Hi, I am a returning player from around the fall of 2018. I made a character called G1ngka in the summer of 2018, and I cannot find him now. The account logs in fine, but the actual character is gone. Is there any way to recover him?
Old Character Deleted
Hey Master Chief,
Unfortunately no, there's no way to recover the character, but I can bring you some gifts to help boost you back up. My predecessor wiped all the characters in 2018, I believe.
Hey Verdant, that’s weird. My older character survived but is level 30. I would appreciate some gifts! My new character is xGingka!! Thanks btw
o meu tambem foi excluido, e voltou para o nivel 1 " tarkuns"
Hello guys. Add me discord " MrJesusCristo" i can help you two
Thank you MrJesusCristo!
i had an account just yesterday under the same name im using now and for some reason the whole data base deleted my account? i had a lvl 17 namekian named SnailTrail
Hey LoganzNutz,
It is highly unlikely your account has been deleted. The character SnailTrail still exists.
i just cant login, it keeps saying i need to varify my information
That means you are entering an incorrect username or password, or that you are opening with DBOG.exe instead of DBOGLauncher.exe. You have to open the game with DBOGLauncher.exe.
Hi, I am a returning player and i was around since day 0, i enter to download the game and saw that my characters are level 1. Could someone help me ? Thanks!!!
Hi, I am a returning player and i was around since day 0, i enter to download the game and saw that my characters are level 1. Could someone help me ? Thanks!!!
Hey WildMonkey,
There was a wipe a few years ago and all characters went back to level 1. You should have a kit in your inventory to help you level back up quickly though!
Hi I have this similar problem too one of my Lvl 1 characters is still in the game (because he is still guild leader of my guild) but i can't find him on my account.
I also wanted to know if anyone knew how I can prove it's my character. Thanks for helping me out !! -
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