Posts by Hanshi

    If I remember correctly, in old dbo same thing happened sometimes, Male majins sometimes spawns female majins after you kill them.

    nope,that cant be it.
    i also got the message when i logged in and i havent used any bugs in the past,a couple of friends also got the ingame message and i know they would never abuse bugs.

    p.s now that i remember i did use a bug once but it was only to test out what a forum user said,it was that scroll that awarded you a quest if you clicked on it over and over,got the quest to pop up again,deleted the scroll then came back to the forums to post that yeah it was a bug.

    He might not see that message at first i didnt notice it too it pops in trade or game chat ( cant remember ), since it fastly goes up and you cant see it, especially if you get that lag spike when you log into the game.

    Its not a bugged message, its just informs you that if you use bugs or any other kind of cheats you will get banned, basicly a game rule that you cant cheat or anything. YOU ALL DIDNT GET BANNED IT JUST AN INFORMATION MESSAGE!

    For armor you could write which defense are they M.Def or E.def, since most people will buy only M.Def stuff with good stats. Even E.Def isn't that worth, E.Def against mobs is shit, only in pvp against turtle crane and stuff.

    I think I found a bug, When I use the Armor/Weapon upgrade coupon, after I hit the try to strengthen button, It will stop moving, And I need to restart the game, It annoys me everytime (sorry for my bad english, Hope you can understand)

    And I want to ask a question, Why it says my translation file is corrupt when I want to translate the game to Chinese? Thanks.

    Dude its already said, that coupons doesn't work and they are gonna be taken out. So its not a bug, just throw them out.

    Spirtualist slow does work, I mean effect, but mob animation doesnt, mob still runs to you at full speed but actually you aint taking damage cuz mob is further from you. Its just animation bug.