Other thing is foc% debuff needs to be changed back to % hit rate focus becomes useless vs fighters
Solar flare
Other thing is foc% debuff needs to be changed back to % hit rate focus becomes useless vs fighters
Solar flare
You mean the mess where Skedar defends Ultimates? XD
He means the scrubs who think ultis are some unbeatable godlike class and needed to get set straight.
I think perm is too harsh, but 7 days would be reasonable ?
yeah i will... but to be honest, i dont thing that it will change anything
if props difference is too big, your damage will suffer.
Its a reason why i have also 9% defence property necklaces from every type.
that ulti is +10 max and dmg is already trash with prop debuff would be like 4k dmg crit +. now imagine +12+13 ultimate. if fr its not even possible to take half of ulti lp. Now fighters can be really good vs ultimate foc% decrease, rn swordsman and plasma is in bottom. SK is now most balanced class in this game
majins can only have 1 defence status really high.
Display Morewell, let's all laugh together for a while watching this damage.
39 props, (with buff)
3838 phy def,
66%LP recover dmg. (60% max cap)
14+ Craft Sword
55% crit dmg (gloves and sword
No Props
just to be clear... The real dmg of the 8k crit its 3,200 cuz the 60%LP reg. dmg. (you can check it in the video)
And it's the same for all the damage.
Let's see how things change at level 70...
try using props at lvl 70
Something i would like to say.
Balancing is not over this is the first of many classes we will improve/nerf. However its not always a joint decision on some changes. What i mean by this is we do not all see eye to eye nor do we all have the same experience as each other. Which is understandable some of us compete in high level PVP and PVE on a regular basis whereas some do not. A lot of these changes i was against especially the damage increase and i backed up every argument i made. However i cant control what gets pushed through to Live Server. To end balancing is not over and changes can still be made even to fighters at any time so do not think this is set in stone and this is how fighters will remain forever.
True, i feel you.
But it is what it is, we cant control what gets done in the end.
Skill "Storm Strike" now gives a 2 second invincibility buff at any level.
Why even give fighter an invincibility buff? They have dodge rate + 2 stuns (nothing you can do against only resist) and low cd
Makes sense...
DreameR68 , I doubt that Balacing Team would add this without considering all of that, since balancing team is filled with smart people, I doubt they missed this part.
im not in favor of several of these change myself too.
But atleast you guys got some fuel to troll forum with now.
^I highly doubt it. It's strange how you never actually locked on to the turtle. It's not hard to tell where my suspicion is coming from. I know you go to great lenghts to prove your point so I won't be as generous as others to take your word for anything.
thats rich, coming from someone like you
But dont worry, im not like you, so i'm actually telling the truth.
turtle in video was just own items/buffs.
guard skill ,found for resist stuns, debuff?
or only in ultimate majin?
All classes have this jorge
Even though I was very sceptical on why is Skedar in the balancement team, I always admired that he really pays attention to every single small thing in the game.
thats true, but im not the only one who pays attention to details to find weak points to exploit , or to get the advantage one way or another.
You said that a turtle with lots of focus and 2 sets can beat an ultimate, fair enough, if you have successrate, you're godlike, so that way i'd actually replace 1 focus armor with a successrate necklace, though. You YOURSELF made it seem like that it's easy as that, but is it? Turtles have hard time having balanced defense against an ultimate, because you can snap out from stun, you can start spinning if you see the sleep animation, you can eat the debuffs you have (also spam this with CD) and also have 2 KD moves without having to ruin your build, while a male turtle has to actually hit these debuffs to stand a little bit of chance. What if the turtle is massively maxed with focus and still you manage to resist a stun or sleep? The game is over.
What if you fail a candy or a cluster and the turtle survives for 10 sec longer? Nothing, because the arsenal, defense, and attack varies you have is way too high compared to almost every other class.
Oh and also if you see the turtle casting sleep, you can time it just right and start spinning before it finishes, so you also wasted one of the core debuffs for a turtle.
High level turtle would stop casting sleep as soon the ultimate is foolish enough to start spinning.
As for the KD's ultimate's have, both skills animation is so slow, it makes bold strike looks quick.
Secondly, even if you were to allow ultima to get RP, and be able to knockdown you, you're doing something wrong by getting in hes face so close.
Turtles have a secret weapon vs ulti's, besides sleep. its called debuffs,slow and knockdown spam from a distance.
You also said that every class has a weak spot that can be abused. Fair enough, but ultimate has the capablity to abuse those even harder, than any of them abusing ultimate, that's where your logic is flawed.
