How to delete a character

  • So i see many people asking what is they're character deleting password and that their regular password doesnt work. well thats because its a different password you need to set it up :
    1. Go to here :
    2. Login to you account
    3. Click on "User Panel" at the top right
    a21896d60f11446eac278459f338f21e.png 4. then click on "CHANGE CH. DELETE PASSWORD" :
    5. Fill your password and your desired password for deleting a char(im pretty sure it could be the same as your regular one but its less secure) and then all you need to go is go in game press on DELETE while viewing the character you want to delete and use the new password you just created :)

    Hope it helped :D

    Edit: if you had your account before open beta the default pass is :123456789 but i advise to change it .

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