Posts by SumTingWong

    I think a combination of both options would be nice. Obviously we have ppl here who play since KR times and can offer a lot of knowledge. So seeing them working together with the DBOG staff on balance etc. would be dope. Could save some trouble before it starts cuz the ppl with the knowledge could like "stop" a planned balance update cuz they think it would just suck xD

    Also what ainttoxic said. There is a high chance of that happening. Some ppl will try to make their main class a little better to gain advantage. And that's why we need a couple of ppl with knowledge, who stop eachother trying to push a class. This would mean they all have to trust eachother. And if someone still tries to push a class to their favor, kick that person out of that group. Easy. Also this would be a voluntary thing. None of that special treatment sh*t. Helping the staff of DBOG to make all the players happy.

    Thought they added them now cuz server will be wiped anyways so some ppl can have some fun for now xD

    Really hope to see them removed forever tho. Delete them completely!

    Actually i'd like to have an official poll from DBOG Staff about this matter. It'll be either gift box only or delete them forever.

    Those tickets just suck.

    For farming on papaya i can suggest you to make Plasma. I mean if you don't wanna be another Turtle xD

    Plasma might not hit op dmg like Turtle does, but it's enough to tank mobs and farm. All you need is 21%LP jacket/pants and max. con on boots (all lvl 70 crafted gear ofc) and upgrade them to like +8 and you can farm easy af with kaioken.

    Also Plasma is nice for party budo. But you need another build to go pvp if you use plasma for pve already. For end game dungeons, karma is more useful cuz of speed. I use my plasma to farm and made a poko for end game sh*t. Easy^^

    The thing with Brown boxes in Pre-OB was: there were too many boxes!

    Really hated seeing them even being a currency . If they don't plan on changing anything about it, i hope it won't get as bad as it is now in OB lol.

    I think decreasing the amount of boxes you can get is a good step. But not sure if it would work out cuz there are enough ppl who cash...and some of them cash a lot xD

    Most extreme option: remove the boxes completely from the game. But this won't happen i guess cuz 1. ppl would cry hard af and 2. DBOG would lose a source of income to keep the server up. Now i haven't read the entire Thread cuz i am too lazy to do so but i hope that there will be a solution to this. I'm gonna be honest, i am a f2p player and sometimes it was annoying that people only wanted to sell their stuff for boxes although i was able to pay in zeni. So i was either forced to buy boxes in order to get what i wanted or eat sh*t xD.

    Missed to buy a lot of good weaps/armor because of boxes being a stronger currency than zeni. And this sucks even more for ppl who don't happen to have much zeni.

    Gotta find a good balance man. The amount of boxes ingame is ridiculous.

    And as i am writing this i just remembered that cashers will get back their cash points and if this thing about boxes won't get changed somehow, we'll end up in the same situation in the OB. <X:thumbdown:

    Ich hab irgendwie keine motivation zu spielen seit ich weiß wann die Open Beta losgeht xD

    Logge mich ab und zu ein für so 5-10 min. dann bin ich aber wieder weg. Das gleiche mit meiner Gilde. Die haben auch keine lust mehr. Aber nach dem Wipe zocke ich wieder aktiv^^

    also with rhytmic trance / super dhytmic trance?? cause that are my main attacks in my build

    should work with super rythmic trance. I don't use e.crit% stuff so i don't know for sure. But it should work. My e.crit rate is too low. I use 12 e.crit rate drums +9 and 12 e.crit rate gloves +8 instead of e.crit% . Would like to try max foc gloves tho... :D

    Plasma is fun. So don't worry. Farming is easy. As i said, get 21%LP/21%LP/28 con eq and upgrade them +8 or higher and weaps +9 or higher. My LP is like 13k and i can farm easy with kaioken to make even more dmg.

    Any other stuff missing other than chests?

    Quests :D:D;(

    Nah for real tho. Why are you saying that the frieza hat dogi was missing? It was never added.

    Can't miss something that was never there :/

    Also i'm sure that Frieza dogi thing would've been added to the game at lvl 80 cap together with Dark Majin Map + some other dogis. It ain't that big of a problem to add them anyways so it's not really important.

    The LvL 33 stone on the other hand...naaaaaah. Keep that sh*t away. The game is easy af. 1-30 is nothing. There is no need for it. If you want another char so bad just lvl him up using multi client in case of you being too lazy to just play the damn game the normal way....

