Welcome from Portugal Jorel, may your stay be long and enjoyable.
Cool tip: Stay away from Hekate he isn't that sane.
Welcome from Portugal Jorel, may your stay be long and enjoyable.
Cool tip: Stay away from Hekate he isn't that sane.
Há alguma data já pré-definida para o fechamento do beta?
Brevemente, lembrando que no estado atual do jogo (Pre-Open Beta) nenhum progresso realizado por parte dos jogadores sera gravado na transição para Open Beta (Dito pelo próprio Developer ser a fase difinitiva para os jogadores). Em relação a doações (carregamento de moedas na Cash Shop) já foi referido que seram totalmente reembolsadas a todos os jogadores que as compraram assim que a próxima fase começar.
É relevante realçar o facto de que mesmo que o progresso dos jogadores comece realmente a contar na próxima fase não faz desta definitiva para o jogo em si, pois bugs continuaram a aparecer e testes seram realizados paralelamente ao progresso.
DBOG is a p2w game ? this what thinks someone that never played a really p2w like ArchAge !! BladeAndSoul !! SaintSeiya Online !! and many others that's what i call a p2w games cuz u can't make monney if u don't buy cash items and sell them back !! Dbo is different as tw left him he wasn't p2w if u mouve ur fat as* and go farm insetead on staying at korin And trying to do pvp plat while u have a stuff that isn't even close to bee fine !! i say it and i say it again this game isn't a p2w game u have to go bash mobs u can do a insane mount of monney with some luck and when the bids will come out u can farm them and u can get jewels that u will sell back and make monney then buy cs items with zenies the only aspect of the game that make mee rage is that peopole who try to sell items ( upgraded ones ) for cash points insetead of zenie so technicly zenie is usless in the game and this isn't staff that make this it is the community !!! stop cry and pleas play or leave !!
Just because some games have different p2w systems and maybe even worse than DBO doesn't make the game completly fair to every type of players. I'm not saying DBO is completly unplayable but the truth is that the cash shop could be fair and still give the DBO team profit .
I meant suggested as into make a new system design smart guy
i already did smart guy .
okay instead of criticizing everyone suggestion, how about you suggested a new system then.
I already did.
Ye and how is he gonna pay for stuff ? you seriously think he's gonna stop making money just bcuz u cry about p2win ? idon't even care for p2w as i have a job and can cash if need be, now i don't even need it anymore as everything i need is from farming cc, mudosa...
stop thinking the worlds resolves around ur own opinion.
Tho he should make cash items obtainable from different events n such like early TW :).
You say that because you can actually pay to sustain your character and keep him in the same level as the others, i don't support p2w at all and i will keep my opinion and defend it.
Daneos doesn't needs a p2w system to keep making money.
So brown boxes aren't p2w? Everything in cash shop right now is p2w so please stop trying to shoot peoples suggestions in a suggestion thread
Almost everything* in the Cash Shop is p2w, and that's the problem. And i'm not "shooting people's suggestions", i think almost everyone agrees that a new DBO system should be implemented, and it must be fair for all the type of players.
I'd also like to add that yes P2Win exists, but i do beat up all +15 players so
Even if you can "beat up" +15 players all the p2w elements should be removed if Daneos wants to create a fair game. We used to see back in some years ago there were milions of p2w games but those times are pratically gone.
F50 and F71 tickets and legendary dogi balls for a reasonable price would be neat
I used 30 brown box not even 1 single good stat
1- P2W
2- Unfair
Uau... another Dragon Ball fighting game.
Saddly i can't do such thing as a top5 because i only have 2 favourite anime characters :
1º - Karma Akabane - Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
2º - Naruse, Kakeru - Orange
That's stupid .
The economy in Pre-Beta doesn't matter. it will all be wiped to 0 so it will be reset for Open-Beta.
Yeah right , cause tw's economy was just fineeee, please stop giving Pre-Open Beta as a fking excuse to everything because it isn't ffs .
I get where you're coming from but the whole point of Pre beta is for people to be testing and helping the developer fix the game faster so we can move onto the actual release of the server. This is supposed to be where mistakes are made in terms of deals, money prices, builds, quests.
We are "testers first and players second" some people choose to ignore that and just play but that doesn't change a thing. All actual money donated is rewarding you with CP that will be refunded in full when OB starts so nothing to worry about there too.
I'm not saying your point isn't valid but this is the sort of thing that the community does as. the longer the game is up for the more money is in circulation. The value of 1kk will soon be 10kk the longer things are on for. It's a shame for those who can't be bothered to collect zeni and work for things but that's really how it works.
Bro , you have that "issue" everywhere it's not just in this game. Don't tell me you just realised that , you have that even in real life and it's not really a problem, if they wanna sell something cheaper it's their problem , prices get up and down all the time it's like you said , "economy" , you can't stop the business flow just by saying people to don't do it. Prices at least in games depend on the difficulty to obtain the item or the actual quantity in the market so by this i can tell you how impossible it is to prevent it .
This question has been answered a thousand times but i don't mind doing it again . If you're new to the game i recomend you to just take your time and enjoy the game the most , remember this is still a Pre-Open Beta and things will only start "counting" after this phase so don't be worried about lvling now , try to adquire the most information about the game as possible before Open-Beta so you can be ready . The easiest way to lv for new players is certainly questing but in some situations you'll end up needing to grind a couple of levels but nothing to be worried about .
Welcome to the game and forum , glad to have you in this wonderful community . If you need anything don't hesitate asking .
I probably wont like it but i think i will give it a try , i hope it's available on AppStore .
tera online is a great game tho
Nice joke brah .
I'm sorry, but DBS is OBJECTIVELY garbage. People who enjoy it are only encouraging the writers/ animators to continue being lax in their craft. If DBS is positively received there's little reason for the people behind it to improve their work. Therefore, it DOES affect me and it isn't merely a matter of "to each his own".
Consumers need to stop accepting mediocrity and demand better. It is your obligation.
You should count yourself lucky. DBS is the greatest atrocity to "grace" Dragon Ball as a franchise. GT is bad you say? Well, in comparison to DBS, GT is a masterpiece.
Keep keep your opinion to yourself .
Awesome fanart , keep it up .
Reinstall the game , if the issues presist contact the support via Discord .
Great guide , keep up the good work .
Traded a lv.40 Crafter Human set for Vegito Dogi . That sh*t didn't even had bonuses .
I agree with the part of "we should" , yeah we really should know where the money is going to and how much , but i don't even see big Companies doing it . It would be really good to have such a thing but Daneos doesn't really needs to do it if he doesn't want to .
Aighty , about having more Developers working in the project , maybe Daneos just doesn't wants to have more people working on it , maybe he can do it all by himself in a concidrable time , maybe he just doesn't want to because it's his policy . The truth is , yeah we should have more information about the project itself but the thing is , we don't must to .