SSJ 3 for female and male please anyone
[Mod Request] SSJ 3 for female and male
Not possible and not happening.
Not possible and not happening.
Ain't nobody got time for that
Ain't nobody got time for that
but it's Cool right ?
For sure, I would love it that mod was possible lol
it's impossible for regular users to do it i believe is what they mean. You'd need to find a program that lets you open and edit the specific type of model files this game runs from.
Also when you change files like this it will likely mess up sync with the server and when you run it the game won't let you play as the core files are different to those it should be and overwrite them anyway.
Excuse this but what kind of comparison is breathing on relation to modding foreign and old files on an internet game? People literally fall out of their mothers hoo-hars knowing how to breath. i'd love for you to find me someone who flew into this world knowing how to code and re-model computer programming.
Of course it's possible, I hate when people say that many things impossible. Perhaps breathing is impossible? Anyway, It's possible , just no one is willing to waste time on that.
Those a re simple and easy changes. You just change the hue of the image file and it's done.
This is about opening and editing an in-game Model that you'll need to apply fixed hit boxes and boundaries on to as well asn correct model points that line up with the code of the players hitbox in relation to the server files.
In reality things of this magnitude can only be done by daneos.
Well i didn't say anyone can do it. You need to understand it, but i've seen people making mods that change Super Saiyan hair color for starters. No, regular players can't, unless they really want to and try to learn.
Daneos would never do that. He's a bit picky when it comes to the core files.
I put examples of models with and without
to open models (.DFF) of the DBO, a rare form or a program is needed. Which can not be found (the prosesos that are in internert do not work). -
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