Posts by AMZD

    If i'm not mistaken, the Mobs have an abstract class and all the mob types inherit from that class.

    Yes and no,the mobs are different types due to landscape area and level,there is a way thought,global affect,but the events on BOSS and others like fish,frog,caterpillar mini ones,will be affected as well...So if he codes different those might be possible...

    Its ridiculous though,because we can assume only,we dont really know what are the chances and capabilities of the client,since we dont have any information from the team or any member of this community that has the knowledge and time,having the files for practice or test things around...

    For things like this there is one solution and it will work 100% and finally stop this damn mob steal sh*t forever!

    Daneos should add an anti-ks system! If you attack a mob, no other player can attack it no matter what they try. The system won't allow it. The only other ppl who could attack the mob while you fight it, would be party members only! This is the only solution for this mob steal problem.

    I dont see that happens,needs to code every single type mob on every single character,all that coding,translating to lag,client capabilities are limited,i would support the thought to leave it as it is,decrease the chance of drop and increase the hours,but that seem unlikely as well,as he is the only one that actually handles events and everything else...

    This is my point of view,as i said,almost none will like it,good luck reading it.

    Payment gateway

    Every account bound per 100usd per month - total donation limit of 100usd per month on each account + open donation link with no trade.

    5 usd 150cp - holiday offers 200cp+5 wagu coins

    15 usd 350cp + 1 wagu coins- holiday offers 400cp + 5 wagu coins

    30 usd 650cp + 1 wagu coins -holiday offers 700cp + 5 wagu coins

    100 usd 1500cp +5 wagu coins+1 wagu coin a day for 30 days-holiday offers 1850cp +10 wagu coins+ 2 wagu coins a day for 30 days

    Wagu machine

    No dogis

    equipment boxes from x 30 to x5 bind.

    Seal coins x5 bind.

    Cash shop

    Flying jets speed increase,fuel speed decrease.

    Wagu coins x 5 200cp,only x5 .


    All or most with p2w aspect cash shop items bind, except wagu coins.

    Few prices adjustments on items

    By now there should be some data on sales,to adjust them,either increase or lower...

    What is getting removed

    Cash Shop

    Seal coins

    CC battle tickets.

    Token Shop

    everything,no token shop.

    Few game tweaks:

    CC battle tickets at merchant for zeni,standard prices

    Low exp scrolls at merchant for zeni,increasing prices as time goes.

    Low autopots at merchant for zeni,increasing prices as time goes.

    Gifts box flying jet and 20slot bag permanent.

    Upgrade stones drop increase.

    Equipment boxes available on 60-70lvl cap.

    Low chance of drop at end game dungeons(cell-bacteria) equipment boxes and wagu coins by mobs,

    5 max per run,if mission fail, exp and items gone wild.

    Better stats on rare and superior gears more crappy on legendary(need boxing) but more total amount...

    Dual client disabled,sandbox permitted(unpaid version offers 2 clients,paid 5).

    Seal and wagu coins on merchant or BOSS npc for x fixed* amount.

    Remove all current items in game,if possible,if not,well f#ck,wipe again.

    Mundosa farming,10 minutes cool down on same opposing characters,actually entering the match and lock them,with a warning before accept entrance.

    Budokai 4 weeks prelim elimination (define cap of player limit randomly,by faster applier),twice a day,those who got eliminated have a chance to fight again next week,winner gets a ticket by mail, for next round on the end of the month,all winners compete each other on that day.

    *zeni or gold/silver coins

    I'd love to see you make a free to play mmo with no source of revenue. Yes you can do it, but it will die once you can't afford to pay upkeep. Tell me what is your amazing plan to make free to play games work that no developer has come up with, but apparently you know?

    I would love to see you point me out,where you got the conclusion that i meant,no funds.

    The point i dont like the way the ''dev'' handles the private server,doesnt mean that i dont want him to earn money from it.

    I was and i am from the first people that i gave my thanks and congratulated him,for all his hard work,i even made my forum name to express how amazed i was and still i am...

