Posts by sSMETESs

    I asked Daneos about what he meant by saying "attack speed limit removed," and he said:

    "The attack speed animation modifier used to be capped at 100ms. But now it can go down to 1ms like it did in DBO TW."

    It's strange that my friends said they couldn't feel any change of speed before and after the update.

    What do you guys think?

    Thank you for your comment. You're absolutely correct in most of what you've said.

    As a DW with a decent set of amours, I have experienced of getting killed by one or two shots by humans like you said (cranes and fighters, respectively). I have also observed many times an almost perfectly geared SK getting killed by a fighter on plat (the fighter was also great, though). However, in a rank battle, the SK always won against him. Even with the increased damage from the update, the chance of winning hasn't changed that much as I have observed.

    So, you were talking about stats, a more fundamental issue, and I was talking about balance (i.e. a chance of winning in rank battles). The two are VERY closely correlated, but technically not exactly the same. In that sense, I was kind of off-topic from the beginning. That's the reason why our discussion wasn't very successful than it could be.

    Plus, although I had played DBO for about 3 and half years back in the day and believed that I had had a good enough understanding of PvP at that time, you are correct in that I must experience the CURRENT DBOG more, simply because it is different than the one I used to play.

    I understand that you wouldn't visit this thread anymore, but I just wanted to apologize for any inconvenience my comments may have caused you. Thank you again for leaving your comments so nicely.

    Have a good one.

    HAHAHAHAHA Wow you are clearly havent reach lvl 70 stay out of conversation mongrel (hehe stole leo's punch line) if you dont know whats being talked about.

    You're mistaken.

    IF a game is really UNbalanced, there must be one single class which can truly beat any player of any class, which is not the case.


    "If A is the case, B is true" is logically identical to "If B is not true, A is not the case."


    Since there is no single class which can truly beat any player of any class, the game is not really unbalanced.

    Please read other's thread a little more carefully before you calling him a mongrel.

    It's the only place where you can pvp, except for rankeds and duels.

    In this matter in particular, it doesn't matter if it's plat, we're talking about stats.

    Why does it not matter? Why are you only talking about plat, excluding rank battles and duels? Plat is NOT the only place but IS just ONE PLACE where one can PvP. I guess you're pissed off about getting killed by one shot by humans (crane, for example) on plat.

    I understand what you are talking about, but I personally don't think one should take it so seriously since they can prove their strength in real PvP contents such as rank battles and duels.

    But, anyway, after reading your thread, it makes more sense to me as to what you were complaining about. No offense, no sarcasm.

    Sorry, I hope this doesn't sound rude but it seems you don't know enough about this game, of it's end game I mean.

    So there is no point for me to keep explaining it when you can just see it by yourself.

    I say this because I read you wrote "...there must be one single class which can truly beat any player of any class, which is not the case", this tells me you haven't experienced end game, that's all.

    If you've reached LV70, go to plat and see other people attacking each other and you'll see. There is no other way to test since the only end game pvp content atm is plat and ranked.

    Sorry, but it is you who don't understand the other's point. Furthermore, you totally ignored what I wrote "IF a game is really UNbalanced..." (that's what you've been arguing) in my thread. That's subjunctive mood. (Google it if you don't know what it means.) Let me make my point clear again.

    (1) You said humans could beat any class so easily. (2) You also said SK was always OP. In addition to that, (3) you agreed that Karma was a PvP machine.

    Let's just ignore all the other classes and talk about these three classes for our discussion.

    If (1) is true, there must be no SK or Karma that can beat human classes. Is that true? NO.

    If (2) is true, your argument (1) has no ground.

    If (3) is true, (1) and (2) have little ground.

    Do you know what I mean?

    Independently, I myself have reached LV70 now and used to enjoy PvP a lot (in the retail server) than you may think.

    I understand the details between DBOG and the old DBO are similar BUT different, but still, I have to say that your assumption and argument are fundamentally illogical. Think about it.

