Posts by iYamcha

    hi i just started the game on 1.0. does this mean i have to switch to 2.0?

    You decide, server 2.0 is in the testing phase so it still has many bugs, there are events, level 70 etc, server 1.0 is open since 2018, has level 60, and is much more stable, there are also more people playing Personally, I prefer 1.0, in the future the two servers will close to officially open the 2.0 that they are working on, so you decide

    This section is only for 2.0. And Daneos left the project wtf so is the end.

    there is no information about that, it is also not good to lift smoke, administrators have contact with damages, it is better to adapt to the time you need to finish the project and support it, this post is only to inform that server 1.0 is offline at this time

    I don't know why you would expect a decade old game to just stay working on current gen OS or for a small team to be able to not only keep the old version working but maintain and upgrade a future version in a short time iYamcha. It's frankly very entitled and you're free to leave and play something else. But since all you do is whine while seeking validation from other whiners, have at it. Just don't expect anyone of merit to take you seriously.

    Always the person does not know what else to say, they say this kind of thing, but anyway, your comment does not reach the discussion, maybe you are a rat child and you are proud to be, if so, I wish luck in your rat lifestyle.

    Greetings and please you do not comment more here, we want coherent opinions and comments.

    Thanks, iYamcha.

    Oh look, iYamcha is still being an entitled baby.. Colour me shocked.
    As Quvades already mentioned, if you bothered to pay attention there is a long changelog detailing many of the bugfixes and changes delivered in every update. What did you think updates were Yamcha? Just extra padding at the cost of several hundred megabytes of data? This is all a service the DBO team is doing free of charge on a game that was left to die by damn near everyone else and yet every opportunity you're give you complain like a child. Either learn some humility, some patience or learn to be quiet. Your stance is not representative of the wide DBO community by any means.

    You are wrong, my opinion is reflected in many players, it is unacceptable that in 13 months they have made so little progress.

    Greetings boy 17.

    In my opinion, for 13 months without changes in DBOG, administrators should have many things already done, but they have done a terrible job and that is reflected today given the number of bugs, and lack of work in dbo 2.0. We should demand as main, a real launch date, and publish progress made and remaining (example 10% progress for DBO 2.0) since on the part of administrators it is a lack of respect to the community that in this long time (1 year and 1 month) they have done so little.

    "Dragon Ball 2.0 Finished" so is, 1 year and everything remains the same ...

    Hello Community and Administrators, this post is addressed to you.

    Given the large number of bugs, and lack of implementation of important and necessary things in DBOG 2.0, we still do not know why they have not implemented them,

    I want to express my annoyance with you, for about 7 months (October 2018) we are promising great changes, in which today June 2, 2019 is still not ready, and what is even worse still has much to solve ..

    We ask ourselves, what have the administrators done during all 1 year ?, since 1 year and 1 month ago there is no change in the game, it is incredible but everything remains the same.

    It has been 2 months since the "voting" ended, and what is seen on the test server, is now practically the same 2 months ago, only basic bugs have been solved.

    When they add "Flight", when they add pets, when they implement the new cash system, it's incredible but even the problem that freezes every 3-4 seconds is still, how is that possible ?!

    Please enough of promises and expectations that will never happen, let's get this over with.

    We want the day, month and year, the exact date of the official launch to the "New DBO" (and that will be practically the same as today), we want you to publish the progress on the new server and to comply with it.

    Thanks, I hope comments and discuss on this topic.

    También lo recomendaron hace un año y fracasaron!. pero el juego iba bien. dejaron de trabajar, hace 9 meses que no agregaron nada importante es imposible que la gente se mantenga si no hacen nada, ahora bien, llevan 9 meses trabajando para arreglar las cosas, en febrero daneos desmintió toda clase de reseteo por lo que la gran mayoría de las mejoras deben ser posibles de agregar sin tener que resetear, o bien han estado 9 meses trabajando a escondidas, ya que en el 4 mes de la open beta decidieron tirar todo a la basura sin decir nada hasta el dia que empezo esta votación lo cual visto de todas las maneras posibles, es un engaño para todos quienes creyeron en la open beta, un pésimo desempeño por parte de los encargados del juego, una pésima actitud por ocultar información a los miembros de esta comunidad, y por sobretodo estamos votando por algo que ni siquiera hemos probado, para mi y muchos jugadores el reset es totalmente una estupidez, no habrá multicliente siendo que la mayor parte de los usuarios lo usaban, esta encuesta solo favorecerá a la mitad aproximada de la comunidad, por lo que la mitad de la gente se irá del juego, y los servidores están totalmente vacíos tanto lo anterior como por la imposibilidad de usar multicliente.

    pon este mismo comentario en los comentarios de la votacion <3



    este tipo estaba llorando, en la discordia porque él acababa de conseguir a su mascota nivel 3 y la perdería, el hombre simplemente ignoraba a este tipo aburrido y no tocaba, incluso si el simulador ya había ganado.