    And because you gave the example with the people that just complain and dont give any ideas,in another thread,which i totaly agree with you on that,i will later post my view of point,which most people or all wont like it(i am at work atm).

    All free to play games have pay2win aspects. This mmo is actually one of the ones that does not have that many pay2win aspects. I've played countless mmos, and I can attest to it when I say this game is very lenient, and gives you other ways to earn things via game. Though free to play games have to make money somehow to sustain server and other costs for adding new content and such. So if your playing a free to play game expecting there to be no such thing then you may be disappointed as 99% of ftp mmos have some sort of "shop" in the game or outside. It doesn't degrade the game though as it is just there for convenience and the game can be played without buying such items.


    I will also note that people who pay for items I see normally get a bad rep, but it's quite the contrary. That person who paid for the items via game didn't have the time to play the game as they where working to earn the items in game via another way. So when I see people say that others who buy things via ingame are "lazy" I can't help, but to disagree. They just don't necessarily have as much time as others to play the game, and I don't believe they should have there fun cut out just because of that "limitation".

    1st part. This is a private server,the ''developer'' chose to do this as full time,his personal expenses are bigger than the servers or equal,we will never have the proper game,that a retail developing team will offer,you cant compare an MMORPG from a retailer with this one.

    In another aspect,we have never saw any evidence of expenses of this project,obviously thats a personal matter of the ''dev's'' position,but if you do a research yourself,you will find out,more or less the expenses...and more or less(assuming) the current income...

    2nd part. Thats just childish and a common representation of the community's mature level...

    3rd part. Right there isnt any,let me make one, while you exercising your free right to write your opinion,as a person,you violate my intelligence and your idiom as a moderator,no matter your opinion is,it will have the influence of your idiom,as you will wish to maintain it...

    No matter if you deny it or not,i feel offended.

    I understand that you doing it voluntary and your reasons joining the team,could be the most pure(to help the community and not personal reasons).I do not accept your opinion as one,there is no communication from the project to community and apparently either project to moderators...

    That is not a personal attack to you,i am opposing to your idiom and not to you as a person,as i dont know you..Thank you for your time.

    AH is the same for all channels,by trade channel,saying the name of the channel,so if you got for that channel,you know what to expect,population will be stable after 70lvl cap,server can definitely manage that,we are not demanding anything,the OP suggested something and some are pleased with it,why you are so negative?its fine to disagree,we are not making any decisions,we just talking,for the common good of everyone...

    you are requiring alot of changes tbh and that will have a low impact on those who are already rich.this is not the way especialy that later on boxes will become new currency and the zeni that already have no value will drop more because of the AH fee.. i really wanna solve this problem like you but this is not the way .id prefer no lagg over high prices anytime

    That can be fixed with trade channel and afk system DC on others,agree with the hell of changes,its a nice suggestion thought and it would nice to test it anyway...

    I would like to congratulate the Mod team for the great effort and time spending,to provide those awesome mods,you are the heart of this community and the reason i am proud being part of it,thank you.

    With the chance being here,i would like to ask you,if there is a possibility to go 1 step further,or at least try to find a way,to mod: flying jets(mounts),sub weapons,back packs,pets and anything that is available to you and show us your awesome skills.

    I know i am asking a lot and that most of your work,comes under request,i am asking thought to provide us,a teamwork project,something big.

    Also to open a gateway for donations.

    although danos doesn't have this excuse it is still something to consider when playing a game game with a different developer and publisher(like dbo original was) Bandai of Korea owned the rights to dbo. In order for a publish to support a version of dbo they had to provide upfront money + royalties( I actually negotiated with them for 2 games, but couldn't afford the upfront payment) games had to make enough money to pay for servers, staff, give bandi a chunk they are happy with and still turn a profit. Publishers are not as greedy as you think. There are a lot of cost recovery in publishing a game and if the developer isn't happy with their share doesn't matter if you are making enough for your side to stay afloat.

