I had this happen to me also but on live server when pearson who used ticket crashed we instantly failed floor and were teleported outside. So maybe thats what happened here too
Posts by Spat
This guide is great,thank you for your hard work !!! But i would still add a few changes to MA classes...
SMs are a good SOLO PVP class......and thats basically it.I don't believe they are ,,arguably good'' for anything else,especially considering that you described Fighters as ,,pretty bad '' grinders.
Fighters with Big Bang Attack and Final Flash can farm way better than Swordsmans. Yes,they need special build to do so (and djfferent sets of weapons to be efficient),but SAME GOES FOR SM. Builds that have skills like Burning Attack or Flash Slash (grinding skills) are already ,,special builds" ,as they are not meant for PVP,which is main role of the class. Bcs Burning attack is eng based skill,SMs would also need eng crit % weapons for max dmg. Not to mention that Burning Attack is a complete joke without great weapon (+13 or higher).I have +12 sword on mine,and it does like 4k dmg without crit,at best (lvl 60 cap). Flash Slash is cool ,,in line" type aoe skill ,with decent dmg,but it only effects 4 targets.
My point is that Fighters are still better PVE class than Swordsmans,at least definitely for grinding,and for newbies that want to play MA,i would recommend Fighter over SM,anytime.
Now,tbh,i don't know much about dungeons (solo player) ,but i never saw anyone looking for SM in LFP chat
(i did saw people looking for fighters ,maybe 3 or 4 times though
First of all if you are interested in Swordsman I reccomend you to check youtube channel of best SM in game KinswkK.
There already was discussion about farming as SM here Swordsman PVE Video " guide " Papaya Farm and TMQ7. In my opinion SM is better at farming because he can one shot mobs just like Fighter BUT Burning Attack has 20M range while Big Bang only 10M and Final Flash is Straight Line skill making it even worse than those previous two.
As for dungeons I would pick SM over Fighter anytime because SM 30 prop debuff is very good for party while Fighter literally has 0 utility for party.
Thats why I think for PvE SM>Fighter be it for farming or dungeons.
I'm thinking about the arena because that's what gives us reason to grow in the game
Well I thought that reason to do all that PvE is to get items for PvP with Budokai being peak of PvP followed by rank battles and arena being least important as its just 4fun mode. Guess everybody has different motivation...
Go hate somewhere else "spat" hahaha!
"Hate"? Its not hate Im just stating facts. If you want to play Poko so much than go ahead feel free to do so. In fact I would be thankful if you did because we need Poko for speed parties. Well just somebody has to sacrifice himself for the greater good of community and be stuck in CC while the rest of us moves forward with our fresh, just-crafted CC gear
Can someone tell me the benefits of creating a grand chef? other than being logged in to combine buffs with the ultimate.
This class is bad at all, lol.
no stun (useless candy)
lots of useless buffs.
less damage than the ultimate.
farm less than ultimate.
"aaah have a candy ball", okay, it does not have stun to keep your opponents standing while receiving the damage, and this lasts a lot compared to the ultimate, disrupts the farm, has a lot of coldown.
Grand Chef needs rework.
remove multi-client = 80% of the grand chefs disappear from the game.
Here is what I think about Grand:
*Pairing with Ultimate gives really cool results both in PvE and 5v5
*Special Surprise Punch can paralyze enemy for up to 3s (+duration passive) but has 15M rane (makes sense as Grand is melee class)
*Buffs are pretty good but for... PvP
Passives - 2x free CON + Dex that increases your resistance and phy crit rate + Str that increases your dmg
Scent Marking - Hitrate+Dex both really nice
Fountain Fragrance - more Str = more dmg
Fountain of Smell - 23% CON paired with passives gives you A LOT of LP
Curing Scent - removes paral + free instant rp ball and thats pretty meaningful for PvP
Spirit Drain + Spirit Burn - thats eats your EP like crazy. No EP = cant use skills. Sure there are EP pots but hey there are also LP pots
AoE Candy - nice for 5v5, PvE and 1v1
Defense Breath - guess what... more CON an sweet phy def
Well I wouldnt call those useless
Lets look at Ultiamte's buffs:
%LP - for PvP you most likely gonna use CC90 armor so you can have 2x23% LP +8%LP from dogi and that gives you 54% so close to 60% cap Ulti's without 21% LP buff
Props - Grand has 14 props buff while Ulti gives 18. Ok fair so say Grand looses here.
CON+LP - hahaha Grand beats the shit out of Ulti here
E.deff - its nice to have especially for 5v5 so Turtle has harder tiem 1 shoting you but babe there are also Fighters in 5v5 so fair to say Ulti and Grand are equal here. Just one helps you vs Turtle whiel other vs Fighter
Debufs removal - ok thats Ultis really strong point cant see what Grand has to offer here as replacement
Overall I dont think comparison looks that bad
*About Ulti having more dmg I just straight up disagree. Just look at number of offensive skills Grand has and their dmg+ratios. But there is one thing that gives Ulti and edge over Grand. Flame Shower Breeze gives Ulti some source of magic damage while Grand attacks are pure physical. Also Grand doesnt have DoT damage to play around for dice but instead can play around enemy EP / candy.
*About farming I dont think its as bad as you make it to be. I saw how my friend was ginding with Grand on Papaya and it looked pretty solid. Other thing is even if he dropped and stones he was suepr unlucky with upgrade RNG XD
*If you want to use spin in PvP Grand has two abilities that turn enemy into candy so they cant dash away from you. If we are talking about budokai level of PvP just assume your enemies are going to have a lot of %candy reduction or resist and just dont put any SP into that skill. Instead use. Instead use Crazy Rush or Donkey Rush
All that comes from my experience of playing with / against Grands in PvP and PvE and conversations with Grand players.