An ultimate with a gear like YOURS should 90% of the time win EVERY 1v1, don't be delusional and think that we have the exact same gear set as you. The ones who have been able to beat you are either similar or close as geared as you, being able to hit strong crits on you.
I know for a fking fact that you will quote this message and try to justify how godlike you are compared to me, as you do with everyone else, but I really really have to quote this :
i respect your opinion, and you are right about a few things, i dont think most people have the accoires and gears i have collected, specificly to give me the best chances i can possible have to fight in almost any pvp situation. i litterally have over 3 z32 bags filled with items for pvp.
And yes EVERY class have weakspots, that can be abused, but it doesnt mean that every class can be killed easely, theres a difference.
I can fight players that has gears, accoires like me, but i wont be able to kill ppl like that most of the time. unless they are MA.
Its like i told others too, if you truly believe ultimate to be so overpowered, then login a ultimate or borrow one, and i will let you pvp a few friends of mine
And just see what happens, instead of debating here and getting angry with me, but i predict some ppl eyes will be opened.
Shadow Knight - Hard countered by Ultimate Majin, Dende, and Karma Majin.
Dende - Hard countered by Karma Majin, Turtle Hermit, and Crane
Karma Majin - Hard countered by Swordsmen
Ultimate Majin - Hard countered by virtually nothing
This is merely your opinion, but its far from the truth
Display MoreI saw your resist video, but I have a testimony from a Karma acquaintance who claims that you were able to resist approximately 40% of their CCs with your dex/confuse resist% set up. When it comes to resisting confusion, most players(or all the players that I've talked to actually) claim that confuse resist% renders confusion nearly useless.
Shadow Knight: You can't switch 2+ pieces of armor constantly before you attack(especially if you're using CD), it takes a bit of time depending on your ping(You can't switch during an attack animation either). If we push aside the fact that SK CAN get killed by Ultimate Majin(very easily if they use full focus 100% of the time), there's also no way in hell a SK's going to deal 3+ health bars of damage vs a Ulti. Like I've said countless of times killing geared Ultimates isn't possible if you're not a Crane.
Grand Chef: Perfectly timed senzu renders any last health/EP attacks virtually pointless. In theory, Grand could maybe pull a win like that against Ulti during 60 cap of Retail when it was OP, but not in the current stage of DBOG. Furthermore, that's under the assumption the Ulti just stands there and takes it. I think it'd be fair to assume that the Ulti would also charge their RP in order to use candy(with duration RP if needed), and KD to win last second.
Dark Warrior: It's almost like you've missed the entire segment I made about confusion resist%, it works wayy differently than using full dex against the Turtle you fought. From my sources, it renders confusion virtually useless, and then there's paralysis removal. Their CCs are useless against Ulti. DW doesn't have a stun, they have para/confusion. Their only bleed has cast time, so by the time their attack hits, the Ulti would've removed the paralysis, and began to remove the bleed before using senzu.
Poko/Dende Priest: I can imagine Poko's long range KD being quicker than Ultis, however Dendes don't have long ranged KDs. Even if they did, a timed senzu renders their attempts to lower your health useless.
Turtle Hermit/Crane: Sure, I agree that they just have to keep their distance. But the problem with them going full focus is anti-candy, if they wear anti-candy it takes away a little from their Succ rate. Depending on how the Ulti starts the match, they can manage to land multiple hard hits on them, with the addition of having their combos interrupted with candy if they go full Focus. But most of the time the match will be decided by dice.
You never replied to my question that I wanted answered concerning Ultimates counters: Does Ultimate have any concrete counters it generally CAN'T beat?
1. what your karma friend says or does is completely irrilevant. My video shows it all, and a karma has more focus.
2. It takes less then a second to switch 2 pieces of armor.
3. a good SK will never be killed by a ultimate, or a karma for that matter
4. about DW, you can wear 94% confuse resisistance, but you will have no anti stun or anti bleed, and if you time your KD /stun good you WILL win the draw/dice game.
5. About concrete counters it cant beat 100%?
Allow me to reply
You think a fully equipped, and experienced SK, DW, Karma ,cheff have concrete counters they cant beat 100%?
The answer is no.
Does ulti have overwhelming advantage in pvp in many matchs up like karma/sk do? answer is no aswell.
I think best solution is, you login your ultima or a ultima from your friend.
And i let you pvp against some friends of mine, see what happens when reality kicks in.
Resistance vs Focus
With focus, you will succes around 90% of debuffs.
You can just spam knockdowns from a distance, ultimate short ranged / slow animation attacks wont reach you.
Karma has advantage of skill locks.
Plasma has buff that gives 309 burn defence
Both are excelent at knockdown spam from a distance.
