can anyone give me tips for 22-30 fast?
Posts by SonEza
Pokémon Revolution Online (playing at Silver Server)Soul Worker Online (playing at Japanese server with patches, because didn't had patients to wait for Global)
Diablo III (I'm Europe player)London 2038 (Hellgate: London)
Digimon Masters Online (playing at Leviamon server)
That's all MMOs/Onlines I play.
wow you play Pokemon revolution online too? what your IGN?
Classes will Be Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Frost Demon, and Majins.
oh that great xD. btw did you add some master class?
LOL i was playing DBO way back in the Day many things needing Changing and so i changed them . The guys here arent using there own made version of DBO its the original game version so it will have many problems as it is way outdated i use Unreal 4 up to date version so everything will be smooth and new age game graphics thats a Promise.
are you gonna add saiyan or still human like original dbo?
No your comments have not been so fine no feedback just negative, the vid is old and because your developing in Unreal you cant build the lighting every time you do something. So the lighting is off cause it is not done like a drawing. Also the sound is being exaggerated it sounds fine as i made the clip myself clean from another game sample. Not sure why ppl aren't thinking you must keep in mind this is still being developed the trees and the textures have been updated. I im just showing what i have done in 7 months by myself this is all. Its not even done yet, Your just talking how about a way to improve this is positive feedback you see the text up there bunch of nonsense. Its still in development things are in place as placement holders i didnt know anything when i first started but still produced what you see by myself. Now i can do everything and anything , was just trying to show ppl something down the line. I have also studied in graphic design and an ok Artist
so i know whats what i am very experienced thus i have done what you see, at that time i was concentrating on the Game logic making sure it runs smooth Attacks hit correctly i just need the platform to be there to test it LOL. Soon it will be seen. Thanks for the critiques but i wish you guys at least stay positive cause what else is there and you should blame youtube the game looks way better then that in game lol even then wont record the quality i see when i show my group or when i play. but Ningens will be Ningens have to express opinions that aren't constructive.
maybe you should add master and boss raid in the game xD
As i was brainstorming I figured there could be various places the training simulations could commence, a few exampled areas being:
- Sacred world of the Kai, Kami's Lookout, and King Kai's Planet (With NPC's standing in the most respective areas they would be known to be).
Supreme Kai, under the tree near a boulder, Dende, in front of the Lookout Tower's door (leading the player to hyperbolic time chamber) and King Kai placed beside his home with Gregory and Bubbles laying around or chasing each other.
The Mechanics:
- When talking to any of these npcs solo, they will prompt a request to you asking if you would like to seek training with them.
when selecting yes or accept. You will then be teleported or setup in some of the most iconic training simulations.
- For instance training with Supreme Kai subject under ki control will help the new Z warriors rp gauge charge show improvement with a set max charge refill, while removing it from the armor stats.
- Dende's (Guru's ability) training will unlock new potential abilities across all classes which could deal with healing skills to regeneration abilities to increasing certain stat points dealing with honest, funny, wild etc. status, poison, stuns. This is something you could add points into as you build certain amount of points at max level so that there will always be something to do even at end game.
- King Kai (North Kai). He could be dealing more in the field of unlocking new sacred legendary or older abilities that have been thought to be long forgotten beyond your current classes thus bridging the gaps between what is old and new in the realm of Dragonball. like one handed kamehameha, spirit bomb, dragon's fist /super DF, death beam and etc. but you would have to have your stat points gravitate more toward these abilities in order to unlock them. like + dex+str+con or +con+foc+sol. Aswell as train with previous skills for a certain amount of times used. The points from these will be used differently from your current leveling points. they will be based on the times used in order to level them with a set number to leveling experience points.
- An NPC (Cronoa) could be placed in the area to the north west of kokkara village where the hour glass resides. Prompting a training ground for party members and solo players alike to get them used to fighting the stronger DB monsters. Instanced areas you can build up on new currency called Zpoints that helps you build a character fitting for you. Player Made Unique Dogi's unrelated to DB and accessories. All the while showing leader-board time ranks on how long it took Teams/Guilds and players to complete each fight. May sound similar to CCD, but its more along the line of Time Quest Pursuits.
I will possibly add more to this so be sure to keep a watch on this thread.
Feel free to add more ideas.
Thank you for reading.
wow that really great idea
Brad i would like to speak to you about it in private being this is like a 200 man job i would like help if ppl can . And i know everything now about this job i can do all the jobs on the Dev Team why i did it myself. But hit me on the site we can talk more about it there. Also making your own game would get you sued lol unfortunately this game was scrapped meaning if someone can recreate the game they can run it as a Emulator. Making your own game even if you werent making money or advertising Bandai would eventually come for you . Why i went this route. Have been planning this and making it happen for about 5 years now, just hit me on pm's we can see what we can collaborate on.
where is the link of the game?
wow is that dbo with unreal engine?
we should add power pole wish xD
Lmfao it's not fake. That is one of my test hairstyles. How tf did that get on google, as far as i know it never left a discord conversation. Here is the GIF of the test. It was a quick raw test. Sadly when doing what i did, i killed all of the bone data. That is why the hair is not staying at it's place and doesn't have a decent texture on it
lol just little more and we can got that hair xD
the bardock with hair mod
i guess now we cant mod change hair like that xD btw why you want to become goku so much this game was made character creation which you make your own character you dont need to become 100% goku xD
no there is no quest share funktion
and you can buy coins on homepage, if you login to your account there is a point named (buy cash)
but for good stuff like armor, weapons you musst farm or craft them cashshop dont help you playing better xD
i think that would help xD because if he buy kid clock and sell it he would get a lot money and can got good armor
I don't even think thats possible, sorry, the closest you could get is making your adult human a fighter, if you have one.nau
nah the closest one is martial arts just look in tmq 2 goku auto attack just like martial arts
Add Oozaru transformation, we could wish for a tail, then with the tail we get "artificial moon" skill too, Majin could be the PURE EVIL form would be cool too hahaha
lol that will be good transformationj
U need lvl 53 one ? tell me
now im level 54
Not to offense , but very bad build , i recommend u don t use it.
yea i know right now i need to search pve build for farming xd
and this my build pvp crit hybrid pve xD…0405001135004101104440000 -
btw can you make goku face mod?