Looks like a goddamn rapist.
Nice tho
Looks like a goddamn rapist.
Nice tho
Give crane violent slice
I second this, i don't even do dungeons with other peoples as soloing is so easy anyways (with higher lvl char), but the main reason is dungeons doesn't really feel special, and i believe that adding an exp bonus / member could be a good solution, like 25%/members, starting from 3.
I recommend this for anyone having trouble lvling !
install windows 7
Seriously take these off, and turn the +12 tickets into 1-2 day duration.
Add some valuable loots as well, obviously like brown boxs, HS life pills, autopots, dogi balls, etc...
Back in retail, something i really enjoyed was the christmas theme, which you can preview here :
It was a nice touch that made DBO special back then, and i trully hope that it will be available, next winter.
What do you guys think ?
You better don't if you'll only post dumb things and non logic comments. You only think about the races and classes you use, always crying for nerfing class that you have problem to deal with. (Said by a Moderator) and it is true. We would be better without toxic players.
0 arguing only hate spread, prove my point.
Selfish hypocrisy i see, no point in talking in this forum.
Do you even think before you post comentaries like that?
You tell me why would majins get dash but not great nameks ? as Pure Majins actually deal much higher damages than great nameks ?
And as always, whenever someone else posts you pick on him by bringing up the past.
I will reply to the only one who is apparently mature enough to actually argue,
Sabin Yeah i understand that there is only one winner in these GvG, and budokai is FaZe's since karma got bugfixed :).
But what i meant was, whenever a post is made, one side gets butthurt, and brings the hate (which is understandable, honestly).
Cashalot Might be 'cause i haven't actually won it yet, pretty sure that's what you meant .
I've never seen such a high amount of hypocrisy on a forum before, lol.
Both sides go shit on each others everytime a thread is made, then complain about not being able to brag about a fight without any opponent.
Both do the same, both cry about it, both then say they can't brag in peace.
Your both sides made the forum very toxic for the past few weeks, everyday i come here i see more and more bs posted literally no arguing just trash talking, and of course the staff does nothing about it, it's just like they don't want to bann their friends, or that they don't care that new players come in and see this worse-than-LoL toxicity and childs mentality.
Also why is someone who isn't even playing the game starting drama for his guild ?
Give dash to great namek then, what is this hypocrisy seriously ?
Then give great namek's dash too ?
Ayyy nice advertisment my man
Talking about dogis... Why in the hell isnt songoku motocycle outfit out yet ???
Ah, but you are a terrible envious, you see that you never played an MMORPG, and you sure are millionaire, very good...!!
I don't understand a damn thing you say, you are talking about rewards, and i'm telling you it's a bad idea because people are abusing ranked farming.
It is confusing if it is that way, because for the dots it actually is an increase of the dot's base damages, aka 300 becomes 600 etc.
That's what i mean, people use their friends etc to climb up rank.
There are nobodies who have 150 win streaks like come on.
And staff doesn't do anything.
Problem is people are farming mudosa with their friends, and the staff isn't doing anything about it (even tho they said they would).