Posts by ethanvolcano21

    I'm pretty sure we can all agree that after enduring the latter half of the RP dungeon maps, that there's been a problem wherein mobs can repeatedly spam knockdown ensuring you won't get a single attack off. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or was left unintentionally because it was either unfinished but functional, or that the mods didn't see a reason to improve it.

    Possible solutions-

    1) - Just add a short timer (between 3-5 seconds) which renders the player immune to further knock-back, permitting at least 1 counter attack.

    2) - Or just reduce the frequency which mobs use it.

    Now I don't wanna hear anything about it this being a good Idea, it's poor game design, plain and simple. It allows the computer to inadvertently punish a player for what amounts to rng. And This system is based on rng, the mobs aren't obligated to use it 100% of the time. Sometimes they do it more often than others, but either way it prevents a strategic counter-attack. It's one thing for a game to punish bad play, but another entirely if it prevents the player from strategically attacking due to lack of ability (not all players have aoe), or due to poor mob placement (mobs alert others for help, and sometimes this is unavoidable). Lag also plays a role in this (especially for me lol, but I don't wanna make that the focal point of the issue).

    All in all, it's a pretty glaring issue, that's trivially easy to fix. And by fixing it, it rewards the player for thinking strategically, instead of making them suffer due to a myriad of unpredictable factors.

    I'm not so sure about the first bug, but the moderation team made it so that once per week, a free skill reset would be available from the merchants. And it never mattered who gave the reset- Any character of any race/class can go to any skill reset vender. For instance, a Yoshi could travel to the human world engineer and get a skill reset, and a majin could go to namek and speak with a Yoshi Shadow Knight vender, to get a skill reset.

    As it turns out, a majority of the community is very malicious and toxic. Though the addition of filters does sound like a very interesting Idea, it's immediately met with ridicule and bastardization because- Internet.

    I apologize on behalf of the community's antipathy, and hope that you can simply ignore those players.


    This is exactly the kinda flaming I wanted to avoid. At first I was reading his comment, thinking he was caps locking for satirical effect, but no, this guy's willing to CAPITALIZE every word, as though that would strengthen his argument? He literally used the lines "Your logic is bad", without ever explaining how or why. Then going into allegations such as:




    If I'm selfish, then why do you literally follow that up with:



    I really hope this dude isn't representative of the community... Like, CAPS lock, rages, insults me, makes baseless allegations... I just wanted to have a discussion, and if it just so happens that:



    Lol, if online comments on a forum OFFEND you, then you shouldn't be here. If you get triggered by those who simply have differing views, then why bother responding to the thread? If you can't have a mature conversation like an adult (and if you're a teen well makes no difference, there's no excuse for this kind of inflammatory remarks and petulant behavior), then you really shouldn't be on here. You're entitled to your own opinion, and I respect that. But instead of making a sensible argument, you literally just CAPS LOCK and whine like a child.

    Dude, please for the sake of the community, calm the fack down. And if you can't handle being online without being ready to throw a hissy fit every time a paragraph bothers you, then idk what to say other then you probably shouldn't be here at all.

    Anyways I hate this thread now. I would say close it to avoid flaming, but that's just giving them what they want. If anyone has anything to contribute the discussion, then please do so. I love to hear what you guys think, and see why you think changes should/should not be implemented, or how gear varies. That's all I wanted, just a fun discussion. It wasn't my intention, in any regard, to necessarily argue for change. (I already have another thread for that). So please, if this topic interests you, feel free to keep it going!

    Couse +15 looks cool as shit... and its so you have something to do:

    'ohh i got a stone, should i try and get +13 and test my luck or should i stay at +10' *takes the risk and breaks*

    its fun, hard and frustrating, but fun nevertheless

    How can it be both frustrating and fun- Two mutually exclusive emotions- At the same time? And I refer you to my question above- Can you honestly say that i you spent 50 hours grinding, and get zero reward from it, that you didn't just waste all your time for no reason? Sure, it's fun and rewarding up to a point, but afterwards it becomes a frustrating mess of wasted time and effort, due to RNG mechanics.

    I notice that ppl here are sick about everything, they want get everything easy and for free

    That's not true at all, and it's exactly that kind of narrow thinking that leads to toxicity. People DO NOT want things just given to them for free and without challenge. However, peopel DO NOT also want to engage in a multitude of wasted hours playing a broken system. Don't you believe that there's some sort of middle ground, or are the only two options REALLY just (Either 100% +15 using a single golden stone) or (infinitesimally small chance of +1, with all the stones in the world).

    No, it's just that we can think and consider alternatives to the current system. Alternatives which don't ruin the experience for hardcore players, and casuals alike. Just because we make one community happy, it doesn't entail that we make another upset.

    dbo upgrading system still have sense at least, try black desert and you will feel real pain and sickness.

