Es una situación en general, me pasa lo mismo, pero revisa hay una compensación por eso (LVL UP 30), Dogis algo de zeni y tus cash points debiesen estar intactos.
Posts by Elviscosho
Mejor Crit Phy. % ya que el Crit Rate del Sword es alto.
El mejor antivirus eres tú.
Con el Windows Defender basta.
En un principio estuve a favor de los tickets +15 (especialmente porque los casher están destrozando el pvp), pero viéndolo con cabeza fría, creo que lo mejor es no ponerlos para el evento. Autopots, dogiballs, equipment machine y hasta seal coins serian buenos reemplazos para los tickets, si es que la intensión real del evento es minimizar la brecha que hay entre los que están dispuestos a pagar hasta 100 dolares y los que no queremos donar nada. La gente que quiera donar siempre va a estar y siempre van a estar los que quieren las cosas mas rapido, para los que no queremos meter un solo duro en el juego, este evento con este tipo de items como recompensa serian una buena forma de motivarnos a a sacar un equipo decente y hacerle frente a los que se la pasan pagando sin que eso signifique pasarse toda una semana farmeando como un desgraciado para sacar unos simples pantalones que valgan la pena por poner un ejemplo. Repito, los chasher siempre van a estar, esten o no esten este tipo de eventos.
Que tipo mas tacaño.
Gracias a los "CASHER" que odias tanto se mantiene el juego donde estas divirtiéndote a costa de otros.
El DW es una maquina de Farmear.
Te recomiendo el siguiente equipo que te servirá en PVP y PVE;
Chaqueta -> LP%
Pantalaones -> LP%
Botas -> CON
Guantes - FOCUS
Collar -> Succes Rate
Aros -> PROP / CD
Anillos -> CD / HIT RATE / CON.
From TMQ bro.
hi there dbog community,
the team hasn't dicussed any date for a change in cap at this point of time.
that's all I can say for now sorry for not being much help on this issue #uselessmodbox
regards boxbox
Ok, thanks for that
Daneos, thx for your work, keep doing!
I Want to trade my STAFF 26% Speed for Gloves 26% Speed E. Attack 1100 BASE.
If u have it just Whisp me, my nick in game --> Boldness
or just PM here.
Hello everyone,
I want to trade my gloves 26% Attack Speed +5 Physical Attack 1160 Base, Im looking for Props Earnings or one of these things: 26% Speed Poko Gem, 26% Speed Mask, Set Full CON Namek +0. Or just offer any interesting stuff..
Please if u have an offer send me a msge here!
nothing about DW's Dragon Punishment skill?
just loved every suggestion, dw really need a rework because he got trapped at level 50 cap, many skills are really useless and a rework like this would mean a good comeback for what it always should been, the best deffensive tank.
Yes, Devs need to read this thread and improve DW's love this class but.. im usefull ¿just for farm?
up somebody selling it???!!!!!!
Want to trade my 26% Atack Speed Gloves 1160 Physical Base (+5 ), for Staff 26% Speed.
Ingame Whisp Me to: Boldness
Or just leave me a msge in forum.
Dbog is a territory of fighters. And maybe Sk too. Like in old TW.
+1 ?
I know the purpose of the beta is TEST, but you can TEST without delete the currents Skills or annulling their effects.. now i ask again.. for ex. why u dont test/recalculate the boldstrike annulling the bleed effect???
Im looking for balance, the state in the server is Beta but its open for every people and people wants balance! So please Daneos rollback and add the LP% to DWs Skill, please.
Ps: And now daneos get vacations ? gg DW.
DW was too populated. Already more than 1% of all classes in DBO were DW. That's too much. Let's nerf DW and boost SK again, to make clear decision for new Warriors.
Sarcasm, right?
Please someone can explain me why DW are getting nerf each patch? Its ridicolous but is certain, now Dragon punishments is nerfed, one of the most important skill en DW is nerfed again.. Why u dont nerf SK Boldstrike? Or Turtle Kame.. or Fighters Neddle???. Please Daneos stop nerfing the most unbalanced class in the game, hope u can rollback and add the % recover LP for DW`s
PS: Im not PVP i use the skill for farm.
Hello everyone,
I just need to know if currently is working the "Curse Skill" on the SK´s tree skills, hoping your answers..^^
See you