With enough focus, debuffs will hardly miss.
So for them too, they need more then 1 defence set
All thats required, is debuffs, slow and keep distance, and ultima wont be able to give them much trouble.
you will win ANY draw/dice endgame.
Antenna beam can interupt anything ulti can try.
Also your knockdown animation is far faster then anything ulti has to offer.
All cheff needs to do, is gather RP during the match.
At the last half a minute, switch to focus and cooldown. Spam EP drain.
Ultima EP will litterally be 0. GG
Dark Warrior
All Dark Warrior needs to do, is save stuns, confusion and RP for the end.
IF ultima goes full anti confusion, u can stun him, bleed and use long range knockdown, so that he cannot remove the bleed.
If he goes anti stun, you can confuse him, knockdown, do w.e u want.
All SK has to do , is have 2 defence sets , LP % and focus.
Time your debuffs with your focus set, gain RP for knocdowns and spam debuffs, drain, curse and bolds.
Ofcourse you have to time everything with the mountain of CC's you have.
Seriously, if you main any of these chars, and you are equipped/experienced good enough with any of these, getting raped by a ultimate majin is just sad.
Just because majins have high defences, and they can go to a draw, doesnt mean they are fighting ''evenly''
Why do you think 0 ultima's except me, have ever won solo budokai since we came out of open beta?
And there are several ultima's out there who outgear me.
Fight, learn, adapt, become better player, but stop the whining over something that already good players have already overcome before you.
And yet, here you are, some grown up man I see the most in forums spreading his selfishness and narcissism neglecting every person's opinion just because they haven't been grinding certain aspects of the game. I'd suggest you to start respecting other people's thoughts and accept the dilemma, that perhaps you're not always as right as you think you are.
I know dbo is probably a playground for your expressiveness to satisfy the self importance that you may lack of, but what's obnoxious here, is this ridiculous act of a genius that is only one capable of seeing things clearly while the rest of people are blind and fail to see the perfection that maybe even you fool yourself with. It has lost it's humor.
The question here is, why has this thread lost it's track so much. As far as I remember, there wasn't any announcements about a forum budokai and this thread is about the first post whatsoever. Seriously, what is this, a conflict party over a game? Cheers mates.
I understand and respect other people's opinions 100%.
However, when they start spreading their opinions as facts, and i strongly disagree with them, i become the bully.
And they keep repeating the same things as ''facts'' over and over again, even if its not true at all, they are offended when i say they are having tunnel vision or extreme lack of top-game experience.
But i dont care anymore, they can cry and feel victimized all day.
Sigh, I started with the conversation with the intention to have a respectful and fruitful conversation. I've given my suggestions, and argued my points, yet all you've done is try to slander/straw-man me. Frankly, I find it both disgusting and funny. It really gets on my nerves that you're so darned arrogant that you can't even comprehend what I'm trying to say. You claim you can teach me how to beat Ultimate Majin, yet I haven't made a single post regarding Ultimate being impossible to beat. My WHOLE premise was that when scaling one class to another class in terms of how broken they are, Ultimate Majin would come out at #1. I don't believe Ultimate Majin is unbeatable, like I've said before I know multiple strategies certain classes could use to beat Ultimate Majin. But in most scenarios, Ultimate Majin would most likely have the advantage. Another thing I'd like to add is that you don't have to be unbeatable to receive a nerf: *cough Karma cough*
Classes who have ways of dealing with ultimate majin, while having the advantage overall during the fight or battle for dice victory.
Dark Warrior
Shadow Knight
Plasma Majin
Karma Majin
Grand Cheff Majin
Turtle Hermit
Crane hermit
Dende Priest
Poko priest
Classes who get mauled by ultimate majin in current 60 cap
Ultimate majin can generally put up a fight against ANY class, not neccerarely have advantage during battle, but still put up a fight one way or another.
But also that, is not exclusive to ultimate majins only.
I dont mind if you guys say ultimate is hard cookie to kill, being it high stats from defences or resistance, it is a tanker class afterall.
But its really annoying how all of you in the forum, just ignore plain weakspots that can be abused easely, such as short range skills, slow animations, low damage. Anything ultimate can do, most classes can counter play it one way or another.
And if i say, that most of the forum users here, cannot do it, or dont know it, isn't me being arrogant.
The fault useally lies with inexperience or lack of focus.
Call me arrogant, biased, narcistic, noob or no-lifer, will not work.
Display MoreWell this thread keeps going on and on.
Simply posting on forum will be ignored as proved many times, sadly.