    How is that relevant to the discussion? I mean suppose I did, and I found an even MORE broken system than the one on DBO, how does that change the impact of what I'm saying? If I argue that the system is broken and stupid, pointing out another, even more, broken and stupid system only illustrates my point if anything- That these systems need to be changed. But I'm open to alternatives. In this post, I really was just asking about the sheer power difference of the two armors. I didn't intend to start another upgrading thread, yet that's inevitably the implication that people got, and the one I had to argue against.

    My initial point was really just a question - Is there really any point in pursuing the +15? Or are there supplements/alternatives, which make it feasible to PVE/PVP without them? For instance, would a +15 armored/weaponed character ALWAYS WIN against someone of +10 armored/geared? Or could the +10 outplay them? It's these kinda questions that I wanted to inspire

    Why even bother upgrading gear to max to begin with? Given that it's pretty much assured that few players (Top 1%) will ever have the time, effort, cash, and luck available to get full +15 Gear, what's next best thing? What's the point in playing the game, if the only hope to get full gear/armor requires hundreds of hours of grinding? There's a difference between a decent end-game, and a dead one, with the former offering a variety of ways to expand the gamplay and fun, and incentivizing/rewarding players to play, and the latter demanding hundreds of hours of your time, with mindless boring grinding, with minimal rewards (along with possible punishment for spending so much effort, in the case where upgrades fail).

    A complete and full end game REWARDS its players for continued play, it doesn't PUNISH them by demanding that they have stacks upon stacks of stones aquired through hours of mindless grinding, without a guaranteed way to achieve gear. Even in MMO's which DO require this kind of effort, there're always alternatives - Either the best of the best gear is only 20% better than alternatives, or just by offering other routes of play.

    Let's examine the differences between +10 and +15- Can anyone really argue that the extra +5 contributes anything major? I mean if it's only minor difference in ability, then why bother going through the trouble of acquiring all those stones, when you could get a large fraction of the armor, with only a fraction of the grinding required by settling for +10?

    Can anyone honestly say that wasting so much of your time grinding on an MMO revival was REALLY time well spent? Be honest with yourself. If there's no point in getting above 10+ gear, then why bother? And if there's no point in trying to get +15 gear, then why is it even in the game?

    Please, feel free to share your thoughts and opinions.

    (Remember, this is just all opinion, so there's no need to insult or put down other players for differing viewpoints. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and no one is right or wrong. If you see something you disagree with, and nothing in your response offers anything insightful, such as a well reasoned-argument, then don't bother responding. Simple as that-)

    I really don't see how the arguments against trade-able dragon balls have any merit. I mean, if dragon-balls aren't tradable, they need to be made more accessible somehow. These are the pro's and con's I see with tradable dragonballs-

    Pros) - (listed in order of significance)

    1) - Makes a useful item far more accessible to those who aren't hunting

    2) - Allows the schedule to remain the same, without having to focus on too many alterations

    Cons) - (listed in same order)

    1) - Undermines the event and "mystical" nature of it.

    2) - It renders some of the wishes not as valuable

    3) - Has the potential to create a new, corruptible market (dragon-balls might be made too expensive)

    But then again, I'm kinda so-so on the issue. I DO believe dragon-balls should be made more accessible, but I believe there are other ways to go about it.

    I will answer to this quick since it's very easy :D

    1. Hell no. Dragonballs are the most special thing to drop in this game. Trading them will make them nothing special anymore. Some ppl will go lazy and just try to buy them to get their wish. But Dragonballs should be a reason to play a little more active once DB hunt starts.

    1- No they're not. Are you kidding? Dragon balls are FAR and away from being considered the most precious objects in the game. A set of dragon balls can be obtained by anyone, regardless of level or skill, anywhere in the entire world, with relative easy. The most precious items in the game include rare/legendary gear, armor, high crit gloves, reduce ailment earrings and necklaces which are obtainable only through skillful play in UD's, TMQ's, and Mudusa (which requires pvp dedication), aswell as u70 whites and purples.

    I mean ask yourself- Which is more important, ssj transformation skill, or 10x u70 white stones? And then realize how silly it is that wishes are actually important.

    I mean sure it can be argued that the dragon does give decent gear, but it's far outclassed by everything in the late game. You don't see metagame players devoting all their time to DB hunting, they go for buffs and thats it. They spend the majority of their time farming stones, and getting high crit gear, which is obtained through PVE.

    The dragon buffs/transformations don't make or break the game- They're only add-ons which slightly enhance the experience. Anyone can go to level 70 without transformation, but no one in the right mind would argue that high level play doesn't need good gear.

    So in short- No, dragon balls and the wishes they grant are NOT end-game. They're not necessary, and they're not the best items in the game. They're just there to enhance the experience, but they can be foregone.

    "F2P means getting the good sh*t with work and dedication"

    That's right. This is why the ACTUAL good gear (high crit % gloves, subweapon, white/purple stones, etc) is obtainable at ANY Time through high level dungeons. It's silly that these mid-tier items are only obtainable during certain hours, limiting their reach to those who can't play DURING those hours.

    The problem isn't really with how they're obtained, it's literally when.

