Posts by Sabin

    You can do what you want and make it better when you will open your own server, because now all what you can do is write post. If daneos will listen every suggestion the server will never start. Thanks to god that he listen no one, and he do what he think is right.

    Which btw was my sugestion, he already removed the destroy item option(well for alpha at least)

    I`d go for new scouter system only because it will be a lot simpler to balance. Having to balance classes around scouter chips must be hell.

    The box and upgrade system was fine. Yes you needed to cash if you wanted to change your item effects but you could also buy your items at the ah.
    And it wasn´t impossible to drop the items you need with the right effects. On tw i nearly dropped all of my equipment myself. You just need to farm farm and farm. DBO was an asian grinder and these kind of games are all the same. Cashers won´t farm much because they just want to do pvp and non cashers mostly liked to farm so everyone is happy. And there will be enough good items at the ah. There is really no need to change anything. And i really don´t like it that you want to take the fun from farming.

    P.s. the boxes were really important for not "hardcore farmers" so daneos could make a lot of money if he sells them at the cash shop and daneos will really need the money. He works everyday (maybe even more then 8h each day) and i think he should make some money with dbo.

    I dont think you understood my point here. So I will make it more clear.
    Yes you can farm the gear with the stats you want, but it will be +0
    So now we need to put it +15 and it will break.
    Solution? Farm huge amount of useless gears , put it at least +13 +14 +15, use brown boxes and change the stat to what I want.
    I used the chinese forums of dbo quite a lot, they had huge amount of tutorials and one of them was how to get yourself nice +15 gears and that was the only method.
    Thats due to 2 reason. Its too risky to upgrade good gears because they will break and its much cheaper to upgrade useless items and use brown boxes.

    Those 2 things together even changed the course of content DBO released.
    Before patch 70 every new patch DBO would release a new time machine quest and a New Ultimate dungeon.
    With patch 70 they released only CC floors and small dungeons. Why is that? Those small dungeons only droped acessories ( impossible to use the box and to upgrade) , the same with the cc floors( and later cc floors actually had Titles that are also impossible to upgrade/box).
    Any content adding new gear would be pointless at this point.


    Let DBO how it was and everything is fine

    Fine? DBO failed. At least we can make a better version of it.

    Errado vcs me culparam por ter roubado os brincos do kaka e teve um dia que ficou eu vc mussoline e orz na arena batendo boca sobre isso .. Como Paradise tem mais baba ovo doque a Kaio eh obvio que a maioria ficou achando que eu era ladrao e vcs os santao sendo que era tudo mentira para simplesmente ter uma desculpa para sair e ficar inimigo .. Mas como eu sempre digo isso ja foi a mais de 2 anos mas como vc veio na boa comentar algo sobre a minha brincadeira de entrar na Paradise entao ja aproveitei para esclarecer essas coisas .

    I'd go for new scouter with pets as they are a lot easier to balance.

    The old scouter added too many options with reflects and crit defense.

    DBOG is going to have a very different balance then original DBO.

    Sim que é isso, tem teste de psicotécnico? E quem já tava não precisou fazer então. Hue :whistling:

    tem po, só que o teste de habilidade conta mto mais. Varias pessoas foram reprovadas no psicotecnico. tem uma galera meio duente que joga dbo.

    Vanilla DBO was a huge success! Too bad not everyone is from that time.

    I think in server 1 the best 1 vs 1 players was all chinese .. but I would say that Divine was a good Pvp player dont know if He or she will come back but That character had a Good pvp

    I am 100% sure that even if those chinese were to play DBOG none of them would be in the top 5. Why? ping , thats why. In fact, 1v1 is probably going to go for nady or whoever lives the closest to servers.

