Posts by Iceman

    yes I know it but some rewards in chinese or korean huh ? know what ? I didn't understand that npc event until now .. :)

    Well yea that event existed before, and it was cool.

    There use to be more events too, I am sure you can find them on youtube, most of players record them.

    Thing is, since token shop is easy, we shouldn't fill it with everything, only add maybe few stuffs and leave it as it is.

    Then in other events add most of suffs we want.

    I saw that someone want to add most of dogis in it.

    I am still up to idea that would be too much, maybe sometime at limited time add few dogis in events in-game kinda as server gift, where you would work for it and get it as reward, like we are getting titles from Title Boss aka Title NPC.

    Game shouldn't be that easy and about tokens for zeni?

    What for? Get pet with mobile sell, get big token inventory and fill it with crap items.

    Each time you sell items you get 30k+ zeni, with hour or soo, you can earn easy 1kk by farming alone.

    Where is legendary items, mudosa accessory, crafted gear and stones?

    It is really to easy to earn zeni in this game, you just need to move yourself and farm.

    I know it is hard to force lazy people to farm, I am one of those, but when you get stuffs you want, you will feel better.


    Yeah this was funny quest item.

    Sadly it was only that, quest item and if you would need to take quests where you need to equip new backpack as TMQ ones, you would need to remove that turtle.

    Still it was cute to have it. I use to call my turtle Rocky xD.

    The problem is that Stuns and other forms of CC don't work like they used to on retail, for exemple QA should last only about 4.2~ seconds instead of 5 against people with high amount of focus, and kidney shot ~5.9 instead of 7, same with shout, confusions, spell lock, etc............

    This is true, still I am not sure how much of focus did reduce stuns, I was aware that it does at least in TW.

    If someone have any info about it, it would be cool to post it.

    Was it 100 focus - 1 sec of CC reduce?

    but after the pre ? man i don't think .. the people will be crazy i sweer ... i mean about the dogi and the stuff isn't that right ?

    like just now i meet people prepare for the beta to make they own sells .. man

    Well I just know that prices sometime are just too high and people complain over it.

    If you don't like prices as that, then be united community and don't buy them if they cost a lot.

    Still there will be always people with a lot of cash who will buy, well no other way is to farm/craft and sell and earn zeni and buy.

    I agree with this dude Tummi at the dogis point.

    and maybe .. but what i mean is something new of all things or something different don't ya think that thing will make sense?

    hey that's look cool !!! what you think about huh ? could be add to the game ? and that event have limit ??

    Check for your self.

    This "Event Manager - Karan" in Kokkara village or similar to Korin Village.

    Click on - Exchange Reward , Event tab and see for yourself.

    dear god maybe it will be for 2000kk or 1000kk at least ! no i'm not pay all this, and I'm good with my red pants and green jacket

    It is really simple, we as community should decide and agree on prices for almost everything.

    Like, if someone selling turtle shell for 1kkk, no one would buy at that price since we all would agree about max price for that item.

    It should be let say 300kk.

    This way, people who needs stuffs, should just wait more until prices drop down a bit but still there will be those players with a lot of zeni, that don't care about it and just want to have it and it is normal.

    dogis / exp scroll / equipment / hmmm anything make our journey easy and cool !!!

    That would make game too easy and it would be boring, don't you think soo?

    I don't know do you guys remember, or at least some of old DBO players should, there was newbie friendly event with Honey and Honey Bees.

    It is kinda similar to Kiri Majins ones, just with this one you could get exp pots buy again newbie blue box to get 15 con rings and such. NPC exist in Kokkara and Korrin, almost near Action house/mail box soo you can check rewards for yourself.

    Equipment - TMQ, UD and crafted is enough and accessory, you gain it from mudosa gambler at almost any level.

    About dogis, I am still up to 1 default look, goku dogi that exist, sunglasses that exist, now just red turtle backpack and white halo.

    If you don't want to look same as everyone, donate and support DBOG or just buy in action house from donators.

    It is gambler.

    Go visit West City in Westland, there are all of mudosa gamblers of any level.

    You can farm mudosa at lvl 50 and get from lvl 70 gambler lvl 70 accessory and prepare for lvl 70 with nice accessory.

    Only reason why props are used by everyone now it is because other stats gives lame effects(at least they think that).

    Dex should give beside physical critic rate and resistance and dodge rate, and base physical attack too a bit as it use too before, and it would be used by physical type classes, while focus would give energy and hitrate and some success rate and base energy attack soo energy type classes would use it.

