Posts by Internauta

    actually i only used git to download reps, never used it to make pull requests (or post patches... u get the point :) ) so this would be my first time. that is why i wasnt confident in posting my little patches there :3

    but sure, i will learn it and hopefully i will contribute to the project.

    thanks a lot for the tip <3

    I hope this can be useful:

    • The Git Book is all you need to learn Git:
    • For things like pull requests and forks you must to do those from GitHub;
    • The cleanest way to keep a fork in sync with the main repo: Syncing a fork

    I also think the project needs proper documentation. Without know where they can stick the hands, very few people could be interested. I don't know when i can work on it again, but i'll try to do it in the future.

    Hello weertoop . If you know how to use Git, you can collect all these little patches together into a bigger one and make a pull request on the official DBOG's GitHub repository. If the patch is good Daneos will accept and merge it into the master code branch. He already did this with some of my patches made by me or others :). This project need all the help it can get ;).

    What is the status of the server files? Are they up to date like the official DBOG server?

    I would only be interested for the sake of interest :/

    This source code is for DBOG 2.0, based on a very old KR client. It is different from the DBOG 1.0 (TW) version.

    A lot of TW's functionality are already ported into this one (eg: the flight system), but there is a lot of work to do in order to recreate the others. Also, this version needs a huge refactoring and almost everything must be rewritten/updated, i think.


    Non si può, per un semplice motivo: devi conoscere un sacco di cose per essere in grado di mettere in piedi un server funzionante. È impossibile spiegartele in un tutorial: è come chiedere di assemblare un'intera automobile senza sapere com'è fatto un motore, come ripararlo e come affrontare i problemi che ti si presentano davanti. Seppure dovessi riuscire ad avviare la tua bella automobile, al primo problema finisci in un muro.

    A questo è facile rendersi conto che bisogna studiare per essere in grado di maneggiare un progetto del genere, altrimenti fare il programmatore non sarebbe considerato un lavoro. Se non lo sapete fare avete due strade:

    • Studiate e diventate programmatori: sappi che sarà un percorso che richiederà mesi. Il progetto è scritto in C++ che non è tra i più semplici. Cerca un buon libro e studia :);
    • Lasciate fare a chi lo sa fare.

    Buono studio ;).


    In English:

    You can't for a simple reason: you need to know a lot of things in order to run a working server. It's impossible to teach you such things with a "tutorial": it's like building a car without knowing how an engine is made, how to repair it and how to solve the problems you'll meet. Even if you would able to make it work, at the first problem you'll crash into a wall.

    At this point i think it's easy to realize that you will need to study and become a programmer in order to handle a project like this, otherwise the programmer wouldn't be a job. If you can't, you have 2 roads:

    • Study and become a programmer: this is a long path that will take months. This project is written in C++ that is not the simplest language. Google for a good book and study :);
    • Let do the job at those who know how to do it.

    Good luck on your studies ;).

    Everything is possible by writing the source code. However, I don't think that would be a good idea add new transformations to a game like an MMORPG that should have some balancement between the various races and classes.

    In the humans/saiyans case is pretty simple: Oozaru, SSJ1/2/3/Red/Blue. But what about the other races? Majin absorbtion and Namekian assimilation are not real self-transformations. Ideally speaking those would involve a second "person", like a fusion. That's why I don't think it is a good idea.

    Ciao a tutti, cerco gilda Italiana attiva.

    Giocavo già a DBO.TW, e ero nella gilda ItalianHeroes.

    Conservo sempre il solito nome e classe, MrToriyama, classe Turtle.

    Attualmente sono al livello 38.

    Ehilà, come va? È sempre un piacere re-incontrare vecchi player e gildani :). Noi ItalianHeroes non stiamo giocando, ma siamo ancora nei paraggi. So che un altro ex-gildano ha una gilda attiva su DBOG 1.0, ma non so come si chiama in gioco.

