Stacking curses

  • Well, since it's already december, and christmas then, and everyone is making their own posts (wishes) about DBO issues and then it gets fixed. I wanted to make mine too.

    Since stacking stuns is already fixed, or getting fixed, or better than before, i'd like just to remember @Daneos about stacking DOT's, over and over, about using dot's with no % damage without awaking up the target from Hypnosis, like Dodon Barrage and Double Gut Buster that are just dot's without damage base (debuffs).

    It's close to the same problem, so i guess that if stacking stuns is fixed then you probably know how to fix that little issue now.

    However the first sentence of this post was joking, just a reminder, JUST A REMINDER, because it's not a so common problem because it just affects crane's and other few few classes, so it may pass unobserved. Not trying to be mean, annoying nor impulsive nor claimant.

    Awesome work in short time, keep it up! And thanks!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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