Server Development Update/GP Decay Feedback

  • Hey Everyone,

    As some of you know, when we started our server we refunded all the Global Points that had ever been spent, and then some. About a year ago, we proposed a cash shop point change back to the original prices to help get through the old points, but that hasn't had quite the effect we were hoping for. You can read more about that here:

    Cash Shop Point Change?

    As it stands now though, it would take around another four years before we finally get through the old Global Points. For reference, we've gotten through about 60% of them in the past four years. That's also about the amount of them that we actually see donations for each month, which comes out to a fairly low percentage of each dollar you donate. The server in general mostly breaks even or makes a small profit that I squirrel away to help players with medical bills, food costs etc. The rest of the cost I subsidize by having two other jobs on top of DBOG development, in a nutshell.

    The reason I bring all this up is not to make you panic. The server is fine, and will be fine for the foreseeable future. What I want to know is whether or not you'd support some form of Global Point decay on accounts that have never donated, or outright removal. I'll be dropping off a poll on our discord ( to see if you guys would support something like that. If we could get far enough ahead by wiping out some of the old points or decaying them, I might be able to quit one of these other jobs and speed up our development a bit.

    As we've moved into 2.0 development and as we'll be moving beyond that soon, the problems we have to solve and the systems we have to develop are going to become more complex and time consuming. I'm not so sure it's a great idea to keep the old Global Points around for that, as it's going to take me much longer to develop those kinds of systems while working two other jobs. On top of that, the day to day maintenance of the game is going to start taking me longer for reasons that will become apparent in the next year or two.

    If you could, just let me know your feedback here in this thread, and in the poll I'll be making on discord, to see what we can do moving forward to hopefully help speed up our development a bit. As always, thanks for playing and supporting us!

  • Verdant

    Approved the thread.
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