womp womp
What is the version number displayed at the bottom right of your launcher?
Helloo.... im also have this problem..... i just download this game yesterday and install it...
Now i already patching about 1 full day with estimation patch speed of 1-2mb/sec, and it shows me version of 1.0.8926
Does anyone have patch files to download somewhere else please.....
because its too slow and too long from version 1.0 to recent version of 1.6.9
Hey sinyosky,
You have mistaken the launcher version for the game version, these are separate. 1.0.8926 is the latest version of the launcher, for now. If your game is taking that long to download, you may want to check out Common Installation Issues.
Hello verdant, really thanks and appreciate for your guides....
but i seems cant found anything helpful to solve my problems....
I just wish if theres any external patch files to download, usually in that way my internet can download faster than game launcher....
because i dont know how much time again i must wait, until this patch will finished....
if theres any other recommendations would means a lot for me... because i really want to play this game...
Hello verdant, really thanks and appreciate for your guides....
but i seems cant found anything helpful to solve my problems....
I just wish if theres any external patch files to download, usually in that way my internet can download faster than game launcher....
because i dont know how much time again i must wait, until this patch will finished....
if theres any other recommendations would means a lot for me... because i really want to play this game...
The only files missing from the links right now are about 50mb. If your launcher is downloading all day, it is very likely that something else is wrong. That's why I sent those guides. What is your launcher version?
Yes thats why i thought too.... i think this is the 3rd day i turn on my pc 24 hours just to patching this game....
and even with its showing 1-2mb speed, strangely after 3 days patching its still not complete.... -__-
My launcher version is: 1.0.8926.29922
Yes thats why i thought too.... i think this is the 3rd day i turn on my pc 24 hours just to patching this game....
and even with its showing 1-2mb speed, strangely after 3 days patching its still not complete.... -__-
My launcher version is: 1.0.8926.29922
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Ahh finally i figured it out.... now i can play the game... hahaa....
The problem is i install at external ssd, after i install at pc regular hdd is working good....
Only waiting about 10 minutes patching and it done....
Thanks verdant for your guide & help....
Ahh finally i figured it out.... now i can play the game... hahaa....
The problem is i install at external ssd, after i install at pc regular hdd is working good....
Only waiting about 10 minutes patching and it done....
Thanks verdant for your guide & help....
No problem buddy! Yes, game doesn't like external drives, haha. Have fun!
Good evening, I hope you could help me, I'm trying to enter the game but I can't log in and my problem is the same as Sinyosky, help me solve my problem please
Hey ThiagoLDG,
Are you opening the game with DBOG.exe or DBOGLauncher.exe?
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