Hight Level ,Upgrade [GM]

  • Dragon Ball Online is now a casual game that is just SSJ1 and if you compared this game with any new dragon ball game you will see this game is just a boring game

    okey we can use moding to change super saiyan like rose and blue and its beautiful but the proplem is the power and LP and EP its never like dragon ball in anime or any game series mybe the stronger one have 400k or 300k lvl power and there is many player have this power just when he get lvl 70 and upgrade his weapon and armor

    just think in it if this game will never upgrade and update , this game will be boring much then before i think the first step to make it better is broken all the number like :

    Break the Max level to 100 or just 80 you dont need to make quest to level up <training so hard making the game better

    and Break LP and EP because i see in pvp the battle is boring its done in 30s or 1m

    and its boring to take a help from nameak in pvp i think its just good with boss

    i hope you upgrade this game just break the number<3:saint:

  • Hello,

    I understand your point and I would love nothing more than being able to push DBO's boundaries...
    However, we do have to be realistic:

    1. DBO is an old game and cannot / shouldn't be compared to new DB franchise games.

    2. DBO G as a project still has to deal with issues that need balance just to have a better game at the current lvl cap available. You can confirm this by checking out the forum latest content.

    3. More X or more Y isn't as simple as it sounds (or as you portray it). Any small change can and usually has a big impact on how other stats interact and can lead to imbalance in no time.

    We do work on improving the game: just try to adjust your horizon and I guarantee you'll enjoy it more.

    For your information here is a FAQ regarding the up and coming Open Beta Launch:

    Dragon Ball Online Global Open Beta 2018 FAQ


    Aru :dpeace:

  • A very mature way to answer a question or a suggestion without foundation. There is no doubt that you are a GM. Keep up the good work dude. :)

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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