Hehehe, thanks.
And nice to meet you guys'n'gals too!
But it isn't that impressive in my opinion.
Otherwise I would already be occupied with alot of actual paid work ;).
But companies nowadays prefer to outsource. It's cheaper than hiring someone with some expierence in certain areas.
It's something you can see at gamescom for example.
Some publishers have a quite big community. I was SuperMod/Admin of such community but not hired by a publisher. A Volunteer, if you want to call it that way.
Well instead of sending their own people, they tried to get people like me to run their booth (including speeches).
Wasn't much of a problem in my case, BUT they didn't covered the expenses (Hotel, GC-Tickets, travelling costs).
Therefore: Big bad company, booo! Tries to use their customers to save money. And this is a no-go in my opinion.
Or maybe the big companies are afraid of leaking, but that's something wich won't happen.
You know, I prefer to sign an NDA in order to protect my work. As long as it is closed source, of course.
All you see above is just some work I did for self-education, aswell as education for others.
Of course - this has something to do with staying in a legal area. Was quite a hassle back in the days with NCSoft (the only company wich tried to shut a project down - without success).
Well, I wrote a PM to Saito, like it is written in the translation thread.
I guess it's just a matter of time till I get an answer.
And if not - there are other projects around the web.
Thank you!
I am not a fan of the chibi-style they used in GT.
Also, the voiceover was something...one needs to get used to in my opinion.
And even if Dragonball is cool (need to mention this, because there is not much mainstream I actually like),
I prefer mature styled animes/mangas/games with a sci-fi, cyberpunk, steampunk core.
Ghost in the Shell, MD Geist, Gantz, or the Super Robot Wars series.
Unfortunately the SRW doesn't has much of a english translation, nor german. And my japanese only contains words like "Baka", "seppuku", and so on. You get the idea of my non-existing japanese language skills. Also I never got the opportunity to learn japanese. And self-education isn't much of a choice when it comes to actually speaking japanese.