Posts by fkimn

    Pense que existian los Gm y moderadores en español que podrian proporcionar información, como en cualquier otro juego con staff, pero según veo en tu comentario, estos no tienen ninguna relevancia, por lo que en realidad son un chiste mal contado como todo lo referente a este server. Asi que si, mi comentario carece de seriedad debido a que le estoy preguntando a gente que no es seria. En cuanto al supuesto nuevo contenido con el nuevo cliente, me tomare la molestia de entrar de nuevo a este foro en uno año y veremos que tanto nuevo contenido han añadido, aunque me atrevo a decir que sera el equivalente a 0, como ya dije, este reset me huele mas a ganas de alargar la vida util del juego artificialmente.

    Es solo un juego men si no te gusta no lo jugues. No se que haces perdiendo tu tiempo aca...
    Decis me tomare la molestia.. tomarte la molestia para ayudar a quien o que? Si entras es porque vos queres nadie te pidio nada creo..

    Yo dudes, I just wanna ask what is happening with the server.
    I log in forum once a wile just for see the imrpove of the server. But last times that im log i just see plp asking question that nobody is answering...
    I dont wanna be rude or anything,, srly i dont... I support you a lot dudes but
    Just to now.. Are the mod still active in the forum?
    Would be great read some post about you guys and what re you doing.
    What are your goals for the rest of the year and so.
    Wish you the best and keep going, just wanna a bit more of info of any kind.

    Están desarrollando un cliente nuevo para poder agregar contenido al juego de la manera que vos y muchas mas personas pedimos. Con el cliente original no podian hacerlo y con este nuevo cliente si podran.
    una vez que este cliente esta listo, todas las cuentas seran movidas a este y se reseteara (si sos lv 30-70 tu personaje se reseteara a lv 30 y los cash points seran devueltos.
    El problema es que lleva mucho tiempo y trabajo por lo que por ahora se estan enfocando en desarrollar ese cliente, corregir los bugs. Etc.
    Si tenes una cuenta vieja, por como das a entender, podes descargar el cliente 2.0 y probarlo por vos mismo. Aun esta en fase de desarrollo por lo que no vas a encontrar contenido nuevo.

    pdt. la razon por lo que antes no encontrabas contenido nuevo era este, el cliente original no podia ser modificado. Por lo que necesitaron desarrollar un cliente nuevo para agregar contenido, eso es lo que esta pasando ahora. Saludos

    The 2.0 server is pretty stable right now. The majority of the bugs than crashed the server in early stages are fixed, but still some time to have the same stability of the 1.0 server.

    The flying system has added and is working fine.
    Some features of the 1.0 client that wasnt present in the 2.0 has been added but some another need to be added.

    There is no thread couse all the work is focus on fix bugs and make the server solid like the 1.0.

    You can see the work of the developer just going to his forum wall:…pl-daneos/#recentActivity

    He is working very hard fixing bugs every day or so. but i guess we need wait a bit longer to have some new stuffs and a really stable server.

    Client 2.0 is in test phrase, there won't be any votes or anything to increase the level at this time. All you can do is test any character, any class and make sure to find bugs and report them in Server & Bug Report section. When the Client 2.0 releases, It will be wiped and your character will revert to level 1, If you were level 30+ in the Client 1.0, you will get LVL up 30 Item in Client 2.0 when the wipe happens.

    -Beka, DBOG Team

    He is talking about the 1.0 Client. He just wanna have something to do until the relase of the new client. Even loosing his progress.. that was he is saying.

    Hi guys how are you?
    Just wanna ask the current state of the client 2.0, i was reading a lot of bug fixing, trying the game and seems pretty good and solid..
    Knowing there is no current realse date.. What do you think we may wait to the relase? 2 months 5 months?
    My guess are arroung 2 months more.

    Note that i dont ask for a oficial relase date, just your opinions is more like a guess game.

    One more, if you, like anyone else with brain, elaborate in that useless post you just made, what do you like and dislike regarding issue/changes that are LISTED in my 1st thread, you would show everyone that you have brain.

    Lol dude that was im talking about.. ahahha thanks mate you make my day.. btw i dont know anyone of your friends.. i always write in post that may have impact on the game. The others one i really dont care..
    Gl dude..

    What you mean with discord integration?

    In wich way?

    a pvp channel would be great whit that new raid system.
    Maybe Decrease the drop rate (or not have any drop at all) with a huge raid.

    btw this kind of info is that we need to wait this new client!
    thanks for share!

    the time aspect for any upgrade system can resolve with a counter flag under the gear it self. -increase the counter when attemp to upgrade, decrease "%upgrade" or "%chantes to uprgade" (depending the system you are using) when that flag is increased.

    A new fresh weapon with 0 flags will be more expensive than a old weapon with a hight lv flag.

    before they relase the cap 70 they need relase the new client and see if this new client dont have bugs that can ruin the economy just like now.