    It's actually easy to get to +8/+9 with only blue stones. I always try that. At +9 i try my luck with green stones. Sometimes using white to protect and sometimes without. Can't really say that white stone affects success rate. It's just luck. For example: I used 2x purple stone without any white stone on a +6 staff. Got 2x +3 and reached +12 easy xD

    When you try to get past +9, from my experience i can tell you that it's annoying as hell man! But it's still possible. After reading about OB yesterday i tried a green stone on my +9 pants on my plasma. Got +12 and since i wanted too much i gave another try (ofc without white stone again) and fell back to +10 which i'm gonna keep now :D

    For grinding/farming you can choose between two options:

    Option 1 (mainstream): You go Turtle. They do lots of dmg at higher lvls with right EQ + SSJ and buffs. Useful for TMQ/UD etc. because of their ridiculous dmg.

    Option 2 (not really mainstream): You got Plasma Majin. I have one and it's easy to farm with. Get like max. LP%/LP%/Con on crafted lvl 70 gear and upgrade them to like +9 and you can farm easily with kaioken. Don't even need Ultimate Majin Buffs. Skills actually look cool and you can go kid buu and spamm aoe too. Only thing is: Kid Buu is walking slow. Not as slow as GN but still slow. Can't dash either. Also Plasma can't hit ridiculous dmg like turtle does with their kamehameha skills. But you can still get 10k+ crit with kaioken.

    Tbh, in OB there will be a ton of turtles. So it's your decision at the end. You wanna go mainstream too or try another class.

    Turtle is the easier way tbh^^

    I'm also crafting much and what i saw so far is that i get way more excellent than before. And this started around the patch to fix kraken entrance pull. I'm sure that this is not bad luck cuz before that patch it was ok. But since that day i get more excellent.

    Got some rare max stats too (sometimes wrong stat on wrong eq tho..bad luck xD) but as you said, i had to craft a lot too to get those.

    I hope this time they will be more aggressive with watching the players ingame. As some ppl already mentioned, once those ppl who duplicate sh*t or know of bugs to get good sh*t easier appear, the OB is bound to be like the thing we got right now. A fail.

    If they see ppl with good sh*t they better check logs or whatever to see if they got it the normal way. If something seems off, delete the item and the char that holds the item. Doesn't matter if casher or not!!!

    LvL cap ain't that important to me tbh. I don't care if cap is 38 or 70. Only thing i care about is that everything works. No bugs or other ways where ppl get sh*t easy or whatever. Also take a look at bacterian and cell-x. You can still go an easy way in those dungeons. I want it like to be old DBO. Where you actually have to work to kill end game sh*t. Look at how empty the dungeon entrances are. In old DBO there were always more than enough ppl. Here most ppl got what they wanted and stay away from it, making it harder for ppl who are still needing things. Also pls do something about those boxes lmao. I mean it's cool that ppl cash to get them and non cashers can get them easy with boss event but the boxes being an ingame currency is wrong!

    I don't care if someone says it's cuz of players. Do something against that. Hard to buy good stuff if ppl only want boxes for them...

    Honestly, i don't care about the lvl cap. Most important thing for me is that all quests work...including papaya. I don't wanna grind again in OB. I'm expecting quests to work this time!

    Ich habe bisher nicht so viele Deutsche Spieler angetroffen. Nur ein paar Leute dich noch von Taiwan S1 kenne.

    Hab zwar eine Deutsche Gilde gesehen aber wie ich hörte sind die nicht so aktiv. Wenn ihr etwas Englisch könnt, sucht euch halt eine von den anderen Gilden aus. Man lernt manchmal korrekte Leute kennen^^

    You either grind to 70 or let someone power lvl you. There is no other way.

    Best time to do both is weekends because of exp bonus. And try to get EXP boosts too. You are a turtle so look for a spot and aoe. You have it easy. Only problem for you could be to find a spot since many ppl farm at weekend and there are these special kind of a*shole ppl who might kill the mobs you tank before you do... xD

    Need them quests....

    You have the quest dragon balls. You can't get ssj with them. Call shenron and you have only one option. You get lvl 20 armor with them. And done.

    To get ssj you have to hunt for them on saturdays only. In German time zone it's 12:00 - 14:00 and then 20:00 - 22:00. Right now not sure about the second time cuz i always log out during db hunt cuz i don't need them xD. Also i'm too lazy to check it out cuz i'm not at home right now xD


    Since i got no luck with boxes so far and since Iceman couldn't drop a staff for me, I am looking for a Dragon Clan Staff lvl 70 with 25% or 26% atk speed. And for a Poko Gem which also should be 25% or 26% atk speed. Both +0 !!!

    What i'm willing to pay:


    25% speed- 1kkk

    26% speed- 1.5kkk


    25% speed- 900kk

    26% speed- 1.5kkk

    Contact me here with a Message if you wanna sell.