    Can you please enlarge the ''excuse'' part,sorry but my small brain doesnt help me,in other words,i didnt get it,thanks

    Cosmetic, pets and mounts take work. Why work that much when you can get money from cashers free due to their personalities.

    Cant agree more,its easier to get the lollipop from a kid rather to steal a bank,but honestly stating that over and over does it gets us anywhere?

    I believe its better for everyone to calm down and see that we dont have anything to split,its a game,its suppose to be fun,speak the reasons why you believe your fun is ruined,the whales,the cashers,the f2p are all here for that reason,there should be a common way for all to have fun and we need to find it...

    As someone who has worked on many games before and played games for my entire life I've never understood why people hate a cash shop based economy. We are all adults or at least teens here and I'm sure we all understand nothing in life is free. Games need to cover upkeep cost. I'm interested in hearing what system you would implement to cover upkeep cost.

    Based on this thread people think grinding should be the way to earn everything. Do you guys understand that just makes bots king of the economy? No human will ever be better than bots at grinding, so pick your poison. Do you want cash shop to control the economy(at least they pay server cost for you and trade for your zenni) or do you want who can grind the best?( bots rule economy, put extra stress on servers, and don't pay upkeep cost) because I'll tell you right now there is no economic system where a normal player is on top. You can blame cash all you want, but the alternative is worse than you think.

    All new f2p generation games offer micro transactions,as you would know,for p2w content or for the great head start,the point is what they offer on end game and what are the possibilities for f2p,take a note,that this is a private server,its not a high end company,which means it wont offer more than the client offers.

    Most people who complains,they say that the gap between cash players and non cash players is huge,even on the original game you had the possibility to reach the end game as a new starter,here as well,but with more effort.

    Also,the community where promised a clean game,on POB there were bugs that killed the economy and now its fairly killed by cashers or it will be.

    Grinding is the only way to go,as a f2p to reach the high end content,on all f2p games is,there are currently speaking, 3 f2p games that are totally free and not p2w,they are not mmorpg though,they tend to be,also the pvp content on the 2 of them has low interest.

    I dont believe anyone here,that is f2p disagrees with the founder packs or even cashing to get huge exp and cosmetics or even guarantee 1-2 complete upgrades for their gear,i believe the problem is the cash amount that some spend,to get everything from 0 to 100 and hold the economy on their hands,which is legit way,but the game shouldnt allowed it.

    Community lucks of common sense,there are more than 3-4 examples of game companies that scammed their player base and of course they got away with it,this is a private server,the payment system is donation,no one can claim their money back for no reason,there are no safe claims,people use to afraid to support,private pirated games,obviously now dont and also they have money to throw way,even risking bank accounts being handled by currency,nobody guarantees that the game will run for certain amount of time,we all hope,right?

    My point is that i am happy and great full that people donate ''for me'',but there isnt any form of donation,its payment/trade,more the people cash,more the ''creator'' gets happier, consider that when the big wallets stop cashing due to having everything,the ''donations'' will be minor,that will put the games future in an end,what stops him to quit? Only the really rare occasion of new big wallets arrive...

    Donation with RNG cash items would be fair and more than enough to keep a private server alive,as for the ''creator'' the founder packs are more than enough for income,also for income i bet he could find other ways with his game to get it,cosmetics,pets,mounts...He could work with the mod team to import new items ingame...

    There are some good prices on old CRT monitors out there...i bet you can afford them...

    If you find my comment appropriate report me.

    But please,think what you are asking...or better do a small research your self,see when the game was made,from who and what is its current state...

    The game will always going to be flagged as malicious software,its a private client that the rights belong to a company,so they fight back and giving the files as malicious,also the same with the host address,thats why and the .to on the website,expect it.

    As it comes for firewalls and antiviruses,to have a fast and proper game you will be needed to deactivate them,this is going on years and years with private servers...

    Moderators luck of skills

    Yeah most of them luck of skills,if you dont have the time to read and punish people who violates the forum rules,you are not for the job.

