Business blue A_COS_23
Business red A_COS_24
Business yellow A_COS_25
The Gohan dogi should be A_COS_22
Business blue A_COS_23
Business red A_COS_24
Business yellow A_COS_25
The Gohan dogi should be A_COS_22
yo pensaba que las mazmorras o TMQs ya no se podrían hacer sin esperar antes 1 hora después de terminarla, por lo cual seria haciendo misiones el lvl up, el problema sera cuando muchas personas se amontonen para hacer misiones en 4 canales, y yo me pregunto si existiera un posibilidad de poder aumentar el grupo como para 6 o 7 personas maximo, o que vuelva la opcion que estaba en la pre open que contaban las misiones estando en la otra punta del mapa el que mataba los mounstros
quieren agregar el raid party con mas personas y la opcion q dices tu era un bug jajajajajaja
Nah, that would be dumb. Either remove them or keep them and make them hard to get. Not a single player should have like 500+ boxes lmao. That's unnormal af. I like removing better tho. Would mean ppl will need to actively farm for good stuff which will be worth more. Helps the ingame economy cuz everyone can make some money.
i want them removed too but craft gear will be better than ccbd cause of that
Display MoreMeh. It really doesn't take that much to lvl tbh. Only struggle is 46-55 and even that is 100% possible without any exp pot. Best option back then was spam TMQ4 before ppl got addicted to solo Multiclient playstlye lol. Also with only weekend exp event it wouldn't be too fast to get to max lvl.
Let's be honest here, atm ppl wanna rush to 70 as fast as it is possible. Then get their equipment (gear/accessory) and do upgrades. Aaaand that's it. Then they go afk at plat waiting for Budo. And while waiting for that they get bored and do some Ranked fights. That's about it. Then you see stuff like "this game is boring" xD. We all saw it dozens of times. It's the result.
Now if we remove the exp pots, we can slow that lvling a little down. It'll be really just a little. Cuz as i said, it's totally possible to go max. lvl without using any exp pots. Just takes little more time. That is actually good for a grinding game. And while we are at it (slowing down process to make things "harder"), remove the brown boxes or make them way harder to get.
I'd prefer remove. Why? Cuz back in DBO, before boxes were added, you were able to farm for good weapons with high/max stats. Here on DBOG it's kinda impossible cuz i'm sure Daneos changed drop rates on stuff like that to force ppl to use boxes. Best sh*t i dropped since POB was an atk speed glove. It wasn't 25% tho. I think a little less. And the only one who knows how hardcore of a farmer i am is Iceman xD. If ppl would have to farm for good stuff, it would also benefit the game. Those max stat weapons would be worth more so F2P ppl would be able to make some zeni. And by making Upgrade harder too by adding back break option and make all stone drops harder (especially white/purple/green), upgraded items would be even worth a little more.
I wanna see majo changes like that. Literally make it like old DBO but with better class balance. Role based clas balance,,,
Atm we have nothing after lvl 70. So why make it easy for us to get there, why make it easy to get all the stuff you want? We'll get there too fast and it'll be boring again. Slow down all the process so the game kinda lives a little longer....That's how i think on how to make this game good again.
instead of removing the brown box you could limit the use to 10 times each item or something like that
My opinion would be nice if random people could watch budokai fights.
it's good idea cause can see who use bugs or give wins
i made a mod time a go, if you like it i can send you the files
dashing behind the enemy is funny
make sure to prevent bugs like duplicate with new merchant system and raid party in ccbd
---no cards, higher upgrade=less chance to success.
---broken possible from +5 for armors and +7 for weapons, if you get broken without white stone item is destroyed and you gotta pay zeny to recover it, with white it goes+0.
---fail possible from +4 for armors and +6 for weapons, if you fail with white stone nothing happens, without you get -1.
---make some zeny cost for upgrade, higher upgrade=more zeny, not crazy prices. all the zeny collected by the npc stacks up and every week who upgraded anything can join a"lottery". the winners spare that zeny.
---lower rarity of the item=higher chance to success.
sorry for bad english
si non è colpa del tuo pc ma dei file di dbog, su win10 a volte hai dei momenti di freeze... si spera nel nuovo client x)
tra poco dovrebbe uscire il client nuovo, dicono fixa questi lagg casuali
target the bank and write @adddefaultbank it worked for me
target the bank npc and write @adddefaultbank
inbox me price, i pay very good.
Inbox me ty
inbox me here or on discord "TheAndypare"
150kk ty my friend
huge aoe just need to use correctly