Posts by Santo

    If you joined a guild recently or the guild you were in is getting more members. Your game will freeze for a long time, to fix this, please go to your Windows Defender Security Center, then click Virus & Threat protection, then click on Virus & Threat protection settings and turn off the "Real-Time protection" option. It won't freeze again while that option is turned off.

    - Santo, DBOG Team



    In honor to the old FusionFall game, we have created this Guild! Some of you might remember it!


    Greetings players! We are currently recruiting new members for our guild FusionFall, a friendly

    and supportive guild for all new and old players who would love to have fun at the game and their adventure.


    We are constantly doing UDs, TMQs and helping our guild members to level up and make good friends while doing it.

    We hope you have a great experience with us!

    We also have a Discord channel that can be found at the description of the Guild by pressing the G key, remember this is only for our guild members.

    If you decide to leave the guild, we would have to move you out of our Discord server as well.

    Please remember to be respectful with other members, we don't allow offensive players in our guild and as soon as we see bad behavior, the player will be expelled from the guild.

    If you are not active in a whole week, you will have a high chance be expelled from the guild, be sure to let us know if you will be

    absent for some time so we can keep your character in it.

    Please feel free to write a reply here with your name and your race ingame so we can add you to our guild as soon as we can, or you can contact

    the Master or Junior Masters of the guild ingame, they are shown below.

    • Santo 11_small.png
    • Beka 11_small.png
    • Atrea 18_small.png

    As always, good luck!

    Si estás en Windows 10 necesitas ir a la configuración de Windows defender y quitar la opción de “protección en tiempo real”. Mientras esta opción está activada, Windows 10 tiene problemas con el juego, solo desactívala mientras juegas, al terminar puedes volverla a activar si gustas.

    The mission "Looking for a Robot - lvl 38" Is not working, you are suposed to beat the Boss Remodeled Pilaf Machine at UD2 and then the mission would be complete, well, is not working.

    Also, afer accepting a Ranked Match, you will be stuck in the following screen if you are the first person to accept the match.

    Actually, I don't understand it.

    Hablando de los criticos, es muy dificil sobrevivir a los criticos siendo una raza humana, se mueren de un hit, todas las razas de los humanos pueden matar a otro humano de un crítico, por más defensa que tengan. No sé si se pueda balancear el daño que se hacen solo entre humanos.

    No sé que clase de Fighters hagan One Shot con el BigBang, pero en lo personal, es muy bajo su daño, alcanza apenas los 4mil-5mil y eso que tengo unos guantes en +9 y son de speed. En lo personal el Big Bang ya ni lo he visto en los Fighter, no vale mucho la pena. Y el swordsman, me parece que tiene su daño bastante bien, tiene el Hit Rate más alto del juego y criticos muy constantes, aunque sus críticos no sean tan altos como el Fighter, él puede matar de un golpe igualmente, la diferencia es que debe estar detrás del oponente. El Burning Attack me parece que hace el mismo daño de unos 4mil a 5mil con un upgrade de +5. Si te quieres quejar de criticos mira un Turtle, hacen crítico en PVP y PVE de 30k y lo hacen en area.