    I do not accept a closure of a thread with a reason of people going out of threads main point,either make the OP moderator for his thread or actually moderate it your self.

    Its unacceptable to use your mod ''powers'' when only,being in a position you cant handle.

    Moderation aint easy and for this community might seem imposibru,start taking heads and add a permanent ban for people that repeat same violations(even if those are minor violations)be strict,some things happening intentional and its absurd.

    I am a commuter and i wish to remain as one,i demand to be heard and have same rights as everyone,i demand this forum to go to next level,i demand respect as i respect everyone,wake up and start moderate.

    Mods should not post their opinions,mods should not play the game,mods should be random people and not known from majority.

    Commuters should not know,who moderates.

    Want a clean forum?

    Justice is blind,but we are not.

    • When you have a buff, then you upgrade the buff with SP, and you use the new buff, it does not replace the old one. This is annoying most of cases, bc lets say you have 2 buffers with you. But one of them has bad lvl 1 buffs and the other has maxed buffs, youll stay with the lvl 1 if he buffed you first until you remove it manually.
    • Skill play dead is really weird and prolly bugged, I dont understand, sometimes works with supers, sometimes doesnt, sometimes you are being chased by 20 mobs and doesnt works, sometimes it doesnt. I've died a lot for this. And when you use play dead right when a mob is casting a skill, you'll get the play dead buff removed asap.
    • When you are casting a skill, and you fully cast it and then get stunned/kd'd, you make the animation but you dont do the damage. Its normal if you dont do the damage if the animation isn't dont, but actually ive got the time to do the full animation but the damage isnt applied since i got disabled right after casting it.
    • Galactic Donut damage and debuff arrives a bit later than every other skill that I've seen in the game. This may be because of the animation or because its somehow bugged. If you cast galactic donut on a new target, he will come to you walking normally, and then after 1sec the debuff is applied and he gets the slow. If the ability wasnt casted yet, because he didnt have the debuff nor the damage, then why the hell is he already walking towards me?
    • Now generally, this is UGHH frustrating. Objects do not have the same respawn time, in the same area even when they are the same type of object. They spawn in different times. Lets say you are gathering items, you can collect 1 and wait 30 seconds till it spawns again. But you have to your right another object, THE SAME OBJECT, and it will take 5 mins to spawn. I don't think that this happens to mobs too, but it may happen. Currently I just notice this on objects, a lot.
    • And this quest, if someone has recently done it, the npc stays there and even tho you use the key on the jail, nothing happens, so you have to change ch. Npc's shouldnt stay so much time like that when a quest is done.

    Well put,appreciate your effort,keep them coming...

    Can you please,when ever have a suggestion or want to test things out and get the opinion of the community,do it more organised?

    Like trial period of testing new aggro system,

    testing period 2 weeks

    then make a poll,saying that there will be a poll and that you will ask for opinions after it.

    Its more constructive,it gives innovation and has more effective structure as the community involves.

    The community(including myself as i am a part of it) is way more immature and toxic to handle things the way you do things now,can you please just try?

    Few assumingly bugs,

    1. casting skills from other players,all good there,but when it comes on sound effects from their skills,the sound is so messed up,that i can hear people casting skills like they are beside me while they are more than 50m ingame, same as they where 1m away from me...(wouldnt mind if i was able to hear this at 10m only).

    2. mobs,mobs being alarmed from other players and i keep looking my back,not knowing if i alarmed any or was someone else that did.

    3.flying,when im flying over farming areas(quest gathering - item hunts) i am hearing all the sound effects from skills and drops from other players.

    4.other players,im hearing and seeing visual effects of other players,when they level up or getting rewards from quests(that will trigger thoughts that im bugged but i am not,as i redownloaded and installed the game over and over with same effects).

    I am posting these,as bugs that could relief the server and our clients from processing those minor but crucial for some players bugs...

    Is that happening only when you run DBOG?is it like that always?are you using onboard graphics card?are you sure your game folder is white listed?are you running the game as admin?is your disk running properly?any drivers outdated?