Posts by Majin Buu

    ¡Hola a todos!

    El Standard de las party's al que estamos acostumbrad@s como comunidad siento que no esta en piedra, o en otras palabras no es algo estricto que debamos seguir y lo han demostrado otr@s Players como por ejemplo la Guild que menciona Tatu, vi diferentes vídeos de youtube de ellos al azar y pude observar Crit/Speed, no vi el clásico Standard tan remarcado en sus party's que todos conocemos y que Jorge menciona de la comunidad en general.. ambas clases de Dragon Clan, un Karma, un Buffer (¿tal vez un@ Ultimate?), un(a) Tortuga.

    Este video en lo personal me gusto mucho, que sí bien son level 70 y no es el DBOG actual, siento motivación al verlo:

    Comprendo que no es tan sencillo avanzar en CCBD por varias razones, pero si podemos hacer lo qué se pueda y a como se nos permita el desarrollo de nuestros personajes en esta mazmorra (¿y por que no?.. ¡en general, en cualquier aspecto del DBOG!) .. e inclusive sin Ultimate / Grand Chef como se muestra en estos vídeos (y con espadachín en otros):

    Esta decisión que se tomo de cambiar lo de antes sobre los Buffs no fue por beneficiar o restringir ciertas clases, fue una decisión que tengo entendido se tomo por el beneficio de todos como Players y no solo para las clases que dan Buffs, un ejemplo de beneficio independientemente de hacia donde este dirigida y de su composición la party y con un@ Ultimate / Grand Chef en ella, seria el poder refrescar los Buffos como menciona Vinter y sumado a otros beneficios sería un personaje activo que puede dar respaldo de pequeñas sanaciones de LP/EP/Debuffos y respaldo de tanque, todo ello por si es necesario dependiendo de las builds en general y tácticas antes y durante.

    Lo anterior comentado fue y es de buena fe para la comunidad y realmente estoy de acuerdo a lo que siento es el núcleo de la idea de Jorge, la equidad.

    Les agradezco mucho sus aportaciones para el beneficio de la comunidad y del DBOG en sí que todos queremos.

    ¡Qué tengan buen día, les deseo lo mejor!


    Thanks for your concern about DBOG!, even when Karma have too much debuffs/curses.. even if they gain RP by using LP unlike Swordsman/Dragon Clan with EP.. isn't too much 2 minutes for a 3 sec's stun (non RP casted) from Shout? how about Martial Artists, SK's?, They have 2 stuns too and not that long CD, some of those stuns do some damage unlike Karma ones, 1 of them is an AOE spammable, etc. (I'm not counting Confusion / Skill Lock as a Stun). Not a stun but how about Speed Restrain and Sleep from Spiritualists?..:/ just wondering that friend, nice suggestions you have for balance!.

    Hello anthonyzanini4! :)

    Sadly no friend, it's bind to the character who got it, but we can get the same Capsule (from where you got the Dogi and its a random.., from Business one to Zamasu) by random drop at Bosses from Time Machine Quest's (TMQ's) ..,no matter the selected difficulty as far i know, and most people farm 'em at TMQ4 because is somehow short to complete with several Bosses.

    Have nice day!;):thumbup:

    a sk, a karma does not require much intelligence, just equip the basics and learn the combo, the other player for more op it will not be able to defend.

    the buffers benefited from the change of rules in dbog to ccdungeon,ud,tmq,etc.

    because they do not help the classes that are forgotten(crane).

    Hello Jorge!

    What Cashalot replied to you is right, this is not a benefit for Ultimate's or Grand Chef's only, it benefits tank classes and the other Roles as well like yours, i see it as a fair balance for Heal, Support, Tank and DPS Classes. I'll clearly understand you want to buff your class like it was at determinate patch we had at TW, but...sadly they took it away for an unknown reason, maybe for balance, i don't know.. everyone of us have a different point of view about it.

    About forgotten classes, Crane is not the only i guess, i play the 4 Majin Classes and i main a Grand Chef, and even when i have high LP and good Resistance thanks to the Con/Dex buff we had here at DBOG..i wish i had the tools a Crane had at TW, and the ones that have here at DBOG.. for a better PVP experience.


    En verdad amigo, te entiendo como te sientes, comprendo tu rol como Grulla, he estado en un lugar a como pienso te sientes muchas veces y se lo que es ello, en especial en DBO TW, y por ello te pido por favor de la manera mas respetuosa que pienses en lo que te comentamos acerca de los buffers, el beneficio es para ti también, es para todos..,ya que estando en grupo, aparte de los buffs, el/ella puede participa activamente y tiene la capacidad de dar soporte, como por ejemplo remover ciertos debuffos, pequeñas sanaciones de LP/EP, respaldo de tanque, etc.. y lo que deseas solo te beneficia a ti y a unas cuantas personas nada mas y tristemente se perderían los beneficios que mencione anteriormente si regresamos a lo que teníamos en TW, ¡gracias por tu atención!.


