Were Cranes further nerfed or is this a bug?

  • So this is how 1 thousand slash works.

    It explodes current dot damage by the % said in the skill + (158 + base energy damage + Fan energy Damage ) [This base damage is decreased by defense, while the explosion is not]

    So let's say MCT ( Mystical Crane Typhoon ) at lv cap 55 does 716 dot per tick with RP. It means 100% of that Dot damage is 716*16 = 11456

    On Retail and POB the skill was 70% dot explosion, so in that case the explosion would do 716*15( 1 less dot since it's impossible to avoid this due to the skill lengthy animation)*0,7 + ( 158 + 530[using a whatever fan]) that should range between 7.7k - 8k

    The skill was then balanced ( as noted in the new description in game ) to 40%

    Meaning with the new damage the skill should hit 716*15*0,4 + (158+530) = between 4.5k-4.9k.

    But here is the thing, the skill isn't hitting that, in fact this is the number that came up for me 3.5k-3.8k , which is an explosion of 30%.

    Now my doubt is , was the skill further nerfed or is this a bug? Also why isn't the skill saying the correct information on its description( It still says 70%)?

    Could any dev have a look at it, also could other cranes also confirm an explosion of 30% instead of 40% ( that would help a lot ).

    Thanks in advance.

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