I have decided to return to game. When I got in resolution was very low so I have change it to my default Windows resolution that is 1920x1200 but as soon i have change it, half of mine screen got cut off. Now when I try to log in to return it as it was, I cant because i cant see half of screen and that means I cant click log in in my character screen. I only see character and nothing more. Can you help me with this issue?
Resolution problem - cant log in
Edit. After reinstalling the game I have concluded that problem is not the resolution but full screen mode. When I turn off windowed mode, display is zoomed and part of screen cant be shown. I want to play in full screen but i cant. Furthermore, no matter what resolution setting I make, when I restart the game, there is no resolution displayed in window mode, and changing it doesnt change anything (I have to exit game out in window mode, or I wont be able to log in again because half of screen where login button should be cannot be seen and login cant be clicked if I exit game in "full screen" and I dont want to reinstall the game again). Can I play in full screen? Is this issue solvable?
Hey BojanSimonovic,
In the user folder in the game's directory, do you see a file called SystemEnv?
Yes, and making window mode false creates the same problem. On other hand changing it to true solve the issue with zoomed display and that I cant log in, but its window mode, and I still want to play in full screen mode and I cant. I have given more information here Resolution problem
When you say full screen mode, what do you mean? There's no borderless full screen mode for the game yet.
When I say full screen I think about windowed mode turned off. That is full screen. I know this worked before, but now few years later, I cant play in full screen. Part of screen is cut off. Check the screen shot and topic that I linked in my previous reply.
There hasn't ever been a full screen without window for this game, as far as I know.
Are you sure you're setting the proper monitor resolution in the game?
Yes. And it doesnt matter what resolution I pick nothing changes if windowed mode is turned off. It always looks the same, half of screen is missing, and changing resolution dont affect nothing. And I played this game few years before. Yes turning of windowed mode made it full screen. If you dont believe me, then why should windowed mode turning off option exist in the first place? And turning off windowed more and then exiting game makes next login screen like this:
And in that screen you cant press start or login button to get in. I had to reinstall the game to fix this issue every time until I read someone post about SystemEnv file and that I can make windowed option back on (in order to be able to log in)... You see why this could be the issue with other players leaving, that dont want to bother this much as me? I found others have same issue online, and some proposed to download 3rd party program that makes all windowed games which for some reason cant go full screen, a "borderless windowed". Idk should I do this. But what I do know is that currently turning off windowed mode doesnt work for me and some other people too. And windowed mode is really annoying.
Do you have discord? Maybe I can help if you screen share
Yes. Currently I cant do it now, but maybe later this day. I will leave message here.
Yes. Currently I cant do it now, but maybe later this day. I will leave message here.
Okay! I'm heading to bed soon but I should be able to help tomorrow.
Hi I have exactly the same problem.
Did you find any solution please?
I don't believe he ever messaged me, which leads me to believe he either fixed it on his own or gave up, haha. If you want to message me on discord we can look at it though.
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