Most of "balancing" stuffs don't even come from balance team and like I said before, due tons of chargebacks, bans left and right, due poor balancing in this game and sadly no will to even balance PVE for each class, at least PVE, we come to this.
Some people claim that they are "GODs" simply because they have all stats they desire and high upgraded gears.
Trust me, give entire community what only few people have and 90% of them will kick your ass ( ofc there are some people when you give them everything, they will still sux lol and sadly I think our community might be filled with more than 10% of people like that), since game is gear based, not "skill" as some say and "skill" that existed, and if ever existed, it is removed long time ago.
Only way for this project to gain POB player base or old DBO player base is bring back old DBO TW "Balance" or simply do the job and listen community and change stuffs.
Soon or later, you like it or not, other fanbase projects of DBO (that have more devs and that gives af), other MMO's will take playerbase and you will be left alone in empty server, soo you might be "GOD" in this project, but when it dies, what then, kill yourself since you accomplished your life goal to be the best in dead MMO?
People should stop caring that they can change anything here, sadly I realised that late, soo I suggest to everyone, if you like this project, play it, but if you want game or project where you want to invest more of your free time than no life in it and want better "balance" simply play anything else.
Cheers everyone.
It doesnt matter what class i would have had, im pretty confident i'd have won solo budokai with just about any class, except maybe swordman or fighter.
If i had mained SK or DW, you'd have been complaining about that class.
As for balance, a long time nothing happened, but that wasnt our fault.
You'll see changes eventually, from classes that were played & tested by good & experienced players in dev server.
So since they were tested by good players, in various situations, i doubt you'd be able to comprehend it, and complain and cry anyway, but maybe not, life is full of suprises.
Good thing i dont desire to become popular or care about forum warriors.
^When you're so outmatched in a debate that you start insulting someones PvP skills even without prior knowledge of how good they are
Because i see what he writes, plus i know for a fact that ingame he never accomplished anything so far.
Plus for me its funny, that i wont tell him how to combat the ultimate majins, for everyone to see here, so he automaticly assumes its impossible
Most of you forum warriors who dont even play no more, think you know it all, or have it all figured out.
But having a populair opinion or being right, are 2 different things my little daqjuan.
you really expect me to write here a complete guidebook for almost all classes, on how to combat ultimate majins?
Just so that people can follow it and use it against me?
You guys hilarious.
Just to prove my point, how about you guys post me a skill build for ultimate PvP.(what you guys think is overall best)
So i can have a good laugh
+The only point that i can give you guys , is that me too, am not sure if allowing every class to wear both sets of CCBD was a good idea.
a good ultima isnt able to kill a good karma , and vice versa the same.
I don't need tips on how to battle Ultimate Majins, I've got a couple of strategies in mind; Besides I don't play DBOG anymore.
When you come back, and you want to learn how to PvP properly, feel free to call me sensei.
I'm happy to help people who see me as their sensei
Well it's not a bug, on the confusion resist% accessory there's an additional effect on the rings I believe(Ex: -16% petri duration, or something like that). I'm not saying that your strategy(SK one) isn't adequate, but it's definitely incomplete. If you don't combine taunts/grenade with life steal/curse your debuffs won't last long at all. On top of their ridiculous defense, you'll find them constantly healing back to full LP.
The problem with SM vs Ultimate Majin is a variety of variables: Ping(server freezes), Ring out bug(Players go back inside the arena), their low damage(I believe plus 14 SM don't crit for more than 4k, which in turn is translated into less than 2k because of lp%), Ultimate's ridiculous damage, and the Ulti's stun removal. Killing the Ultimate Majin is hardly an option when you need to crit 6 to 9 times over without your opponent healing/using any health items. Even if you manage to bypass their resist/stun removal with Focus/CD, you'd have to sacrifice virtually all your health and defense just to keep them locked. Considering how obnoxious Cluster bomb is.... nuff said. Oh yeah, there's also the game freezing for a couple of seconds that trash CC/KD lock classes.
If I were to come up with a nerf to one Ultimate skill, it'd be to make it so that Ulti can't remove stuns if they're stunned. I don't see why the tankiest class in the entire game needs that extra effect every other CC removal ability lacks. Now if I were to just nerf the class itself, I'd nerf their para/stun removal so that they can't use it on themselves when stunned, and I'd nerf their DPS significantly. And if possible, I'd create seperate ENG/Phy sets for Mighty/Wonder Majin. The Mighty Majin armor set would have to be nerfed for sure, with only 2 pieces of physical armor they can tank any MA in the entire game. But I wouldn't want to kill off Wonder Majin, hence why there are 2 start class sets for Majins.
call me sensei and i might consider giving you some tips on how to battle the scary ultimate majins.