So I'm not exactly a new player, as I used to play the game with a friend a couple of years back. I sadly had to stop because IRL became hectic at the time, but I'm now back and ready to enjoy every aspect that's offered! I've always been a huge fan of Dragon Ball, with the original show being my favorite part, so I decided to make a brand new character that I'll build as close to Goku as possible (not looks), and follow the journey he took.
At some point, I'll be making a roleplay guild for those who enjoy such, so we can create some fun and interesting stories together

Approved the thread. -
Welcome back Orach! Have fun playing.
Welcome back Orach! Have fun playing.
Thank you!
And I'm absolutely enjoying the changes so far, very well made!
That's great! We had to make a lot of compromises to get where we are because of technical limitations, but the game's slowly starting to take shape.
Welcome back
Hey, If U wanna make champ with someone together let me know. I created dragon clan and then dende priest but solo is hard.
Hey, If U wanna make champ with someone together let me know. I created dragon clan and then dende priest but solo is hard.
I'm always up for adding people as friends, that's for sure! But in terms of guild, I'm in the process of making a roleplay one, which I'll try to use for player-made quests and such!
I already have a minor campaign I'm working on exactly for that, where my character will drag whoever joins around the map, with flavor text and stuff! Of course lore friendly to the universe and all \o/
I'm always up for adding people as friends, that's for sure! But in terms of guild, I'm in the process of making a roleplay one, which I'll try to use for player-made quests and such!
I already have a minor campaign I'm working on exactly for that, where my character will drag whoever joins around the map, with flavor text and stuff! Of course lore friendly to the universe and all \o/
so that means u make questes ? now everyone makes just grinding and ud ;/ I'd like to make questes with somebody as dende
if u want we can. just write your name on discord here on prive please
Have fun guys!
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