Forum Suggestion!

  • (Before you go like "UGH! Who has time to read this!!!!!", actually read it. It is good information)

    I have come up with a good idea for the forums!
    We need a message that informs new players!

    If anyone was around in the days of DBOG forums in 2015, they might recall a HUGE red message that was on top of the forums that stated that the game is still in development stages and that no one should ask questions about the fixes and such.

    Now, I know many of you people have recently, or just a moment ago, stumbled upon a forum thread that asks for help on the Master Quest. This is quite upsetting to me how many times I had to say the same thing to the same group of people. This went something like this: "Use the top right hand corner (Search Function) to answer you question. This has been asked many times". And every time, these people go and actually search and regularly comeback saying "Thanks, I got it fixed" or "The guides didn't answer my question". And then again we have to tell them that they only searched a few things (NOT actually searching) and we are forced to do the search for them!

    So, my idea, although sound a bit mean but very helpful, is to make another one of these big red messages. @Daneos should post a red message that says something along the lines of:
    "This Game is not yet an initial release.
    If you have any questions, use the top right hand corner of the forum. This is a search button. Your questions have likely been asked before and were answered.
    If you have noticed bugs, be sure to add them here. If you find any troubles with the master quest, TMQs, or the TLQs, make sure you use the method above.
    Enjoy your time, be helpful, and play DBOG"

    I know it isn't sugar coated or anything, but it is a basic and helpful idea.

    The Red message was so helpful the time it was used. If someone didn't read it, you can just tell them "Go read the red message!"
    And I swear to you, there were people that didn't read the OBVIOUS red message, but there were only a few!
    This will make the forums much more straight to the point and accurate!
    This is also a way to actually make the forums.....HELPFUL!

  • A lot of people don't read as you said, even if there was a big red message there upon entering the forums, a lot of people would still overlook it thinking it can't possibly pertain to what they have come to the forum to ask. It's a bit harsh to say, but it is also sadly true in a lot of cases.

    But I do think some how the search function needs to be a little more obvious if it's possible. I think a lot of people don't notice it where it's at because usually you are not looking in the top right corner of a page when you come to it.

    I type the same thing to people at least 5 - 10 times a day because 9 times out of 10 the question has already been asked numerous times, with numerous guides pertaining to the question or detailed answers in prior threads that have been made. And again, 9 times out of 10 when then go search and do a bit of reading, they very easily find the answer to the question as there are already guides on most of the commonly asked questions around here such as the adult quest.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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