    I'm sorry for the Spanish, i could translate if is required,.. I had to say something to him in his main language for better understanding about what i said in English, thank you!


    My point? just to share what i saw with Glaring Slash at PVE and contribute to the thread, ..nothing else.

    Hydrid party with and without speed, i don't use N, some members of my party had mixed attributes with N as one of them. I noticed an increased damage from my auto-attacks + skills and reduced dmg input, hard to notice my whole team dmg output/input because i was tanking, talking to party/guild. His Glaring Slash had 1 SP.

    Have a nice day!

    Hello ethanvolcano21!

    Gloves and its upgrades only works for base class related skills (and auto attacks), like the normal Kamehameha, Spirit Ball, etc., and Wand and its upgrades only works for Super Kame and related Turtle Skills. the only thing Gloves and Subs share alike in the damage calculation are the item effect or stats. About the Dmg difference you have from Super and Giant Kamehameha.. i wish i could help but its unknown to me, srry >.<.. maybe the spend skill points difference have something to do with it?, and/or maybe one Crit.. and the other don't?.

    Have a nice day! ;):thumbup:

    ¡ Hola mininatoad, buen día/tarde/noche !:)

    Por lo que nos dices que ya jugaste normal, no se exactamente que suceda, pero parece que tu Antivirus no dejo al Launcher correr libremente en tu PC, te sugiero si tienes la posibilidad que intentemos lo siguiente por favor:

    Hacer una excepción en tu Antivirus de la Carpeta/Launcher donde tengas instalado tu DBOG, para hacer esto te recomiendo busques en google/youtube como hacerlo ya que desconozco que Antivirus usas y varían entre ellos, para después de este paso reinstalar tu DBOG.

    Si no usas Antivirus es posible que se te haya corrompido el Archivo, para ello una reinstalación del DBOG lo puede solucionar.

    ¡Te deseo lo mejor!;):thumbup:

    ¡Hola Joze, buen día!:)

    Desconozco si tienes WinRAR, 7zip o programita similar para descompactar archivos, y tal vez instalando/reinstalando el WinRAR o 7zip solucione ello (independientemente de tu Windows, la versión de 32 bits (x86) de estos programitas funciona bien^^), pero si no, con este archivito es muy probable que si se solucione tu problema: UnRAR.dll

    Le das click por favor en Download o Bajar/Descargar , lo pones en la misma carpeta donde tienes tu DBOG instalado con el launcher cerrado, luego lo abres y reintentas actualizarlo.

    Por seguridad te paso este link de virustotal

    Esta ultima es una página muy popular, nos sirve para analizar archivos por si tienen virus usando múltiples Antivirus en linea, te muestro el resultado del análisis del archivo que te paso y tmb por si deseas analizarlo tu o analizar otro.

    ¡Te deseo lo mejor!;):thumbup:

    Hello Kyotanaka!

    If none of what our friends told you works (because Flying Dash is fully working and how they told about how to do it, its right),..I could be wrong but it seems you are doing the flying quest, and those flying scrolls from quest are just like a tutorial, we need to have lvl 30 with the flying quest chain completed to freely able to do that flying dash.

    Just in case i leave you a guide for the flying quest chain:

    Best wishes!

    Hello guys and girls!:)

    I noticed something like a new trend and i have a doubt about it... why we took as community the Ultimate Majin as the Buffer when both Mighty Majin's are Buffers?

    I respect the way some players refer to the Ultimate Majin as the Buffer, but we barely refer as a Speed Buffer when it comes to Karma / Poko, we usually ask for a Karma and/or Poko.. then why we don't ask for an Ultimate or a Grand Chef when a buffer is required instead asking for a "buffer" when the party needs an Ultimate?.

    Thanks for your time, have a nice day!;):thumbup:

    Hello Carlos!^^

    Is your build for lvl 70 right??:/.. For a Full Spin Build plus Party buffs/support.. i like it ;):thumbup:, and friend, Defense Breeze from Mighty Majin don't Stacks with Defense Breath from Grand (if a friend/party member needs Defense Breath but he/she is buffed with Defense Breeze, he/she needs to manually remove it before buffing with Defense Breath to be able to receive it), so i think you have a free SP for another skill :).