    So, the new client will be come in march or something like this (maybe who knows nothing official xD), after that, a few weeks of test for fix bugs.
    And after that the cap 70.

    if you keep this discussion in terms like;

    -- "ppl who want a wipe only want his cash points backs"


    -- "ppl who dont want a wipe are lazy and greedys"

    do you realy think you gonna achieve something?
    Or this is just turning in a dialoge war like the mayoriy post in this forum

    dont you have any other point that wanna make it clear? serously?

    if you wanna discusse about the cash points, its a valid reason (or not who knows) but maybe making a new thread will be the best. Couse this post is to talk about the wipe and the reasons for it.. server health, economy, etc.. and the "cash points argument" is something that maybe need a bit more focus than just "you are greedy wanna your cash points back"


    meanwile keep waiting for someone who can say me why a hard wipe its better than a sofwipe.

    Well ppl are just mad couse another ppl didnt voted what they want,
    Meanwile, nobody give me a trully answer to my basic question:

    What have the hard wipe than the soft wipe doesnt have?
    In wich way hard wipe benefict more than the soft one?
    I already wrote a lot about this in previous pages of this post. So if anybody wanna answer me (if anybody want ofc)
    please read my arguments before.

    For the hard wipes dudes, if you see that other players just doesnt want that, why not try to negotiate?

    For all players -not all ofc- (wipes sides and non wipe side) Attack another people just because they dont think like you (and damm dudes this is a game do not forget that!) isnt productive..

    For the ones telling everybody else greedys, think about that.. why you stand in your position and dont move at least 1 centimeter?

    For the Non wipes side, Nobody want a wipe, the ones who wanna make a wipe are thinking in the best for the server.

    In my opinion, this is exactly that i was telling you dudes. ppl doesnt want loose all, so why you take that position?

    The soft wipe does exactly the same than a hard wipe does but is less agressive.

    So agian:
    hard wipe: +economy - player base

    soft wipe: +economy

    It is saddening that people are being greedy; choosing their levels and items over the game's health.

    I hope people realize that if you cannot face the truth and try and improve the server's state (specifically via a wipe), you won't have a server to use those characters and items anyway.

    well its just a pol nothing else but its really god talk about this things. The pol by it self doesnt mean much... if you see some people just create new accounts to vote again

    Where tf you getting 53% from XD? im seeing 26% doesnt want a wipe, 72% of the people that have voted want some sort of wipe to happen when 70 cap drops.

    You need to think in those numbers dude its goes like this:
    44% want a full wipe (deleted characters)
    So 56% dont wanna have his characters deleted (im talking about the one who want soft wipe and the one who dont want a wipe at all) If you read what i was posting. my argument is : people dont wanna have his characters deleted. Also im votin for a soft wipé, just dont wanna rewrite me agian.. you can read my arguments just up here talking with SumTingWong

    So in what way this pol make my argument not relevant?

    What do you mean with health of the server lmao? Server is already in a bad state. Can't go worse from here.

    Just as you wanna see the wipe the way you described, i wanna see a possible wipe the way i want and the way it was done before.

    This server is dead atm. Mostly ppl online with multiple accounts. A full wipe will make those (who really wanna play it right) come back again cuz they will see a new chance. Keeping lvls will cause problems when it comes to farming. Imagine all lvl 60 players farming at the good spots in all channels. People like you would be the first ones to come to forum to yell cuz they have no chance to farm in peace. Also if you do a wipe, in any game, best way is always! a full 100% wipe. So i wanna see that happen. I would accept the lvl 1 with character name keeping etc. since some ppl do care about that part and it would be nice for them to keep theirs (yea yea i got back to the names but since ppl are around, i gotta think about them too) But at the end, i don't care too much about that part cuz it's not really important. Hard Wipe is the way to go when you wipe.

    Let me se if i got it: You said that all ppl will be farming at the same spot.
    For that you only need to add more channels. Like in the first weeks of the open beta. Ppl already know how that work for pvp things (like tatami rankeds etc) you only need to go to the most populated channel.

    Is true that right know a lot of ppl has stop playing, but a loot of those are just waiting the new client (freeze issue, cap 70, etc) they are just waiting but if you delete his characters many of those will not come back. So always can go worse, thats why you need to be carefull with the players trust.

    Please dont forget that this is just a game you cant ask for loyalty to players at least that you wanna have a server with 100 hardcore player and thats all.

    The full wipe is the last chance in all servers always (at least you have a arpg or something like that that is managed with seasons)
    I already said it, we are almost there but not at all,
    The soft wipe isnt my desire or the thing that i wanna see (if i could wish i like to said "i wanna see a server without bugs and a good player base no wipes at all and all we be happy). Im just thinking in the best way to resolve the actual issues, like the post said.