. The other side, the server side, is a private software. NTL had their own server side and nobody else could use it. DBOG have another server side that is being programed by Daneos. This is why, the game isnt full released yet, couse the DBOG team, must program every single thing that you see in your screen.

    is true that the use of names with copyright is a legal issue, but is not the first reason why private server are closing every time. For example, the privates server´s of WOW, uses code stolen from a very old Blitzard software and this is why they are closing every time

  • I didn't say it was. I was just noting that as the game is using copyrighted material in the forms of characters/names/designs/worlds/stories and the like; there are legal grounds for the rights holders to stand on if they want to throw their weight around. This is the risk you run while accepting donations, it removes the "Fair Use" claim that you can defend yourself and your free project with.

    Does that mean that this project *WILL* be shut down? No. As I talked about before, ESF used to have a donation page, and they have been around for 10 years. During the height of the Budokai and Tenkaichi Budokai game releases, and Toei/Bird Studio/Bandai and (at the time) Atari didn't bother them. Just making sure that everyone knows that, *IF* legal action was taken, odds are that DBOG would end up shut down.

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