Zeni exploit and things alike literally spits on anyone who drops one $ on this game, it is cheating, and deserves permanent bann, not 1 week bann if begging is involved.
Posts by Sendoku
It is sad that you see it this way...
I will not get low to your level just for forum credibility (also because i don't want to get banned).
I just wish that you was that determined when it came to taking care of speedhackers/bug exploiters (hello CeStory zeni exploit unbanned after 1 week)...
Well is not about pve but no matter what
poko can't win vs dende because at the end poko will lose his EP.
crane can't win vs good karma or plasma especially the biggest crane enemy.
crane can win vs fighter or sword only if he is lucky and he can keep distance fight.
turtle can't win vs crane but he have more chance to fight karma or plasma thanks to his paralize and shield lock.
You should know these things, here are worse and better class in some points but every class have something special and is good at something, you can't play crane and kill everyone with one strategy spam.I own everything that isn't Karma so your comment is not valid btw.
Lvl 70 is different tho as damages become much higher, yet my defense will stay the same.
And poko owns dende simply because poko actually has tools for draw... do you even have PvP knowledge and why do you even tag me anyways
Or do something with your life instead of stalking people who are farming DBs...
Gotta be sad knowing i have to do your job despite not having access to dev server...
If anything you should show some respect.
ExaltedGeico base damage is no needed on sub weapon , because it doesnt affect to your attack, it is only impportan wich stats u get on it! so that axe worth a good Price.
Yeah it does affect quite a lot actually, lol.
The physical damage is not DOT,so its not being affected,but funny part,passive description says, by 96% not plus,so it should be 114k damage every 2 secs
It is affected there are many video proofs showing this.
Public Enemy is anything but a support guild. As shown today during our Dojo War the crucial role they played in sealing the victory with us. Without them it would not have been possible to perform as we did. When Public unites with Undisputed on any occasion a real force is made. For those who played POB knows what im talking about, all the months we spent with complete control of the server in all aspects.
All aspects ?
..................... The passive should increase the base dmgs of that spell, and that's what we're talking about here.
118% bonus damage on a 206% base dmg should turn it into 449% dmgs, giving much moe than just 1k additional dmgs.
I tested it myself and those people you're talking about have no idea what they're talking about.
When the bug was getting fixed i was the one doing several tests on each restart not them and i noticed a difference in damage.
I did a test just now, this is the damage with crane presentation mastery level 1:
The damage with crane presentation mastery level 6:
The damage has been done on the same mob, same weapon the only thing i changed was the passive however i noticed that "Increased persisted damage" passive is not being added to skill damage (I will report it)
If you're a shadow knight try full burn defense set.
Wow, so a 96% damage increase = +1k ? yeah... bugged
We've made it that way since 2 or 3 months ago, the client doesn't show the damage increase in green because Daneos made it that way.
You made a ticket about it and i forwarded the issue as a priority and it got fixed.
Try it out when you reset your skills, hit some mobs with DOT damage then upgrade your passives and check the difference, if it's the same let me know.
That is a lie because people who actually test in dev server told me that it wasn't working, and it has been fixed just last patch (but also created bugs).
He's farming DBs for his alts...
It is already fixed, so i guess thread can be closed or deleted~
Sorry, it's too tempting for me, i like exposing cheaters.
Are you a girl ?
I really like the guide from the tw website.
These keep coming lmao.
Dark Warrior needs their EP passive to be changed for crit rate or crit %, something that could make them overcome their damages (my suggestion would be the rework their physical spells which are totally useless)
And to turn the Soul passive into Focus.
It also existed for upgrades, on many games.