Cash shop points

  • Hey guys! I'm here to talk about a concern of mine about the future open beta update. As we all know once the open beta is ready everyone that have spent real money on cash shop points will get it transferred to their new account. Now my concerns lies here. Everyone remember how daneos changed the prices in the cash shop? dogi's from 50-->100 and hats/helmets from 30-->60, he also changed the amount of points you would get for 5$ from 50-->100coins.

    Now let me paint a scenario for you, to make things more easy to understand.

    If a Player A used let's say 20$ before the update and got 200 cash points and a Player B also used 20$, but after the update and got 400 cash points
    Will now Player A also get 400 cash points transferred or get 200 cash points, because he bought the points when they were worth less?

    Now i don't know if Daneos have made any statements about this, but if there is a link would be appreciated!

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