Yes, you'll get a lvl up 30 in each character you have lvl30+
Posts by Shiftless
it shouldn't be blocked anymore.
Actualmente hay 2 servidores/clientes. El DBOG1.0 que es el que esta abierto para todos, y el DBOG2.0 que es el nuevo el cual se encuentra en fase de testeo y sera abierto para que todos podamos testear el 13.5.2019.
Cuando se acabe la fase de testeo del nuevo cliente DBOG2.0 este reemplazara al 1.0 y todos iniciaremos de 0, manteniendo los personajes (todos seran llevados a nivel 1 y se borraran todos los items que tengan los jugadores, pero se mantendran los nombres de los personajes y creo que tambien las razas)
Dependiendo de que nivel seas en el cliente actual te daran diferentes recompensas:
If there is a server wipe, will we have rewards?
Yes, if the wipe takes place, all of you will have the following rewards.
- If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get a Level UP 30.
- If your character is level 30+ (at this stage), you will get your class passives (Guard, dash, RP charge & Flight).
- People who reach the maximum level (Lv 70) in less than 1 month will get some (unknown) rewards.
- All the cash points you purchased will be refunded.
ya ha pasado dias y nada, que salga el juego para todos
para eso falta meses seguramente
isn't karma a better option for speed? i haven't played karma but from what i've seen karma can ace in speed and pvp.
don't know about farming.
Mi pregunta es, cuando estará disponible, deje de jugar para esperar y empezar con el nuevo cliente, espero no tarde tanto.
Dijeron que a finales de marzo sacarian el cliente en un server aparte para probarlo. No se si hayan dicho la duracion de este periodo de prueba.
Pq los que no compraron cash deberian recibir???? no tiene sentido... lo mismo con limitar el cash que les devuelven a las personas que compraron, eso directamente seria una estafa.
El cash existe para que las personas que decidan invertir su dinero en el juego obtengan ventajas.
La unica forma de mantenerse f2p y obtener cash es a traves de eventos (si es que hacen alguno en el que el premio sea cash).
Eso seria solamente crear otro personaje....
When I read these retarded reasons not to wipe, I mean there aint any arguments people just say "I don't want to level again", please this MMO is like the easiest one I've ever played and I played a lot of MMOs. Literally you can easily level only problem is 45-55 but u can easily find party for ud3 or grind if you a PVE class, so idk why these annoying kids still complaining and saying "if wipe happens I quit", cool give wipe we won't miss u.
I would like to join
IGN: xXFighterXx
Class: Fighter (yeah naming characters it's not my thing u.u)
Very Active ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
did not say that when you killed mobs and they appeared with the sphere, you had a 20% chance of being released?
when you kill a mob it has a 20% chance of respawning with the ball icon and the when you kill that mob depending of what type of mob it was you have a % chance of getting the ball
and which is de drop rate of Dragonballs? if mobs are marked as dragonball owner? cuz was killing around for 2 hours and no drops at all.
Except that only one drop me, but wasnt marked and only 1.
Normal mobs - 5%
Super - 10%
Ultra - 15%
Boss - 20%
The stealing protection system just doesn't allow you to see other people mobs with ball but you can still kill them and obtain the ball or that is what i think because that happened to me as well.
Normal - 5%
Super - 10%
Ultra - 15%
Boss - 20%
Nvl 45 es el nivel maximo actualmente si no me equivoco el 5 de abril aumentara a 55 y despues habra que esperar de nuevo hasta que aumente asi hasta el 70 que era el maximo en el dbo de antes
el nuevo horario comienz la proxima semana fijate los dias que faltan en el panel de evento
el horario hizo reset pq el evento deberia haber comenzado