    Nel caso vieni a trovarci sul nostro Discord per un saluto ;) (il forum è ancora in piedi, ma credo che ormai lo visito soltanto io :D). C'è anche l'altro ex-gildano di cui ti parlavo, così puoi metterti in contatto con lui.

    I remember Daneos said that we can't add anything, only dojis. Also the mods are more busy with recovering the lost content of the game.

    That was for the 1.0 client. In the 2.0 client you can do anything you want, but it needs time (depending on what are you trying to do). DBOUR has already worked on this some time ago, that's why they can load custom models into the game.

    As a beginner with no programming knowledge, what should I read to learn building the server?

    C++, mostly. You also need to learn network programming, how to interact with a MySQL Database, how to use DirectX, and so on. These things are not so easy to learn. It will need some time, this is not a thing that you can learn in a few days.

    I would like to contribute as well.
    Downloaded files an hour ago, server is up and running builded with vs2019 only.

    MariaDB seems to works fine aswell instead of xampp/mysql

    Will try the client tomorrow and probably will create a doc in github with more details about how to build both server/client.

    Getting rid of VS2010 and Daffodil would be really nice.

    I just recompiled the tools with VS 2013 only. It works, but i needed to download the Multibyte MFC Library for VS 2013 (the newer versions doesn't need this as it's included) in order to compile the PackEditor.

    It gives errors on some #define macro in stdafx.h complaining that the windows version is too old (0x0400 which is Win98/2000, i think). I just changed them to 0x0501 and it worked. Maybe tomorrow i'll commit these changes too (i'm thinking of trying with VSCode).

    It is also solved by replacing make_pair with pair

    I did some research: actually make_pair should be used without specify the argument types, that's why the compiler gives error. So use pair it's correct. Anyway, emplace should be more efficient than insert(pair()), but it needs C++11 (which is not the right moment to use it).

    However, I haven't bothered much as I see no use for that.

    I'm sorry Daneos but i think that should be changed, because editing only 3 lines will simplify the entire project and let you drop some big dependencies like VS2010 and Daffodil, just using one IDE (i also don't like Visual Studio at all, but i don't complain about that).

    I might change it soon.

    You don't need to make it by yourself: i'll send a pull request on GitHub with the updated code. You just need to accept it into the main repository :).

    I managed to compile the client using the v120 toolset (Visual Studio 2013, which i have already installed years ago on my machine and i didn't want/can't update) and, thus without VS2010 nor Daffodil. This change, caused 3 errors in the code of this type:

    C<std::string, std::string>(strVariableName, ""));

    Which i have modified like this:

    Code, "");

    And the the errors goes away. Also, i have to adjust the Debug flag in the linker (i think because of differences between VS2013 and VS2019).

    For the server it compiles without errors on v120 toolset, but i had to recompile boost for VS2013 myself.

    If this change can be done directly on the code, i'll send a pull request on GitHub (which i suggest to use as main repository even for issue, bug, etc.).

    I also tried to run the client and it goes without no problem to the login screen (i didn't tested in game yet).

    Ciao, hai Windows 10? DBO è un gioco molto vecchio (è del periodo di GTA San Andreas e usa il suo stesso motore grafico) e potrebbe non essere compatibile. Non c'è una soluzione definitiva, ma una cosa che di sicuro aiuta è di aggiungere la cartella di installazione di DBO (e non solo il .exe) alle eccezioni di Windows Defender e/o del tuo antivirus. Prova, dovrebbe migliorare ;)

    Ciao Alexas . Ti chiedo scusa per non aver risposto prima. Purtroppo sono rimasto praticamente da solo e ho passato dei mesi infernali tra esami e problemi personali. Ho ancora materiale da pubblicare, ma non lo reputo sufficiente a farne un nuovo update e preferirei completare almeno un altro migliaio di voci.

    Inoltre, più mi avvicino alla laurea (ormai mi manca poco) più il tempo libero svanisce. Ora più che mai mi servirebbe una mano. Se conoscete qualcuno che se la cava con l'inglese e che vuole dare una mano io sono qui :)