Ultima movement speed bug, ITEMS ADVANCED PASS bug

  • 1-------------I'll tell you about two bugs. First, there's a bug where Ultima's rotation doesn't hit when the movement speed exceeds a certain %. It's probably a bug where the location doesn't match because it's too fast. After equipping Ultima with a movement speed of cc150 and various item movement speeds, if you receive karma's movement speed buff and rotate, the hit won't happen.

    2--------------The second is the advance pass item. This item is for users who start from lap 1, but it's impossible for a user in lap 1 to have 15,000 netpoints. But I don't understand what the intention is for making this untradeable.

  • Hey cncinc,

    1. This one's on my to do list! I've known about it for a bit now, just had other things to work on.

    2. The Advance Pass is not for level 1 characters at the beginning, for people who wish to return to level 1 and experience the game over again with extra rewards. It is a bit of a mixture of a battle pass, and what other games call a rebirth or new game plus mechanic. It's not tradable so that players don't just trade it to a higher level character and open it for rewards. Have fun playing!

  • MR Verdant. I am so grateful for your hard work. I really don't know how to express my gratitude.

    The only thing I would like to ask you is about the current scout quest. There are so many complaints about this. First and second, I think that there needs to be a lot of users. No matter how good or great a game is, it is useless if there are no users. I am not asking you to get rid of the scout quest. Please adjust it to reduce it or find another way. I beg you.

    Once again, thank you so much for your hard work.

    From a true user who loves DRAGONBALL.

  • i means scouter care system ------------------

    There are usually around 100 concurrent users now. Who uses an automatic system to DBO? Absolutely no one.

    I am also against automatic systems, but USER is absolutely necessary now. Please, please consider this.

    Even if I do nothing and just look around the market, TEST will pop up, and it is also fun to have fun talking to people while going to the CC150 floor, but this SCOUT CARE comes up so often that people find it the most inconvenient.

    It is true that I also keep hesitating to log in because of this. SO SO PLEASE CONSIDER THIS PLEASE

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