    Thats why I normally prefer DBO party pvp. A lot more competitive. Chineses were much better at it .

    better be as always been, without limitation level, and that each upgrade will go improving the overall game.

    in spanish : mejor que sea como siempre a sido, sin limite de nivel, y que en cada actualizacion se vaya mejorando el juego en general. :) ^^

    DBO has never been like that lol.
    DBO launched with cap 40 in kr , cap 38 in tw and hk
    Then they added cap 50, cap 55 , cap 60 and cap 70.
    DBO always added caps.

    Shoukugeki no Souma is really good. Nanatsu no taizai was really good too ( ended, its on hiatus)

    Ansatsu no Kyoshitsu is another favorite and One punch man is going to be amazing.

    Lvl 38 is BS! You are there in 2 or 3 days! Then what? Lvl 50 ok. better 55! But 38? Na thats Bullsh*t! Rework all the skills, because otherwise some classes would overpower as f*ck is not worth all the work.. Make cap 70, maybe block some Maps like Porunga-south, Papaya and Mushroom-south and we are good..

    Why not give each player 100SP for start? :puke:

    We don't even know how devs are going to balance the classes. DBO sure wanst a balanced game at all at the end of its life.

    Sim, tem que passar no teste primeiro. O teste são duelos e entrevistas. Caso não consiga passar no teste psicológico ainda tem o teste de habilidade. Mas o teste de habilidade conta mais, então mesmo que você seja meio mongol, se você passar no teste de habilidade você entra. Apesar que pelo que eu vi de voce nos videos que tem por ai, não da pra passar em nenhum dos 2 testes.

    Most games nowadays have removed the option to lose your items while upgrading. That is because destroying something a player invested time is a terrible game design, and yet why did dbo do it?

    DBO was a dying f2p game, yep. Everyone knew DBO(especially netmarble) would die in just a matter of time. It didnt have enough mechanics to be competitive in the korean mmo market. So the game was designed around making the most amount of money possible. That means the game had to be frustrating for the players, so they had to invest a lot of money to be competitive.So NTL had no option but create the break system and the box systems.

    DBOG won't need that. There is no need to use those p2w mechanics. Boxes were needed because:
    1 - droping gears with the stats you want was impossible
    2 - Even if you drop them , there is a big chance they will break while upgrading.

    So you'd do your upgrade in trash items and use the boxes to get the most desired stats. Meaning the devs would have a really hard time giving new gears to content with boxes around to mess that up.

    Basically what happens when you have a break system and a box system:
    1- the devs release new content with amazing new gear for players to get
    2 - the players won't ever touch that content because they need +15 gears and it a lot smart to get trash gears from that content ( which you'd need to do it very little for that) and use the boxes to change the stats.
    3 - that way the players would never have to drop the gear they want.
    4 - The economy becomes dependent on those boxes, trash becomes gold and good +0 itens are never sold for being too expensive.

    I do believe DBOG can survive very easilly with everything else dbo can offer in the cash store - DOGIs, inventory expanse , Dash flight , Fast Vehicles( make then faster then flight) ,reset books, reset names, reset guild names and so on.

    In alpha when you got the break card your item would become +0, so the white stone would stop that from happening.

    Ontopic: Im going to repeat myself cause his flames made this thread go on the wrong direction,

    You guys are all putting the wagon before the horse. The game wasn't even released and we have no idea how class balance is going to play out.

    Destroying items has to go. Its a very punishing mechanic that destroys the game economy (that and the random brown boxes). That doesnt mean the upgrade system should get easier and everyone will have +15. The devs can change the rates at will to make them harder or easier.

    Here is how korean DBO launched.

    First level cap , was more of a HARD cap. People would get 30 and farm tmq 1 and UD 1 for days ( it took like 2 weeks of leveling to get lv 32).
    The real cap was 40. People would farm tmq 3 and ud 2.
    Next they released 50 with tmq 4 and ud 3
    then they released 55 with tmq 5 and 6 and ud 4
    Then it was the 60 patch with tmq 7 and ud5 ( narak dungeon, really hard but very rewarding)
    After that dbo went downhill with 70 patch.