    Best wishes! :)

    ¡Hola, buenas! :)

    Te apoyarían con el Pure Majin los Dragón Buffos de Constitución (Con), Destreza (Dex), Enfoque (Foc) y Fuerza (Str). de ahí los Aretes/Pendientes y/o Collar, dan mas o menos buenas estadísticas pero usualmente la mayoría de jugadores no las usa y optan por ponerles cajitas cafes en ellos hasta que tengan la estadística deseada.

    ¡Te deseo lo mejor! ;)

    Hello gr1n, welcome to DBOG ;)!

    At this link you could find some information about the Stats we have: Player Stats Effect Guide

    In terms of gear, I'm using gloves with Foc (Focus) and Sub-Weapon with Hit Rate [1] and both spins for AOE / DPS called Spinning Attack (from Mighty Majin Skill tree) and Spinning Flame Breath (From Ultimate Majin Skill Tree) with RP[2] to Reduce their CD (CoolDown), and I'm using Jacket and Pants with %LP [3], Shoes with Movement Speed[4], rings with CD Reduction.. called Personalized Rings (we can find them by random drop, Auction House, etc) , and some properties [5] earrings, they stack with our properties buffs Enchanting Breeze from Mighty majin (14 Props at max) skill tree and Miraculous Fitness (18 props at max) from Ultimate majin skill tree, but the skills by theirself don't stacks, so we have to choose one, and as Ultimate Majin, Miraculous Fitness gives the more props. You can choose to max Enchanting Breeze and then reset until you have Miraculous Fitness at max, its up to you and up to your build friend.. just in case, to reset skills we have 2 options. the 1st one is to go to any class master/expert at any town, 1 free reset per week, every Thursday resets this chance, or using a green book called Skill Reset Book from Cash Shop, but it's a tradable item and we can get it from other players / Auction house.

    1.I'm using this combo at weapons because Mighty Majins, in special the Ultimate Majin lacks Hit Rate and without it we miss a lot... Foc as itself helps with Hit Rate and Improving a bit our Healing from Healing Breeze (Mighty Majin skill and the only one we have to heal us/others) since it counts as an Energy Base Skill and Foc give us some Energy Attack and talking about our Sub Weapon, there isn't Focus for them... but we could get Hit Rate.

    2. RP are those spheres below your character portrait at the top-left of the screen and are used to power up / tweak some skills, we can charge them with Z (I'm assuming you did your Time Line Quest/TLQ's) when we are out combat and when we receive dmg at combat (the higher dmg the faster they fill).. to use RP we need to keep pressed a skill key for a short time then the RP menu or options pop up and we need to press a key (from number 1 to 6, up to the unlocked RP options / Skill Level) according to what we need, or we can set up an RP Tweak to a skill to use it automatically when we keep pressed the key, to do that we need to click the * at the skill icon at our skills tree and select the one we need.

    3. LP=Life Points / Health Points,. %LP means we recover that percent of the damage received as health.

    4. I'm using Movement Speed at shoes because.. like it say,. it allow to move faster, specially during spins.. but i do have a Shoes with Con (Constitution) just in case.

    5. They boost our Offense and Defense by certain % according to the ones our enemy is using (each properties aka. props point means 1% boost on offense/defense at certain attribute), we have something similar to Pokemon where water have the advantage over fire, but instead of Elements, we have Attributes: None or Neutral (the default from regular non boss drops), Honest > Wild > Funny > Strange > Elegant > Honest and we can give them only to Gloves, Sub Weapon and Jacket, to do that we need to go to any Upgrade Merchant at Towns and click at Change Attributes, we need zenny (the higher lvl the item is, the expensive) and some spare equip (to increase chance of success) with the same level/quality (normal, superior, excellent, rare, legendary) or higher, then we put the item we are going to give an attribute at the Equip slot and then, the spare equip at the Attribute (if we put the cursor over an Attribute, it show some info about it) we are aiming, and then press Change Attribute a pop up will show telling us we have a 50% chance of Success and the zenny required.. we Click at Ok and that's it.. if it fails a Random Attribute will be added instead the one we choose., at both cases it will show a Success.


    To level up, this guide is pretty good with very good bonus info, even for our lvl 60 cap: Powerleveling guide.

    For an Ultimate Majin guide, this is a good one: Ultimate majin guide (updated with pro builds from butterfinger sept 23 2017)

    Almost forgot to tell you something for all classes, Red icon skills means they are Physical based, Blue ones means they are Energy Based, and purple means Debuff.

    The ofensive/healing for Mighty Majin skill tree are based of the gloves, the higher their upgrade, the better offensive/healing from them, while the Ultimate Majin skills, their dmg calculation comes from Sub Weapon, but.. the Stats from both of them, from gloves and sub, for both skill trees, since they stacks (it works the same for the skills from other classes).

    Sorry for my English, not my main Language..

    Best Wishes Friend! :)