Posts by Muh

    Like in HK version stones to lvl U50

    some more dogi

    Exp +30% scroll

    maybe some kind of bag with suprise item - where you can win stuff like in the old punchout events..

    everything character binded - not tradeable / not saleable of course. And it should only be added after AFK System is done - these 4 or more account AFK "players" su*k!

    Try to find someone to help u with UD 3. Or for quests check out Aria Watercave at the Korin Map (it is north of the map near the map revealer).

    Please The drop of the ITEMS LEGENDARY Of the TMQs Is very Bad ,The TMQs They are dying nobody wants to do them.

    Item drop as a whole thing sux or is bugged, not only tmq/UD. You can't drop legendary at all - execpt lvl 70 and quest items.. superior, excellent, and rare droprate is way to low too. You can't drop lvl 1 gear - yes i know it is useless, but you could drop it in retail! Maybe this was done to prevent the drop of useless craft materials, i don't know.

    Stones rate.. well everybody knows about that.. Yes UD/tmq has higher rate, but it is still not same as retail.

    There is good stuff too: DB droprate is very good - atleast i like it the way it is..

    i can't test atm. Maybe i understood this wrong, but if your char has 0 CD Reduce it means RP effect CD Reduce is useless now right?

    It would reduce 0.0 seconds because your char has no reduce stuff..

    the droprate is ok

    you only must kill much more mobs or team up with someone to help for search

    but run around didnt helps you look for a good spot with mobs in you lvl range

    kill mobs fast and hope does they respawn as db mobs

    Thats the worst way to hunt in dbog! Running aroung gives me waaay more db's today i got 14 in 110 minutes(late start)! Before droprate was reduced like 7 weeks ago i got 22 to 26 per hunt! And this is no lie! That is true!

    In old dbo slay and resprawn was good, but not here, because system is different..

    And they disappeared probably because they did a ranked match.. I'm no friend off this 3 or more multi accouting thing, but it is still legal..

    you need to kill a vehicle with a cannon on it and 4 red pants pandas! They are walking around somewhere between the 3 circles on your map. If you can't find them switch the channel.

    I didn't understood you Muh, sorry

    Daneos destroyed our game with this low str and dex.

    Now I dont see why lvl up a physical class, energy damage is higher, 1 hit kill all 30 mobs

    i couldn't either! :-) Reworked it a little..

    None of them for me. Old damage was a little to low compaired with old HK version. However it was not so far from it, new one after update yesterday was fun for a moment, but nonsens 35k crit with +7 weapon for DW? Come on..

    So i pick old one - with little increase..

    Na the formula is still not really good.. For pvp ok, but for pve?

    A lvl 25 super mob can hit my lvl 26 char with 450 damage - not even crit hit, on 3x +9 armor.. Thats definitely wrong..

    It seems that the old formula only applies to players, but not to mobs..

    Stuns and bleeds from low lvl mobs still way to long(13 sec stun from lvl 7? No way! Used to be 6 seconds or so!) and still lvl 7 mob can stun lvl 70 almost every time.

    Still a long way to go, but i still think someday we will get the right stuff..

    I think 1 problem is that the "quest items "limit is 30 slots. So if you have more than 30 quests that require you to get items to fullfil a quest some won't work. Worse if it is coded badly it might crash/glitch your char due to memory leak.. We had that problem in first tests if some of you remember..

    I agree that the limit could be higher - 25 or 30 would be cool, but it needs some coding.. serious coding.. and it depends where the quest items are stored in the memory.. 20 Quests worked for me too. I'm not sure but wasn't it even lower - like 15 or so before lvl 50 or 55 patch?