    I've never used discord, at least invent something good, do not be so stupid


    Lo siento, pero el lado "no borrado" tiene gente que hizo varias cuentas para votar. Estamos casi a la mitad con votos legítimos.

    like on the side of those who voted yes, there are many illegitimate accounts


    If you do not talk about what you think about why it should have been erased, a nice answer will arrive, so try harder, and without being sarcastic, 52% vs 48% and 5 days left, it's totally even, it's an approximate half, in Regarding the information, those who vote wipe, most are people who use the forum and cash payment in the game, not so the users who have never paid and who are not using the forum often


    Puedo garantizar que gasté más de 1 € y puse muchos más esfuerzos en este juego que cualquier otro "Fundador" existente en este juego y aún así elijo un borrado.

    Discriminación . Tu actitud es dura.

    ¿Crees? Puedo asumir que no hay manera de que puedas descubrir quién hizo trampa para obtener +15 y quién consiguió su equipo para +15 de manera legítima. Y esta no es la razón principal por la cual la mayoría quiere una limpieza. No te explicaré por qué, porque de todos modos no lo entenderás.

    I would appreciate it if you could tell us your reasons, because in the voting forum everyone points to the economy in +15, and the articles in level 70. (Do not be so hard on him, it is difficult to ignore the promise of a year ago and that they want to eliminate it).


    If you try to implement new things by overwriting the others you can generate instability...

    Instability is what they will generate to the community if they perform the unwanted deletion by half of the players of this game, and I dare to say that a large percentage of players do not know this information because it is very badly informed, and the forum is unknown because many just enter to play and have fun, nevertheless realized the deletion people will leave, that if it is a real instability

    Si el server esta asi no significa que tenga que haber un reseteo, si el servidor está así es porque desde hace 9 meses que el juego no recibe una actualización importante, y no por eso debería haber un reseteo, esa siempre es la última opción y este no es el caso para hacerlo, ya que perfectamente se puede actualizar sin resetear.

    Recuerdo que en la encuesta Random, Daneos desmintió un reinicio absoluto, cuando el progreso para el nuevo lanzador fue del 93% -96, lo que significa que incluso si no hay reinicio, el nuevo lanzador debe tener aproximadamente el 93% - 96% como mínimo para nuevos proyectos, y no solo agregar nivel 70 como se informa aquí.

    Simply the only thing we need is the new Launcher, with the, The problems security problems, bugs, performance, have even, a big breakthrough for the implementation of future projects, they are solved (which is what is needed most since we are stuck in level 60), therefore I hope that the future levels 65 and 70 are not so far after the update.

    A big mistake was to add level 70 items long before time, delete items of level 70 and return the cash to those who spent on these articles seems reasonable, if everything goes well the articles +15 of level 60 should be devalued because with great hope we expect the new adventures and projects that are level 65 and 70, and there is still the possibility of increasing the level to + 18 / +20 as another possible solution and among many others.

    However, I do not know what to think at this moment other than the deception, yes because 1 year ago they promised not to clean again, it was one of the reasons why MANY players played again and today they destroy it again ..

    On the other hand, and I think that with this I represent the great majority, both those who vote Wipe and NoWipe ..

    We are tired of its ineffectiveness in terms of the security of this game, players who use hack and who took advantage of the bugs to get so many things, yes, but even worse, not being able to control who those people were after what happened and not ban them, that is the only reason why we are currently discussing in this forum, and for that reason many players who returned one year ago, hoping to play again, without ever having a cleanup will be the most affected, im include myself, because it is not fair, who managed to improve to +15, get expensive dogis, get so many things with a lot of effort and dedication, it is not fair that they lose everything, and it is not only the fault of those who, took advantage of the trap at the time , it was also because those who are in charge of the game, did not know how to control in an efficient way in front of those cases, that is more important than anything for this update, have more moderators, people to control and prohibit harshly this type of cases.

    Please join Team #NoWipe if you think in a way that will help everyone, without excluding anyone <3