Posts by SagChaos

    So, decided to finally give this a shot, as I loved the game long ago but ran right up against the language barrier. Having gotten into the game though, I am currently stymied by a rather minor but frustrating nuisance. Every so often, ranging from 30 seconds to to a couple minutes, the game will freeze up completely, before stuttering back into life a few seconds later. Having scoured around, I've seen suggestions that it's do with antivirus or being on Windows 10, but there are two problems with this for me:
    1) I use kaspersky security labs (debating on whether or not to continue to do so when the license expires); I've tried turning that off, and separately adding the game to trusted applications, but neither fixed the freezing issue
    2) Can't really revert Windows 10 at this stage. The .NET 3.5 framework installer doesn't really work either - possibly because of being on 4.5 - so if that's the solution, I guess I'm scuppered.

    So is there anything else that might be responsible and that I could attempt to fix? Or am I just stuck putting up with this for the time being?

    what is this freezing
    like the game is about to crash like when that blue circle appears

    or like things in game like not being able to attack

    Well , Having lags is a pretty common issue , and is indeed irritating , I have Orange as my Internet provider , sometimes it's good , sometimes it's the worst you can ever think of , when i'm getting lags , a Reboot usually fixes it . So this is the first solution :

    • Just Reboot your Rooter and try again .

    You said that you're not the only one using your Router , well you can simply limit the amount of Data taken by that Person in order for you to have the upper hand . In other words , you'll be having better connection and lag will decrease significantly by limiting that other person's use of Internet , and for that , I can think of a software that my friend told me about :

    • SelfishNet : it allows you to take control of your Router , and thus , limit the Use of the other person's internet

    Best of luck to you :) .

    but it's not selfish if those bastards are draining the internet not using it

    just like how cell drinks people

    Well , Having lags is a pretty common issue , and is indeed irritating , I have Orange as my Internet provider , sometimes it's good , sometimes it's the worst you can ever think of , when i'm getting lags , a Reboot usually fixes it . So this is the first solution :

    • Just Reboot your Rooter and try again .

    You said that you're not the only one using your Router , well you can simply limit the amount of Data taken by that Person in order for you to have the upper hand . In other words , you'll be having better connection and lag will decrease significantly by limiting that other person's use of Internet , and for that , I can think of a software that my friend told me about :

    • SelfishNet : it allows you to take control of your Router , and thus , limit the Use of the other person's internet

    Best of luck to you :) .

    i already found it

    had some problems with it cuz i have win 10

    but i fixed it


    I don't know if you're referring to lag (Ping issue) or lag (fps issue) if its ping issue there must be someone using your net downloading/uploading stuff that makes you lag or maybe you're running on WLAN which causes lag spikes i myself have troubles with WLAN even though i have Orange fiber 400Mbps.

    yeah there is someone on the wifi

    but if i try to download something the download speed is normal and if i play other online games i have no issue

    so there is there a way to make the game take the internet by force?

    So the game usually works perfectly fine
    but today it started to lag and freeze really bad and when i open task manager nothing is using the internet and the game is using 0.1 mbps

    antivirus is disabled and firewall settings are correct

    is there anything i can do to fix it

    Hello and nice video

    if you are a pro and know everything in the game i suggest you do guides

    if not you should do pvp and ranked pvp

    Hi,when i used autopot LP the item dissapear from my inventory and go to buff line, so if now i press to remove it from buffs, i will get it again in my inventory or will be gone? thanks!

    Hi,when i used autopot LP the item dissapear from my inventory and go to buff line, so if now i press to remove it from buffs, i will get it again in my inventory or will be gone? thanks!

    it will be gone

    Thanks, also for some reasons after a HTB, if you get auto attacked you are in some sort of "death" state. You cannot move, you cannot respawn and somebody must stun you before being able to move at all.

    it just happened to me but without using htb my health went to zero but its not glowing red and my character did the death animation
    then the mob kept attacking me till i really died

    To be fair. you realised and posted that 32 seconds before i did so i would not have seen that until after i posted and the website updated :D

    My point still stands though. The first quote i sent you clearly states "times are based on GMT +1 (Germany Berlin)"

    yeah i know

    Well i live in the UK which goes by GMT+-0 and the events start 1 hour exactly before those listed above. Perhaps you are reading it wrong. as those times are correct.

    yeah i said i was comparing it to the wrong gmt+1
    also the website says that time in berlin is gmt+2 not gmt+1 and my pc says its gmt+1
    that's what got me confused

    i just realized what happened there

    forgot to compare to gmt+1 berlin

    and it looks like i had the wrong time zone on my pc since the dragon ball event started

    sorry to bother you :(

    ok so my phone says GMT+1, CENTRAL EUROPEAN STANDARD tIme

    and my pc is UTC+1, West Central Africa

    both pc and my phone are auto set and they are both the exact same time