Does anyone have a build for a mighty majin that exists only to buff my main? Also master class pls

Mighty Majin
ultimate or plasma and just max ur buffs
Does anyone have a build for a mighty majin that exists only to buff my main? Also master class pls
yes. ultimate or chef?
whichever one is better for buffing humans, (i'd say ultimate)
look. this guild is full buff but have two attake because if you dont have party or partener need some attake…0000006150533104335501100
you can change Dynnamite Horn and the other for the attake of kid buu or other buff
(i put the sping of master class but need a lot of CD)
whichever one is better for buffing humans, (i'd say ultimate)
At the current lvl cap Ultimate is better than Chef
look. this guild is full buff but have two attake because if you dont have party or partener need some attake
you can change Dynnamite Horn and the other for the attake of kid buu or other buff
(i put the sping of master class but need a lot of CD)
Not bad build, but the current lvl cap is lvl 45, I would go with something like THIS
IMO Kid buu is better for farm
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