Posts by Kirito

    This has been answered before. There will probably be one server (maybe two, because of Asia and chinese/korean/japanese letters), and each channel will be hosted in a different region, for latency enhancement purposes, though it also allows you to switch freely to be able to meet up with friends. However, it's not a 100% confirmed thing yet.

    Answer me this please.

    As you know, I am but a simple moderator. I would love to answer them, but only a dev like Daneos would know how to, since he'll be deciding it. Therefore, we should wait for him or someone who knows to be able to answer them. I'd love to know as well! :D

    Though, I can say that asking if anything in the game is fixed yet will probably result in him not bothering to reply, at least most of the times, since you can always check what's fixed at the end of the day (depending on where you live), right here .

    As for the glitches where you used dash and went through things (seen especially abused in Dojo battles), I can say that those are things that most likely have be fixed with the 3D modeling of the maps themselves (which you can definitely expect!), rather than with the dash skill.

    Hope that helped shed some light in any way and hope that Daneos or someone can soon give you direct confirmations regarding those specific questions.

    You still do sound like it. :whistling:

    Anyways, I'm well aware that you can upgrade your skills. It's pretty useless to point that out to anyone.

    But yes, it will be unbalanced. The point of reducing level cap for a few days/weeks isn't to make it balanced, since that has nothing to do with the reason why every other game does it. I mean, why worry about the PvP meta at that point in time, when the point of it is to let everything settle in first? Selfishness will not help the project get further. I'm sure you can be smart and understand the reason behind it, after I explained it in my previous post, so no need for me to repeat that.

    If you want to talk about bug testing, that's what the Alphas and Closed Beta tests are for. By the time Open Beta gets here, just like in any OBT, the game is supposed to be nearly completely fixed, with only very minor stuff left to change.

    You're free to keep complaining about how you think it'll be "unbalanced", or about how it bothers you so much that there's other people who don't agree with you, but in the end, that's not the point of the idea of it, so it won't matter.

    I'm also fine with the cap being 70 from the beginning, if you somehow didn't understand that from my last post.

    Since neither has anything else to add, please not flood the thread with spam, since this is about answering player questions. If you wish to have a community discussion about this, you're free to create a new thread. ^^

    yes but the scramble event is a bit different its usually people with some sort of gear and organization trying to kill people for dbs. and its usually with the higher level people. but a pvp server would make it so people are questing and fighting so they will be around the same level. unless you get those people that camp lowbies of course. and it could be all the time making the db scramble still unique and seperaste

    What I mean is that it still has the same end result that you're looking for. Join Scramble while questing, don't go after the db's, kill other players of your level who are questing around you or defend yourself from them. But who knows, Daneos might prepare something like that.

    a server with open world pvp would be really fun. ive always enjoyed games where u can get attacked by players while you are questing.and since there arent going to be a crazy number of ppl playing the game its not like you will likely get camped that often and killed a lot maybe aside from around launch time. but battle grounds needs to be a thing!

    Like PsY兇手Oz said, that already exists. Its called Scramble, an open world PvP event where any player (lvl 45+) can join. The main focus is to gather the Scramble Dragon Balls, but if you just want to join while questing, you can do that, too. Also, we''re still to see how the level limit for Scramble and schedules will be in DBOG.

    It was a gift on TW server..

    Why redo all the skills and the levels that these skills are learned? If you don't do that the game will be unbalanced as f*ck! Sorry, i think this is lots of wasted time and work! The Team allways have the possibility to block certain maps, like mushroom- porunga south and papaya.. But redo all the skills? Na, no good..
    If you wanna play old DBO style so bad, go download "Daneos Server files 0.60" of course you won't have fly then.. :D
    Well, let's wait and see what team will decide..

    Don't you think there's a reason every game does this? Also, I was simply stating how I would prefer it and how it would be healthier for the server, not something that is confirmed to happen, so no need to sound so offended. :P

    I'm sorry, but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about when you say "redo all the skills and the levels". When level caps are raised, you don't start from level 1 again, so you're not redoing anything.

    The reason why I rather there be caps that slowly increase: Anyone who played TW since the beginning, or even anyone with a bit of mmorpg knowledge and common sense, would know that it's important not to rush content on launch and that lower level caps is what they always do. Obviously, there's a reason for that. There's something called "content exhaustion" and the game needs to remain interesting in the long term, while they continue fixing everything, so that they can start adding more content afterwards. In our case, custom content made by DBOG.

    So yeah, just because some people only care about rushing to 70 and then going on plat to own lower level newbs or something, doesn't mean that their greedy asses give a good reason to make the cap lvl 70 from the get go. One week isn't even long, at all. But either way, this is just my and many other's general opinion on the matter. Although, some could also want lvl 70 cap for other reasons, and if it does end up being 70 from the start, it's not gonna personally bother me much anyways. ;)

    Hope that cleared it up for you~

    40 cap would be best start but give skill calculators after every cap? And will these pets make a return ? (Some were taken out after pet update and I've never seen that brown cat, thats bulmas dad cat ? Anyway will he be in dbog cause he looks pretty dope I gotta admit)

    Only ones we never got to see in-game were the smiling panties and the Mr. Popo ghost one. That cat you mentioned was actually given out for free to the majority of players, but I can't remember if we got it on KR or TW.

    I also agree that the level cap should not be 70 from the start. I would say 40 for the first week, then raised to 55, 60 and then 70. However, Daneos is probably the only one who can answer this question right now, and still, he might not even know for sure what he's going to decide on that matter yet.

    é por isso que ainda continuo achar que os tester's deviam ser escolhidos a dedo , muita gente vai com intuito de jogar em vez de procurar possíveis bug's para contribuírem com a vinda do servidor mais cedo . Já no outro Alpha de 140 jogadores apenas metades deles e se chegou metade que reportaram bug's.

    Enquanto que concordo e tenhas razão acerca disso, devo também mencionar que os testes não são apenas para testar bugs, mas também para testar a estabilidade do servidor. Não é realmente necessário haverem 500+ pessoas a encher o forum com posts dos mesmos bugs repetidamente porque já há bastantes que o fazem e o pessoal da staff não está preocupado com isso.

    Já para não falar que os players que consigam chegar a levels mais altos, poderão encontrar outros bugs lá mais para a frente que os outros de nível baixo não conseguem. Mesmo que uma pessoa não esteja a reportar bugs, pode ainda mesmo assim encontrar um que faça crash ao server, e assim que isso acontece, o Daneos vai logo ao log do servidor para descobrir quem causou o crash e como, para poderem reparar o bug. Portanto, na minha opinião, é bom termos grupos de pessoas dos dois lados, concentradas naquilo que preferem fazer. ^^

    It look's like ppl will buy this "Founder Pack" for "Access to all Test Phases" so there will be no 500 random accounts only "pay to win"...


    Imagine this: If there were no founder packs and you were still able to donate to help the project, if you donated some money and then didn't get selected from the random amount of people who will have access, wouldn't you feel left out? There will still be 500 accounts with access, and the people who do decide to donate, they are extra users, separated from the 500, who will be able to participate and want to garantee being able to get access (along with all the other perks that are offered).

    It is entirely the player's choice to donate and nobody is forced to do it to be able to play; there is no p2w. The founder pack system is simply a reward system to show players that they are equally grateful to them for helping the project, just as they are grateful that the team is doing so much to bring the game to them (which is why they choose to donate).

    Hope that cleared it up for you and hope to see you in-game soon! ^^