• I wana suggest to the creators of this wonderful game that i am so damn proud to play just one thing:
    Please can you guys make the SSJ Transformation moore available , i mean it is very frustrating to hit the lvl 40 and not be able to transform in SSJ becouse you don't have quests to collect dragon balls or becouse the mobs don't drop the dragon balls becouse it is available only in the Event Dragon Ball Hunt , i have no issue with the lvl requirement.
    Or to make Quests that when you hit the lvl 40 it will reward you with the 7 Dragon Balls .

    The server right now is in pre-open so this suggestion should be available only in pre-open .

  • B4.DA.$$
    I am perfectly fine with what you say what i mean is to make moore available to acchieve , imagine this scenario:
    If you hit the lvl 40 and you just missed the Dragon Ball Hunt event wich is already hard to collect all the 7 dragon balls in just 1 weekend you have to wait 1 or even 2 weeks to colect them and that is just very frustrating .
    I suggest to make them available 1 time when you just hit lvl 40 in some quest so if you miss the Dragon Ball Event you won't have to wait 1 or even 2 Weeks to collect them and not even that is guranted that you will colect them.
    I mean the server is still in Pre-Open and this is can be only in Pre-Open suggestion .
    Or to make 1 Reword like the box that keep given us items kinda like that you have from the start of the game but to make it to give you the 7 dragon balls 1 time so you can wish for the SSJ transformation.

  • in retail (old dbo) there was 2 ways to get ssj transform one was permanent via 7 dragonball collection and the other was using ssj pots (temporary)
    personally I think having transformations as a wish is perfectly fine, makes searching for the dragonballs very meaning ful.

    maybe make transformations pots avabile via questing before 40 might mitigate this problem

  • I am perfectly fine with the ideea of searching them, but in that case they should make them available to Players that just hit the lvl 40 and when they collect all 7 Dragon Balls they won't be able to search them any moore , only in Dragon Ball Hunt Event.

  • Well, that's why people HUNT.

    If everyone could just get their super form when they hit level 40, that would be too easy!
    You're giving players free time for no reason, when you want to actually make people put time into the games.

    Also, if everyone is the same, it won't be cool :(

  • I agree with you
    but don't you think that if you miss the dragon ball hunt event you will have to wait 1 week to be able to collecte them i mean commom man the server is just in pre-open and i said this suggestion should be only in pre-open , or to make the event moore frequently not just 1 times per week, is just ludicrous to wait that long .
    Or to make the event 1 time per day or at least 1 time in 2 days.
    And the other problem here is that we don't even know when the event is holding or how long so i can easily miss the event :/:/:/:(:(:(

  • I agree with you
    but don't you think that if you miss the dragon ball hunt event you will have to wait 1 week to be able to collecte them i mean commom man the server is just in pre-open and i said this suggestion should be only in pre-open , or to make the event moore frequently not just 1 times per week, is just ludicrous to wait that long .
    Or to make the event 1 time per day or at least 1 time in 2 days.
    And the other problem here is that we don't even know when the event is holding or how long so i can easily miss the event :/:/:/:(:(:(

    I have to disagree, one reason to have pre open is to learn how to play the game before the final release

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