    Humans are currently beating everyone easily and I'm not talking about good humans, I'm talking about people with semi decent gear beating fully +15 geared SKs which are supposed to be crazy tanks, and without crits... if they crit you, it's overkill.

    SKs were always OP in the game. That's just factual. Sure they could be nerfed, but that's another kind of conversation.

    Karma is a pvp machine, doubt anyone argues on that matter.

    And no, the game is not balanced at all. Idk what's your level or if you play pvp, but when you do you realize some classes are broken.

    You should understand that what you are saying is self-contradictory. Humans can beat any class so easily AND SK is OP AND Karma is a PvP machine? And what about Denden? Are you sure you can beat a really good Denden by a chance of over 70 or 80%? Are you sure a semi decent geared human can beat a really good, a full +15 SK all the time? If a game is really unbalanced, there must be one single class which can truly beat any player of any class, which is not the case.

    Some people are saying humans can beat anyone so easily.

    Some people say SK is really hard to beat for any class.

    Some people say Karma is truly #1 in PvP.

    Who is correct? Do you see my point?

    If all of them are saying the truth IN THEIR BELIEF, it only means the game is sort of balanced.

    Make it 1vs1 and there won't b any number of participants problems.

    Makes sense. Recall, however, that the Kid rank battle event that was cancelled a month ago was 1 vs 1. Nurturing a character up to level 29 is not that hard and there must have been many players who were leveling one , but the event ended up failing anyway. That is, as Aru and SHEEN pointed out, more participation and interest from players are needed in order for an event to be successful. That is the most important thing, I guess.

    To clarify:

    1. I agree. But that's what they said. =(

    2. They meant cash LP potion since it has a shorter CD. However, one can buy it with zeni, too. I forgot to mention about an item, party popo, which is basically a cash item.

    3&4. I couldn't agree more.

    I hope players will appreciate your effort to make the event happen although it has been cancelled and taste the joy of having fun.

    What a sad news! I have heard about some complaints about the event, and I want share them with you so that next events can hopefully be more successful.

    1. The reward is not satisfactory.

    2. In order to win, they would have to buy cash items such as LP recovery kits and LP potions.

    When 1 and 2 above are taken into consideration, they seem to think it is the tail wagging the dog.

    3. Not widely advertised in game. Many players, particularly those who don't speak English and use this forum often, do not even know the event would be taken place.

    4. Even many players who know about the event have ended up giving it up because they think they are weak. (You know that there are so many full +15 geared players out there.)

    It must be hard to take all these into consideration and make a better event because it is going to be just a CM event, not a systemized in-game one. I can only hope next event will be more successfully held.

    (1) FOC, not CON, my mistake (Independently, CON IS available for a certain type of glove. it will come out.)

    (2) I don't understand this. Sorry.

    (3) Agreed.

    (4) I've never talked about +15. I only talked about a general motivation for enchantment.

    Given that 1 FOC equals to 0.78 energy offense, if one could have an additional 78 energy offense when geared/buffed with 100 FOC, it will be almost like their weapons are +1 or 2 level stronger than otherwise. That's true. However, I still don't think the increase of offense will change the game in PvP drastically.

    This is not easy to answer. I agree with you that the game would be more fun if it was more skill-based (actually, it is), but basically increasing dmg is a motivation for players to enhance their armours and weapons. Plus, one could have a choice between CON and crit dmg, for example, on their glove. On top of that, a good player will just do what they have done so far in PvP and win anyway, giving zero shit to the change from the update.

    Edit: FOC, not CON, my mistake

    Actually, believe it or not, I once walked on the cloud around Korin Tower. After walking about 50 meters away from the tower, the cloud turned into thousands of tiles each of which had a NTL logo on it. I am sorry that I forgot to screentshot, but it was awesome anyway.

    Sure I WAS playing that korean shit.Can't stop laughing about you, the donators.Keep believing .:D

    The fact that you are visiting this webpage and leaving comments like this proves that the game was not that shitty but had its own good. I enjoyed playing DBO in the Korean server although it was full of downsides.