Posts by Daqjuan James

    You are right some skill needs to be changed to poison like double gut buster to be able to use spirit wave and paralysis without cast speed and from 35m, single target.

    How many times do you need to be told that crane doesn't need a buff or any changes. You've had a GM and 2 mods who played crane and they all said nothing needed to be changed. Stop adding more nonsense to this thread...

    having mained Crane in POB , Cranes Are not fine period.

    They have stupid mistakes with their skill like , no poison DoT in their skill tree even tho they are MASTERS AT DOT! they have to use poison from first tree instead what the hell and u still call them DOT MASTERS?! this is not logical by game standards!

    Mystical crane typhoon( or any other DOT FROM CRANES SKILL TREE) needs to be changed to Poison THIS IS NOT EVEN A BUFF SIMPLY CORRECTING A MISTAKE! before someone yells cranes are fine

    Just because you played doesn't mean you mastered the class. Move on..

    Only issue is crane has literally no counterplay against a karma majin, and this is the same thing for most classes that are not SKs, and, even mussolini (+15 complete gears maximum bonuses) got 2-0 by Flundaa...

    Karmas are hard to fight for every class. SK last longer because of their LP but other classes can have as much or the same amount of edef as a sk with CC90 armor.

    The event was very chaotic 80% of spanish/brassilians didnt even speak english and they spam chat with thier own language or with dice all time i left after 2 minutes, lets not forget about chanel crash kek, this form of "event" is mistake, for next time just take someone who will mute/ban these faggots with animal behaviour, after few bans/mute they will calm.

    You're really racist towards hispanics/brs you need to chill with that shit especially on the forums. It's not their fault that they want to participate but can't speak English fluently.

    Crane requires discipline and training but it's not a super hard class if it's one of the hardest ones. Only funny thing is that they can't use their main dot skills since bleeding accessories are very popular. Other than that I'm not against this nor supporting it, the class is the most unique and fun for sure.

    Last time I was doing ranked battles with my crane it didn't wake them up as long as I didn't mess up by not targeting myself to prevent from auto attacking them.


    To sum up the first paragraph I was saying that I believe Crane's DoT should be based off of Weapon upgrade and should react to defense the same way Bold's bleed does. And that Thousand slashes is fine as it is. 2nd paragraph I was just saying that Crane shouldn't have an ability that automatically gives them RP, and that they're fine as they are in that regard. Finally to summarize the last paragraph I was describing what kind of CC Crane would need if Daneos ever decided to give them one, and how to balance it. Simple enough for ya?

    I like it but would the upgraded weapon make their dots stronger than they already are?

    Im not reading that so I'll just say I disagree

    Bro, please listen you and others crane has a buff called agile armor which is totally useless with the defense rate cap 20%, why we leave it like that useless?

    It needs a change like i said.

    You're reccomending that crane gets that buff changed but you're being biased towards crane because ulti has the exact same shit. Why won't you recommend both classes to get the defense rate changed Instead of one. Also you went from talking about Crane needing a stun to Defense Rate....