    While props, would be used mostly by tankers and buffers.

    This was case in DBO TW, since you couldn't see fighter with props there, they would stack only dex, even on panties if they have. lol

    PS: I am not sure that dex or focus buff base increase at all, if someone thinks it does, correct me.

    One more, fighters with props means less dodge and res and easy to hit them same goes for turtles and their hit rate, success and base energy dmg and critic.

    If you want to fix it, just remove critic rates from weapons, and critic classes will need to use this stats to increase critics if they want to critic something.

    Welcome to DBOG. I hope you will enjoy the game and stick around.

    If you face some stuffs that don't work as they should, just gives us some info about it.

    Be aware game is still "work in progress" soo some crazy stuffs may happen.

    If you ever be in need for help, feel free to contact me here or in-game.

    Take care mate.

    Alaina there is easy way for that mate.

    Aria waterfall is 1st one - North East area of Korrin Village Map.

    Other quests could be Hoi Poi mine (Westland map, North East from TMQ4) or UD3.

    The best way for you is to check out with guild mates or if you see me in-game and I will check out with you.


    DOXTEN there are tons of builds for most of classes and there are guides made my most of cool and smart people.

    Just check them out and don't be lazy, not lazy as I am lol.

    Hello, there, soon I saw this, I will give you info what is all about.

    Buffs that raise your HP, or EP, like from Namek Warrior let say, Dark Warrior or Shadow Knight class, buffs like Draconic Protection would heal you if you would buff yourself.

    Let say, you are buffed and someone deals 3k dmg on you, while you have 20k, you will end up at 17k.

    Now when you use buff, while you have that buff, rebuffing, you will heal for ammount of HP that buff gives, such as 1666 if maxed. Simple put, you would heal for 1666.

    About poko thing, if you want full speed again, bring karma with you and you will have your speed back and kaioken speed nerf is right call, game shouldn't be auto attack one.

    About DW, there is one big thread about how DW should be fixed and it will be fixed soon.


    That was a crit solid bleed, burn delt about 856~.

    I'm just gonna leave this here, in the risk of being rude but,

    If you know how to play, you beat cranes, specially as SK... as a crane master i know how to defeat them, and SK is probably one of the best classes to do it.

    Yes, "in the risk of being rude", you call me liar, I would never do that, I would just ask to show me, maybe I didn't saw it or something.

    Plus I am not saying this for SK, since I doubt I will ever play it since kids hate this class soo much that it will be unplayable soon.

    I am just saying that since burn can't be countered by anything, its decrease should be reduced, if not with accessory then duration it's self.

    It is lame 2 classes have soo much benefits as Crane and Karma.

    I will say once again, do something with burns in general since they are too op, bring back Crane's lost in time stun and do something with karma skill lock.

    Cheers mate.

    I test bold on humans right now with lame ass gear, 4k dmg at the best.

    On humans with energy def gear from TMQ 7 ones, dmg of bold is 1-2k.

    Bold is already nerfed and only what makes this skill alive is bleed, and with anti bleed out there, not really usefull.

    Life steal that is physical based skill, ain't working as it should at all.

    That is why SK was called physical + energy based mix and only because can't be one shoted, people cry lel.

    To gear yourself around one skill is, in my opinion, stupid. Also what makes Shadow Knights so special to get a bleed like this while Cranes, despite being their specialty, don't? I don't have as much experience with Shadow Knights as you do I'll say that, but I've seen Bold enough to know it's too powerful for a class designed to tank. Also it's like I said, Shadow Knights have plenty of other powerful options to play with. Fear, three stuns (one which is an AOE while the other is a "GET OVER HERE MAGGOT!"), Life Steal (as you said), Curse, and Hellzone Grenade. Yeah my suggestion would reduce the Shadow Knight's damage output, but it wouldn't reduce their utility capabilities.

    Wear Anti paral + anti fear and you have no problems vs SK's.

    If bold ever get you (mostly it miss), take anti bleed to reduce bleed.

    Soo if you are afraid of 3 sec stun that each time when used reduce duration, then idk...

    I mean at least make DW useful and delete SK, that would be the best.

    Why there is point in this when there is anti bleed accessory?

    And with upgraded e.def gear, you hardly even feel bold.

    Then remove kames from turtles cuz they level up fast cuz of grind...

    What is next, remove life steal, because it heals SK?