    Some people simply cannot play a mmorpg WHENEVER they want, because they have work, jobs, schooling, etc. Have some empathy towards those who don't have the opportunity to play a VIDEOGAME, whenever they want. And recognize that restricting these mid-tier items to those who don't have those responsibility, negatively impacts the player-base over something which cannot be helped.

    I think the fastest way to level up involves grinding post level 26- The grind from 26-30 is when I use all my xp boosts, and even without the boosts, you can get 800+ xp per mob, and at that level the mobs die easily. You could achieve level 30 within an hour or two from there, but you shouldn't neglect the dozens of high XP quests in korin forest. Here's my miniature guide-

    From levels 1-15-

    Quest as normally. You don't have to complete every quest, but the majority of high xp quests in the beginning of most maps make the leveling process far easier, and level 15 can be achieved within a couple of hours.

    From levels 15 - 21:

    Grind or continue questing. I speak from my own anecdotes- Leveling to 20 kinda slows down at the latter part of the human map, mainly because quest npcs require that you walk from one part of the map to the other, which wastes time you could potentially spend grinding. Since it you're still a low level at this point, it's really subjective about what you wanna do. I hate grinding, so I choose to quest.

    From levels 21-26

    QUESTING is at it's MOST important here. There're gonna be plenty of high XP quests which make leveling an absolute BREEZE. If you were to grind from level 20 onwards, you risk the dozens of quests which give 30k+ minimum (Some quest-lines give 100k+ xp in total, and involve killing mobs anyways).

    There is a minor drawback however: This is also part of the game when you realize some quests are better than others, and you really have to abuse the quest search function on your scouter and your wits to make sure you achieve the most xp over time.

    And finally as I said:

    From levels 26-30

    Grinding. I hate it, I really do, so I save all my hate and rage for these final four levels. Save at least 5 xp pots for this, and you should expect to reach level 30 in an hour or two.

    All in all, this process takes me, a casual player, to 30 in about 8-10 hours total. I kinda divide it into:

    3 hours- Getting to level 15,

    2 hours getting to level 21-

    And another 3-5 hours getting to 30.

    But that's just my input- I choose fun over effectiveness As someone who hates grinding, despite knowing it's usefulness, I choose to do quests because I hate doing mindnumbing, boring, and repetitive stuff over and over again.

    he has all the right to complain because he is sustaining this project. on the other side people like you are the one we dont need.

    No, in fact- It's people like Groobar who're concerned about the state of this game which sustain it. It's the people who're dedicated enough to come to the forums, and spend their time on the forum and care enough to criticize it, that sustain the game. The LAST thing we need is for people to leave this game due to fanboys like you who antagonize those who just offer up their opinion- It's people like YOU who're a detriment to the game. If it bothers you that the games being criticized, then you're the problem, because making players leave the game ensures that the economic support for it will stop.

    Yes, there are some players who spend stupidly high amounts on a video-game, but they're in the < 1% of players capable of providing that support. 90% of players won't ever spend more than 60$, and that's what you have to consider- That in free to play games, literally the WORST strategy companies use which leads to their failure and shutdown, is trying to market the game towards that 1%. Because once you do, and once the majority leaves, that 1% wont be enough to sustain them (Unless these "Whales" as they're called, can somehow sustain that kinda donations, which is unlikely).

    Like if his opinion bothers you, then offer a rebuttal, ya don't have to be so malicious about it.

    For some reason i cant access the website or forum from anything other than my phone? Wgats going on? Every time I try to access either website, im given an error code whoch reads:

    DNS points to prohibited IP?

    I have no clue whats going on. I can still access my account, so obviously i havent been banned. And if i have, maybe it was unintentional? What infractions have I comitted?

    Could someone please explain what happened to me?:/

    Just look at the AMAZING title: What kind of losers play this game for 24 hours a day?! That's absolutely insane! How sad does your life have to be where you dedicate your ENTIRE LIFE to a Korean MMORPG? I mean there's dedicated players, but this is just insanity. Why cater to the losers? If there're souls pathetic enough to waste their entire lives playing a computer game, why alter the game to make things more difficult for everyone else, just to cater to the smallest minority of players..?

    This is what I'm afraid the game is becoming: A server where only pathetic losers who play this game nonstop for hours on end are the only ones to get any good gear/progress done on the game. I mean this game isn't bad, but it's not the greatest game of all time, far from it. Who would wanna dedicate so much time and effort to a 2010 mmo that died?

    I still play Elder Scrolls Online, which is something you COULD play for years on end, and still not unlock everything.

    In addition, why should the namek and Majin races be forced to spend SP on their transofmarion skills? Can't we mend the wishing system ensuring that those skills can be acquired without wasting necessary attributes?

    Actually: This was a direct theft of the half life 3 game files that valve was working on: It would've given insight into the very nature of shoenen battle manga, including a character roster which would've hosted every protagonist from every shoenen anyone has, will, or will ever even think to make.

    It's a shame they couldn't locate the rest of the files, but this was only to ensure that the hype for HL3 would never die. They've done a fantastic service, but this modpack only includes 1/infinity % of the complete game.