Why you shouldn't play DW or SK?
Mostly in party, because almost any class well geared can replace the tanker, tankers become the shit in PVE soo you will have hard time to even find party to go there.
It took me sometime but I finally found video I was looking for that proves what Iceman wrote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-0KE5iMzgA
As a follow up to my previous post about poko I made video showing how it is to grind as Poko Priest. If you want to main this class its up to you to decide whether its good enough for you or not. Im just providing material because honestly after playing it for 6+months I personaly feel disappointed with this class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQjfU3hXcZU
I also added edit to first post: Here is link to the topic where I share my thoughts about each class. Maybe it will help some of you who still cant decide.
Poko! speed is key!
As current Poko player let me tell you this:
*You are only bound to do CC or maybe TMQ
*Farming alone is possible but pretty bad
*In 1v1 pvp you are already at disadvantage against most classes just because you are Poko
*Your 5v5 pvp is sooooo dogshit
*Budokai prelims are really hard to pass
So just a word of advice to think twice if you really want to main class that restricts you so much. I would love if Pokos could do more but it is what it is.
oh no, the "no wipe" passed the "wipe", I'm really worried
I imagine a group of kids in the lan-house competing who creates more fakes to vote against wipe.
yo buddy i think you are lost in forum
This thread is about what classes we are going to play after wipe NOT the yes/no poll for wipe
useless poll you char only get a rest to lvl 1 so you can start with the old one and dont need to change anything
That is if you still like class you played till now. If you dont or just simply want to try new class after wipe is the best time to do so.
AS for now I have 102 votes in my poll and it seems most people prefer to farm with Turtle and DW instead of afking on plat. Guess I was half wrong about this community
Lets assume wipe will happen. Im curious what classes will you guys main after that?
My prediction: most community members will choose Fighter and Karma and least popular will be Poko and Plasma.
Edit: Here is link to the topic where I share my thoughts about each class. Maybe it will help some of you who still cant decide.
As for HUMANS we have:
*Good and easy 1v1
*Good pick for 5v5
*Pretty bad at grind and need special build to do so
*Bad for dungeons
*Expensive to gear because they main focus is PvP and as Iceman wrote above PvPing requires tons of money
*Good 1v1 BUT require more skill than Fighter with more outplay potential at the same time
*Bad for 5v5
*Arguably decent grinder
*Arguably decent for dungeons
*Expensive to gear
*Ok 1v1 though some classes hard counter them (Karma and Crane)
*Turbo good for 5v5
*Turbo grinders
*Nice to have in dungeons but not mandatory
*Because they farming is sooo good and easy they are rather easy to gear
*SKILLED and geared Crane is PvP monster
*Their 5v5 is pretty bad but not terrible
*Good grinders
*Good for dungeons
*Require knowledge, experience and skill to be efficent
As for NAMEKS we have:
5. Dark Warrior
* Ok in 1v1 as long as your opponent doesnt have %confuse resist. This singe stat hard counters them.
* Rather bad for 5v5
* Ultra turbo grinders. Simply best in game
* Like Iceman said in post above they good but easily replaceable in dungeons
* Cheap and easy to play
6. Shadow Knight
* Very good 1v1
* Very good 5v5
* Decent grind
* Like Iceman said in post above they good but easily replaceable in dungeons
* They combing high damage, tankiness, debuffs and crowd control skills
7. Dende Priest
* Ok 1v1
* Must have for 5v5
* Poor grinder
* Must have for dungeons
* Expensive to gear
8. Poko Priest
* Pretty bad 1v1
* Forget about 5v5
* Not good grinders
* Must have for dungeons
* Easy to gear but right now this class is only for dungeons
As for MAJINS we have:
9. Ultimate
* Good 1v1
* Must have for 5v5
* Good grind
* Must have for dungeons
* Most versatile class in game
10.Grand Cheff
* Ok 1v1
* Ok 5v5
* Good grind
* Nice for dungeons
* Its close to truth to say its worse version of Ultimate Majin (but not really its kind complicated XD)
* Not good 1v1
* Very good 5v5
* Ok grind
* Outclassed by others for dungeons. Very hard to find party.
* Right now its class made only for 5v5
* Good 1v1
* Good 5v5
* Nice grind
* Must have for dungeons
* Probably will be nerfed some time in future
I put short description of each class in spoliers to not make this post even longer
Ok once again for everybody. This is CLOSED BETA TEST stage. Im sure Bandai will improve game and I hope for EU&NA release once game is completed. Imo its gonna be waaaay better than dead DBOG with no updates for over 6 months.
Daneos has time to bring some life back to DBOG untill this new game is available for EU and NA. If he cant make it than rip DBOG
lvl 60 is just begining of game
Collect 7 dragon balls, summon dragon and wish for DBO revival
Small bugs update that can help you clear following floors:
65F - You can bug Supers and make them disappear which makes this floor significantly easier. To do that one party member walks up to get Supers aggro him while tank attacks / taunts Boss and runs with him to those giant mushrooms on the right map side (looking from spawn point). Player who has Supers aggro must run with them into left map side to that big skeleton on the left side of map. This makes Supers disappear and you can join rest of your party to safely kill boss.
90F - For some time Boss and Supers on this floor randomly swaps aggro if tank blocks KD witch can mess up your run if Dende and Poko get paralyzed. To avoid this you can bring boss out of map. Here is video how to bug 90F textures. Important is that you need as much movement speed as you can get so Karma and Poko speed buffs are mandatory.