[EN] Patch Notes - 2024-07-28 - Summer Patch!

  • Hey Everyone,

    We're back with a quick patch and the Summer Event! There's nothing too juicy here, as we've been working mostly on 2.0. Progress is coming along nicely, and we're hoping to have a build we can show you soon, but keep in mind that our goal with all this work is to make a bug free, stable client that works as close as possible to the way the current client does. With that in mind, nothing we show off is going to be particularly interesting because it will (hopefully) look exactly like a slightly more stable, malleable, optimized version of the client you are currently using.

    • Summer Event has begun again! Fight beach balls and beach coolers and trade the Borgors and HETAPs to Fuuba in Korin Village for summer rewards!
    • Fiend Prince, Desert Sheriff, and Desert Mechanic cosmetics added to Fuuba's shop, along with the new Marine and Straw Hat cosmetics.
    • Marine Uniforms, Marine Captain Uniforms, Marine Hats, and Straw Hat First Mate cosmetics added to the Cash Shop and Event Machine.
    • Tokens can no longer be obtained by party members further than 100m from the party leader.
    • NPC and Mob render distance increased greatly.
    • Render distance in Red Pants HQ Ruins decreased by 50%.
    • Adventure Pass level limits returned to 10 levels above the minimum.
    • Attempts to register more than 200 total recipes will now fail.

    • Fixed a bug allowing players to purchase multiple Adventure Passes at once.
    • Fixed a bug making the game's RNG too predictable.

    We hope you enjoy the new outfits and the Summer Event! We're hard at work on 2.0 and once we have the new client and it's stable, we'll be able to make all kinds of new content for you all. As always, thank you for playing and supporting us, and we'll see you in game!

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